
CRank: 6Score: 75950


i agree with what you are saying, which is why i dont believe sony or any company should have the throne. i like to pride myself of being level headed and far from a fanyboy, even though i prefer my ps3

i have a ps3
i have a xbox 360
i used to have a wii

5516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah there has almost always been one player who has wiped the floor with the competition. not so now- even when nintendo has more sales, where are the games? whereas ms and sony are almost neck and neck right now i love it.

last gen i had a ps2 and an xbox, and just about the only game i played on xbox was halo, it was soo lopsided then now ms is actually trying
and forcing sony to try

5516d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well on occasion yes, but i have a original 60 (now 500) so new ps3s not having bc doesnt really apply to me.

to be honest though the last ps2 game i played was god of war 2, and that was almost a year ago..

5516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"What does this all mean for Microsoft and Nintendo? It means that Sony is taking their belt off and stretching to hand out ass whippings."

thats pretty much sums it up, sony is playing ball now- will nintendo and microsoft pick up their bats?

5516d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


i dont disagree with you there, but based on all the windows 7 previews/reviews they might have smartened up

5516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


i disagree, sony or any company for that matter should never be in the position they were in with the ps1/2 they got arrogant and look what happened to the begining of the ps3s life. same thing happened to nintendo in the 90s and look what happened to them.

personally i cant wait for nintendo to fall again- i hate this casual crap nintendo needs to come back to its roots

5516d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

thats what i was saying, forget the slim im getting that table for my deck!!!


5516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cause oh, no you cant you know buy hd cables somewhere, no cant do that who would think of that, heresy i say!

5517d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

those failure rates are inflated though, the sample for the survey are hardcore gamers, and normal ppl dont game nearly as much so therefore its less likely that they will have a failing console

5517d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"hi im a ps3"
"hi im a xbox"
lol they could do add ons, rrod, e67(is that what it is?), exclusives, bluray, etc.

it would be awesome

5517d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

judging by your comments foxgod, im going to assume you are less than inteligent

5517d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ deadreckoning

the slim is 120 gigs, and has wifi and bluray which the xbox has neither and cant ever have bluray, and can you provide a link for the 160 elite?- not that i dont believe you but ill be a little pissed seeing as i just bought mine recently

300= ps3 slim 120, free online, not closed when it comes to peripherals (hdd, headset, keyboard, etc.) reliable

400= xbox 360 120/160?, 100 wifi adapter 50/yr online no bluray, closed peripherals (ms on...

5517d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ahem, covenant hdmi is an all digital signal so there is no signal degredation unlike what happens with analog connections :vga, composite, component, and coax. so its stupid to buy expensive hdmi cables expecting better picture because whether you spend 200 or 3 dollars on one it will produce the same picture. although 200 dollar ones should be of higher quality and be able to take abuse.


oh no! no hd cables.....god the world will now end. big deal hdmi cables can be had for 10 bucks or less online, and you dont need special sony or microsoft ones

5517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i like the idea of having the game connected to and in the eve universe and that eve players have to contact dust players to complete stuff thats so cool.

5517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

jonny, i have to disagree with you about the controllers, no one has had a problem with the ps controller (which has only seen minor changes) until the xbox 360 which i find stupid- they are almost the same!(f it was so broken dont you think that ppl would have complained before the 360 was out?) the only differences are the triggers, placement of the left analog stick, top of the analog sticks, and girth (the xbox 360 controller is filled out more) and they are actually nearly the same size(...

5517d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow, that seems a little far fetched if you ask me, but even so it has me worried, i just bought a resident evil elite 2 months ago - i think its a jasper (can someone confirm this for me?) i thought microsoft was finally getting the rrod under control......

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so whoever disagreed with me thinks im lying and i dont want mass effect 2 and that im not playing the first one and that i dont own both an xbox and ps3?!

didnt realize i was lying...... glad you could tell me that.

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

chrisnick, you can download most of your games as many times as you want on up to 5 ps3s- not just 5 times. just thought youd want to know

Edit- next time i should look further down a thread just to make sure i dont just repeat someone else....

5519d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i refuse to read this article for fear of loosing some iq points

5519d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment