CRank: 5Score: 17270

General Electrics next generation disc technology is the future

5130d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

im going to ignore this shit too >>>(COD BlackOps) just like mw2.

Im happy with ARMA 2 and Op Flashpoint DR

i pass

waiting on the new Ghost Recon.

5131d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Funny how some people around here bragged that this was just exclusive to PC and PS3.

Well i own PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 and i really dont see the reason to play an mmo on a console because if that is the reason you own a console you are a damn moron.

PC is the right place to play an mmo.

There is a looooooooooooot of MMO's to choose FREE to Play and monthly fee mmo's.

TERA looks more promising than this. 5131d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

in my opinion

in ten years handhelds are going to dominate the video game market

and yessss!!! the consoles are going to die!!!!


In time you will call Nintendo



Release Date?

5131d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

"in a year or two MS will decided to bring out a remote like the Wii-mote or Move"

mmm nah wait 5-6 months for that

best way form them to get some cash is

that the launch kinect then wait for summer and launch optional controllers that way kinect look less expensive and like i said OPTIONAL

5131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

now that is multiplatform...

the game suck

5132d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The Most Bad Ass prequel to a trilogy of video games!

5132d ago 7 agree20 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the Halo games Bungie.


5132d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

you guys bashed Forza 3 before been released for some minor glitchs and now that glitches have been shown on gt5 you guys call it just a minor problem and come with the excuse of "Yeah it is an ugly bug but at the same time the game does not come out till November so there is still time for improvement"

well 3 words for all of you(PS3+GT posers) and a ban for me.


Oh i am really proud to be ban because of this.

5132d ago 10 agree23 disagreeView comment

I bet that Sony is behind the PSJailbreak and now they are banning to sell more console.

See fanboys goes both ways.

5132d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment
5133d ago

well if Gamespot say so... right?

LOL! "Gamespot the Racing Simulators Magazine" LOL!

Its not a sim

Its not a Real Simulator

have never been a real sim

but you all keep falling because of the lies.

Just like this...

fake tv ad?

5133d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

So who is the king of delays? GT5 or Duke Nukem?

5133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Do you know how you can tell that a game is going to be something special? When it starts with a tutorial telling you how to piss into a urinal."

1st day (PC)

5133d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

How much microsoft paid them? i mean this is not an industry or business. Video Games industry is La La Land where developers makes the game for free because they love us and the console makers are the one who put prices on the games and take all the money for them while video games developers starves.

WHY?! WHY!? is this happening!!!! WHY?!!! Waaaaaaa!!! Waaaaaa!!!

5133d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


5134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment



5134d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MAC for : 3D, Graphic Designs and Music

PC: Video Games & 3D

5134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I think this is great news...
I'm happy if Kotick and crew don't want the PS3 to be affiliated with their annual braindead rehash"

Im not a fan of Call of Duty and i dont really care about sales but you are right there is a huge quantity of millions braindead followers behind Call of Duty MW2 and only 900,000 fans of MAG so far.

So yup the world is fuck up!

5134d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

F1 2010: 9

they gave the game a 9!!!


because they gave the game a 9

omg! omg! omg! im going to buy it because they gave the game a 9

i mean that is a high score compare to other games right?

I have no idea how good the game is or if the game is sim or not but just because the game have a 9 im going to buy it anyway.

Does this game have great graphics? ...

5134d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment