
CRank: 5Score: 15290

You would know about whores and how cheap they are wouldn't you?

4948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny. When the SP was being criticized most people here claimed the multiplayer was the main part of the game. Now that the multiplayer numbers are disputing the sales figures of the fanboy hopefuls, we are getting an influx of comments like yours saying they haven't played online yet because of the SP. Who are you people trying to kid? The SP is 5-7 hours long.

4948d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

It is, yes it is

4948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol @7,452 comments. Sorry baka but he's right and pretty much owned you on that

4948d ago 10 agree15 disagreeView comment

WTH!! Day ONE!! This is awesome

4948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would, wouldn't I?

4948d ago 6 agree26 disagreeView comment

Lol its easy to sound like a tough guy when you're sitting in a basement at home...just look at half the comments that will be posted here

4948d ago 115 agree43 disagreeView comment

Thats a first...why would they do that? Too much demand maybe?

4948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just don't invite Microsoft again unless they guarantee they'll be showing new unannounced games

4948d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Price cut huh? I don't see it happening, what with all the lawsuits...when LG wins the case and starts asking for royalties for every ps3 sold, they are gonna need to have some left over to pay their staff

4949d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

Oooh oooh oooh, do one about broken records please

Aaaah. Sequel not as great as the first one. Just didn't make any sense. Hey, you'll always have broken clocks one though

4949d ago 0 agree22 disagreeView comment

Lol oh please. I swear you guys would say this about ANY franchise if Microsoft bought the rights to it.
What?? Uncharted? That series never really mattered to me, too much cinematic gameplay
What?? Metal Gear? That series never really mattered to me, not enough gameplay
What?? Grand Theft Auto? That series never mattered to me, too violent and overrated and realistic.
What?? *insert popular series here* that series never mattered to me, too much *insert wh...

4949d ago 10 agree25 disagreeView comment

Yes it did sink, sunk with about 4.5 million copies. More copies than uncharted 2 which released at the same time.

@below. At the same place that Forza was mentioned...?

4950d ago 10 agree54 disagreeView comment

UC3 hasn't released yet. . .just sayin

4950d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

Here are some numbers for you. Dead Space 2, shipped 3 million. Sold 1.3 million so far. 1.7 million still not sold. More than half the shipment.
CG ain't saying they are burying them, but shipping does not equal sales, there are probably a million or so copies still not bought. Do you really believe it sold 6.7 million in 6 weeks like they claim? To consumers? Come on man

4950d ago 2 agree37 disagreeView comment

The Law: you have no idea how it works
@below. Well at least I know my rights and one of them is the right to spend my money as I please as long as it does not break any laws. Funding somebody's legal fees(even if he broke the law) =/= breaking any laws
Another right that I know very well is my freedom of speech right, ie my bubbles. I can use them as I see fit(until a mod decides I'm abusing them, which I probably am but hey, its a friday, live a lil)

4951d ago 23 agree35 disagreeView comment

Maybe ps3 business isn't doing too well and now they plan on making the bulk of their revenue thru suing sprees. Talk about Intimidation Frenzy!!
With LG breathing down their necks and clamping down on ps3 sales, they gotta make money somehow.
@blackburn, so those 100 000 ps3's that are in lockdown, have they been sold or are they being clamped down?? Whats that? They've been clamped down? Oh, so what you're saying is that LG have clamped down on 100k units ...

4951d ago 11 agree45 disagreeView comment

Lol lol lol. Sony planning to sue everybody that visited his site? They must have ALOT of money to waste. I'll make it easy for you SONY, I visited his site...frequently! What now?

4951d ago 15 agree44 disagreeView comment

Hackers have already found a work around. . .yesterday.

4951d ago 20 agree41 disagreeView comment

Why couldn't this be a 3rd person shooter? I can almost guarantee that it would make much more of an impact that way

4952d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment