CRank: 5Score: 17270

"ohh and btw, i personally would welcome a "New World Order" (sounds scary to you i know, but WHY? there's nothing in these words that mean anything even remotely evil). the current order sucks, the rich have been getting exponentially richer for centuries, raping and pillaging the earth, while the poor stay poor. a new order that's a bit more fair would be nice!"

----------------------------- ---------
When ignorance reign life is lost.

NO i don't believe the world its going to end at 2010.

But hey listen to this and tell me this guy was crazy:

mmm... is that why he got kill? because he ignored them and expose them?

Watch the movie "13Days"...

5461d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Is War fun?

5461d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah they give him that "prize" because the reality is that who he really is have been exposed.


Is Obama a Pr...

5461d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

Can we call Gran Turismo Series a racing simulation game? Yes we can but what we cant call it is the Best Racing Simulation game in consoles.

This is how you overhype this game: "Gran Turismo 5 looks Better Than Reality"

Come on people take your fan glasses away and open your eyes to reality.
What do you gain by lying here? when every true Racing Sim Hardcore fan that play games on PC/Consoles knows the truth that the most closer racing sim game in a ...

5464d ago 6 agree32 disagreeView comment

This guy is funny and full of B.S. because only old Xbox 360 make loud sound. Only old Xbox360 have the disease of RROD and DVD's on Xbox360 hold to 8gb.

This is why this site is just morphing from N4G to N4PSG.

I really don't get it because disk scratching happen when you move your console or your damn disc its full of dirt and guess what the Xbox 360 wont recognize the data and hold the disk from spinning.

I am a real gamer because i play games in ever...

5467d ago 2 agree18 disagreeView comment

The female version of HHG... so what?! are you going to bash her too?

If you dont like HHG or her why dont you b_tches just walk away?

Come on stop b_tching b_tches because nobody is forcing you to see a video from her or HHG Show.

If you dont like the video...

Come on?! she cant express her opinion on youtube and get po...

5468d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on guys... to say that NFS Shift is better than Forza 3 shows how small your brain is and how much Sony brand owns your azz and that you don't have common sense so please cut the B.S.

I played NFS Shift and GOD!!!!! that game suck azz!

5468d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

NO more like

- Dangerous Innovation -

5469d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The same way when a biased PS3 "gamer" show up in Xbox 360 News to bring their games to the "Gamer Zone".

See that is why many hate this site and PS3 Fans in the web.

5473d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment


5473d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I find it funny that devs are using shills in forums. Nothing wrong with that."

-Yup nothing wrong with that because that happens here.

@ callahan091.18 -

But this Turn 10 tactic is operating under the guise of anonymity. They go out and implant people into the world wide web and try to change the public opinion by making us believe that regular people, fans even, are out there saying this stuff and really meaning it. But it's not fans, it's n...

5473d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Wipeout HD and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue have much better visuals in almost every single way"

Come on please.

5474d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

"I'm more of a car enthusiast and prefer more cars"

More cars is just more options and don't make the game better than the others. Forza 3 Car list is enough but if you want more trade them on live with your friends you dont need Gold subscription to trade cars on Forza 2 so if your friend buy it on auction house he can sell it or give it to you. Do i need 20 different Toyota supra or 20 celica's to race in the game? All i need are the best in each category and what i...

5475d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Well i consider myself a neutral gamer in all this console war B.S. and in my humble opinion some ""gamers"" "here are just Pro certain Console only fan no matter what instead of judging things for what they are (GAMES).

IMHO GTP looks nice and beautiful but also Forza3. I played both GTP and Forza3 and the way and direction Forza 3 Turn 10 is taking i like it more than Polyphony Digitals with GT series.

Come on seriously Forza3 is not that b...

5475d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know why some here are complaining about this new character in my opinion they are just hatin but THAT! its what i want for xmas... a SEXY B!TCH!

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They mention a "Tune Shop" in GT5 but i am a little worried about the tuning in this game.

"only 170 models will have interior view"

Wow O_O --that is so stupid and i have the feeling that this game simulation is not going to better than what Forza3 is going to bring I love GT Prologe but when compared to Forza 2 tuning mmm i dont know but im getting an Xbox360 for Forza3 this xmas.

5475d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Damn i just post a true fact 11 hours ago (1.18 - "Retailers Struggle to Keep Up with PS3 Slim Demand") and because of that i end up with a loooooottt of disagrees. Its just my opinion of something i witness and not them so why they disagree when i said " (((I))) find difficult". I never said (((THEM))) find difficult.

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Comparing Shift vs Forza3 and say Shift is Better is just stupid. Forza3 is more of a simulator than what Shift is and trust me is not a sim. IMHO i believe that one of the things you must not do while racing in real life is take a time looking inside your vehicle while taking corners. Why the need to look down when you know when and how to shift?

5475d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment


Not in the Best Buy, GameStop, EB Games and Babbages Stores at 10 minutes from where i live.

I came from the mall like 50 minutes ago and i saw a lot of PS3 SLIM at the shelves. For example at Best Buy i saw 30 and a friend told me they have 100 more in the back of the store. I really find difficult to believe this "Retailers Struggle to Keep Up with PS3 Slim Demand" news.

5476d ago 1 agree26 disagreeView comment