CRank: 5Score: 132550

@badz149 - You could say it's Dark Souls 4 the same way could argue TLOU was just an apocalyptic Uncharted. You can literally dismiss any game with that arguement. "Horizon is just Far Cry with Robot Dinosaurs". "Battlefield is just Call of Duty with bigger maps." I'm still not sure you got the point.

You've lost me there... Mario 64 revolutionised gaming, it was hardly comparable to the 2D ones. Though it's not as big an evolution, Elden...

940d ago 20 agree8 disagreeView comment

@badz149 - You... Managed to miss the entire point. I made a comparable quote to Elda's comment to show how ludicrous I think it was. I don't actually believe what's in quote I made.

940d ago 23 agree9 disagreeView comment

"The Last of Us is alright, it's basically just Uncharted with a new name & zombies."

Let's not act like a proper open world isn't a huge step for the series, especially when it's as well made as it is.

940d ago 31 agree19 disagreeView comment

Let's not act as though Demon's Souls has anywhere near the same scale as Elden Ring. The PS5 version isn't entirely smooth in the larger areas, hopefully they'll do something about it, but it isn't bad.

941d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

He didn't make you read the article. How will one article made a week before the game's launch hinder your enjoyment?

949d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

He's even less suited to Jak than he is for Drake. I really don't understand the obsession with Tom Holland. And if we're going to get more Jak, surely we get another game instead... This feels like a slap in the face.

956d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm gonna heavily disagree with that.

970d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Echoes of the Eye was arguably better than any full game last year.

982d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've replied to the guys above, same answer here... But my phone is fairly recent, I don't think it's a screen issue.

985d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not colourblind, I've shown a few different people these pictures in person and they all said it looks dark blue. I've played around with the settings on my phone, didn't make a difference.

The red does not look blood red lol. It looks nice don't get me wrong, but I own it and it looks dark pink, and again other people agreed with this. I saw a Reddit post where people came to the same conclusion too.

985d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, I've shown a few other people these pictures today now that you brought it up, everyone said it looks dark blue. The colour difference is irrelevant, the actual blue one is bright blue. Maybe it could be the lighting, but that promotional space picture makes it look more vividly purple.

I own the cosmic red one. That's more debatable, but again everyone I've shown has said it looks like a dark pink. Compared to other red controllers, it certainly sticks out....

985d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Galactic purple looks blue, cosmic red looks pink... Not a fan of the naming for these controllers.

986d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

I liked Demon's Souls, but what took up 500 hours? 7 simple playthroughs wouldn't take half that

989d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's an any means speed run. There'll be another category that excludes these exploits.

991d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

I swear cosmic red is just a different shade of pink. The new colours are nice, I'm just hoping they make a PS1 themed controller.

992d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great news, Mortal Shell next please

1010d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@magog - There weren't any Jak & Daxter games after the PS2 & PSP (not counting the remasters). Jak 1 is possibly my favourite 3D platformer of all time, but the sequels went heavier on combat and driving. Ratchet And Clank is usually a great hybrid of action and platforming, but it doesn't excel at platforming on it's own.

@badz - Same as above. Ratchet has more than serviceable platforming, but it wouldn't carry the game on its own. A Crack in Time...

1011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah but find me a better 3D platformer on the PS3 and PS4 than Psychonauts 2. There's just some things that were done better back then.

1012d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

The story was good until it ended on a cliff hanger, I wouldn't call it incredible. The gameplay was dreadful. I would like to see an improved sequel however.

1013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Psychonauts 2 is getting shafted in the awards. The Game Awards even seemed to drop the best platformer category, despite listing it before the show, which it would have been the frontrunner for.

1016d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment