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CRank: 5Score: 21760

I love this game but man its gets to be huge BS when you play vs a bought deck. I suggest reading up on cards/combos, seeing feeds and than going into 'The Arena'. At least its all chance there, unlike Rank.


3890d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You'll get it eventually, marketing team just needs to tease out the finer details first before unloading the big stuff.

3890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DICE making a commitment to the fans to make this game functional is for the best in the long haul. They save face and are able to get these bugs out of the way now before they use this engine for their next game.

3890d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know I saw the trailer and thought, "This looks like an interesting idea." Its a full on survival game with one clear enemy type but an environment that presents its on puzzle in the act of survival.

3891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone on a podcast said it best, 'If you take this deal, your pretty much prostituting yourself for Microsoft.'

Your signing to give their opinion, rather than free to give your own. Even if you hate/dislike/apathetic toward anything they do, your going to have to say its good/great/love it.

Even if your fans never find out you signed the deal, your pretty much killing your on spirit as a free artist/journalist/persona. All for a paycheck that Mirc...

3891d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's wanted to move on for a long time, even after Gears of War, he has had an itch to make different types of games. It just happened that they needed it him on Gears of War and he's been in the industry long enough, that having such a big project in his hands like Gears of War, was something he couldn't walk away from without giving it his all first.

Glad he's such a different personality than what people perceive him as, he's a lot friendly too and has ...

3891d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

'Steampunk' Gears of War!!!

Who's with me?

Sir Marcus Fenix of York, "Hold on gents, While I place water into my Lancelot!"


3891d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a hot deal, World War Z is a good movie and Dead Rising 3 is a good game (maybe the best game one the Xbox One right now).

Would really recommend this to anyone who was going to get Dead Rising 3, that has been on the fence about it.

3891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Put a ring on it, so to speak.


3891d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I think people tend to neglect the points that are in my favor"


@ Quote from Sammy777

12 compute units

768 shader units

2 ACE/16 queues


18 compute units

1152 shader units

8 A...

3891d ago 13 agree8 disagreeView comment

I had a feeling this was the announcement, Microsoft is very predictable but hey, "Go with what works" and Gears Works. The Gears franchise was a staple for the Xbox 360 brand and if it flew the coup this generation, the Xbone would be boned.


Congrats to Epic for making a truck load of money.

3891d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Funny enough but original was the first to turn me over to the world of great RPG's. I played a few here and there, but once I played this one I was into the genre, hook line and sinker.


3891d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even with the GPU release, I feel like Microsoft will eventually release a Kinect-less Xbox One to compete harder.

The "Arcade" version possibly.

3891d ago 27 agree4 disagreeView comment

That it does, releasing a new console would more than likely cause a huge backlash for Nintendo, even if its handled with the utmost care.

The general public who own the Wii U see it as the next generation console, if you release another, you'll betray them. They won't be happy to pay $300+ dollars again in such a short time frame.

3891d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Stable Connection to Host (Server) or Unstable Connection from Selected Host (Player), you look at those two on paper and you have to know which one is better.

You have to be a money saving big wig to saddle people with the latter

3892d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is one named Trophy?

Click Achievement in the Stanley Parable was the best thing ever!

3892d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Murdered: Soul Suspect" would be mine. Its more a Thriller/Horror but something about that game looks intriguing, plus I hope there is a puzzle element to the afterlife investigation.

3892d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed, really can't blame something like this on one person. Companies don't work that way.

3892d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same, I dug around and now I'm hyped for this game.

What I've found indicates a skilled combat game with the 3 men versus 1 monster. Each monster is unique and evolves over the length of the hunt and that each hunter has his own unique play style/gear.

Gonna be a nice change of pace for an FPS.

3892d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looking like enough 1080p 3rd party games being made now that Microsoft can't easily go in and tell them to make them equal on both consoles.

Really why should the PS4 be nerfed for another consoles short comings?


3892d ago 31 agree6 disagreeView comment