
CRank: 5Score: 11440

I have a gaming PC close to the one in the article, but am in the middle of Phantom Hourglass on the DS. We aren't all elitists you know :)

3985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love PC gaming, but you have to be prepared to tinker and troubleshoot issues that can come up so it's not for everyone. I know people who can't locate the control panel in Windows so for them a plug and play console will be better.

Each to their own.

3985d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes, an addon to the first topdown game. An updated 3d version would be great. I doubt they would do it though as it wouldn't generate as much interest in the US.


4024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shame, I'ld love a GTA London.

4024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of the best games I have played. Picked it up on GOG a couple of years ago for the PC and loved it.

It's from 1997 but I don't think anything has topped it in creating the impression that you are immersed in another world.

4025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC gaming isn't dying.
Console gaming isn't dying.

Enough of these silly articles.

4039d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dear Esther did quite well on the PC for what it was: 750,000 copies. I bought it and was looking forward to this, but I'm sure it will appear on PC further down the line.

Oh well, there's still Amnesia: Machine for Pigs coming out soon which is made by thechineseroom and Frictional.

4052d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Consoles and PCs both have great exclusives (Civilization, Settlers and Anno are the ones I play the most on PC, but I love Nintendo games as well). Let's just acknowledge people like different things and leave it at that!

4056d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kiddy games? What drugs are you on? Nintendo make some of the best games around for all ages. If you can't enjoy the likes of Zelda, Mario, Pikmin and so on because there's no gore or swearing you don't have a soul!

And this is coming from someone who loves PC gaming as well (hundreds of hours in CiV and Planetside 2).

4056d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep - I play Rifleman exclusively and there is something incredibly satisfying about shooting someone from over 150 yards with one shot and them going down like a sack of potatoes :)

A great game.

4073d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you are into WW2 games give Red Orchestra 2 a go which is set in and around Stalingrad. It's had an expansion recently set in the Pacific, Rising Storm.

4073d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meatgrinder maps like this are part of the reason I gave up on BF3 and won't be buying this.

Planetside 2 is much better.

4080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Might be some truth to it. I was a huge pirate years ago when I didn't earn very much (not that this is a justification by the way), but I have since bought most of the games that I pirated and enjoyed and have a Steam library of 100+ games.

You can't tar all of them with the same brush, but on the other side there will always be those who will never pay for games.

4096d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm primarily a PC gamer and the only consoles that are in anyway interesting and not just stripped down PCs are by Nintendo. PC for cross-platforms, strategy games and to crank all the dials up to 11; Nintendo for Zelda, Mario, Pikmin and so on.

The best of both worlds!

But I can understand why some people can't be bothered with PCs. I've just finished putting mine back together after the shitty water cooler for the CPU leaked over everything an...

4096d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. Why isn't the realistic blue-tinted supernova present in the Arma pics?

4098d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Coming from BF3 on the PC which had just that unless the maps are a lot bigger it will just be one gigantic cluster fuck that gets boring after a while.

4105d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yep, after what they have done to Battlefield, Sim City and Dead Space it's best to start from the position that it will be watered down rubbish that's not a patch on the original.

4105d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Meh, up to individual tastes really.

I'm into tinkering every little thing and love pushing graphics as far as they can go so have a gaming PC, but also have a 3DS for Nintendo exclusives. All the systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

For example my CPU water cooler sprang a leak a few weeks ago and took out the PSU, motherboard and my (very expensive) GPU! Thankfully I was able to get everything replaced through the warranty, but I'm sure...

4109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Depends where you fight. If you go into the Biolabs or bases where infantry are streaming from Sunderers in all directions it can feel like that. I'm more into staying back a bit as support in a tank or flanking the zerg and shooting the dumb bastards from behind as they look about not knowing where the fire's coming from :)

4122d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Logisitcs and pitting people with controllers against those with keyboards and mice wouldn't be the fairest!

It doesn't really matter though as I'm sure it will be great on the PS4. I've put 250 hours+ into the PC version and it demolishes the likes of Battlefied.

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'Maybe but if people want it then they should implement it, maybe they should give the controller players the advant...

4122d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment