
CRank: 5Score: 17830

well, congrats on your decision...any specific reason? i know you were quite a big backer of the ps3 so i am just curious why you are abandoning the ps3 (i ma assuming from your comment you are selling your ps3?)

6236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this thing is a seperate accessory?? what ever happened to having it integrated into the ps3? now people actually have to pay additional for an accessory to have the ps3 funciton as a pvr?? sux!

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok, so if ps3 beat the 360 in july by 130,000 units worldwide,AFTER the ps3 pricecut, and BEFORE the 360 pricecut, do you really have ANY confidence that the ps3 is going to outsell the 360 in august??? think about it logically....seriously......

6240d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i say this every single time someone posts ebay "sales" numbers...they are absolutely USELESS...ebay is NOT a retailer, and a majority of the consoles sold on ebay are USED, and the ones that are new are being sold by individuals who bought them at a store with a coupon or something, adn are turnign around to sell them again, which means that there is almost ZERO change in the actual user base numbers for the consoles....ebay sales numbers are USELESS.

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i must say, that when i first saw screenshots of Halo3 a few months back, i thought it didn't have as great of graphics as i was expecting from the franchise game for the xbox...but these new screenshots are absolutely amazing. the ones with the rolling clouds look fantastic, along with the water shots and sand also...just goes to show how people really need to wait until a game is closer to it's release date to see how it will look

6242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the problem with the statment about the controls being better is kind of biased though. the article clearly states that they are used to the PS controllers and DMC on the playstation, so OBVIOUSLY they are going to like the controls of the PS3 better....does anyone else realize this simple fact???

it would be similar if an xbox exclusive game had gone over to the ps3, and people saying that the xbox controls felt better over the ps3 version of the game....well, duh! when poep...

6242d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

so if we didn't even notice this in the demo, then why are people making such a fuss of it all of a sudden? im sure it will be easily fixed through a patch, but if not, people didn't even notice anything about it and played through the demo saying it was the greatest game they played, and now that someone mentions this, all of a sudden people are like "man, now i am not gonna buy this game"...kind of lame...

6244d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol bubble for you!

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what r you talking about??? YOU are the DUMBA$$ because microsoft is not phasing out the core...it is still the core, they are now adding arcade games to it....go jump off the sony lemmings mountain because all you sony sheep keep pointing fingers at microsoft, but when sony is doing the EXACT same thing as microsoft, you seem to claim stupidity and follow along like blind lemmings....pathetic...

6244d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

what do you call it when the ps3 does the EXACT same thing? last time i checked, the ps3 came out wiht a 20gb and 60 gb version...now it is 60gb and 80gb...plus there is a starter pack version....both companies are trying SIMILIAR approaches in order to grab some of the momentum and potential buyers of the Wii..

6244d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

and how many ps3 sku's do you need? there is (was) the 20gb ps3, the 60gb ps3, the 80gb ps3, the "starter pack" ps3, and how many more will we see bundled during the holidays? you have no logic in your argument...

6244d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

well, you can always buy a working 20gb drive from ebay for like $50, put that in the box when you exchange, transfer all your stuff to the elite, and then sell your other 20gb harddrive on ebay for the same $50 and be done with it.

6245d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why does anyone care about the 2008 lineup for microsoft when the 2007 lineup is absolutely amazing?? i'm sure once the holiday season rolls around, microsoft will begin announcing what they have in store for 2008, but so far, the rest of 2007 is a gamers dream for the 360....i am starting to get tired of all the complaints that microsoft didn't show anything in regards to 2008 at E3, when they are delivering incredible AAA titles right now in 2007....do you really think they have no good ti...

6245d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

just buy a defective 20gb harddrive from ebay and put that in the box when you exchange your 360 for an elite. then when you get home, order the migration cable from microsoft (make sure you have the serial number from your regular 360 written down). you can then transfer all your stuff to the elite, and then sell your working 20gb harddrive on ebay, along with your migration cable....this way, you reduce the cost of the elite for yourself

6245d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

have you even played the demo or own a 360???

6245d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

you know what the funny thing is? remember after E3 everyone was giving microsoft a hard time for only focusing on the games they were releasing for this year and not talking about games in development for 2008? well, i think we can clearly see that there really is no need to look forward to next year when we have the best games coming out right now on the 360!! and once 2007 is over, that is when microsoft will show us what is in store for 2008....as an xbox360 gamer, i am in gaming heave...

6248d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

great statement.....bubble for you!

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

um, can somebody say "crazy mob action" when the doors open first thing in the morning of the Bioshock release at CC? lol

6248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is too funny because i have read through the comments here and have noticed over and over again the same thing we see all the time. when the ps3 price drop came and the ps3 shot up in sales, and surpassed the sales of the 360 for one month, EVERY single sony fanboy made comments like "the juggernaut has finally been awaken!! look out 360, here comes the ps3!!".....and now that the 360 price dropped and it once again is selling more than the ps3, sony fanboys are saying "...

6250d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

i finally played the demo of this game last night, having little expectations for it, and i was really surprised how much i liked the game. it felt similar to the way Final Fantasy VII was when i first played it, so now i am really looking forward to getting this game. if the 360 starts pumping out similar games like this in the future, then i will be one happy gamer...not many people like traditions RPG's, so this one is a bit different, but stull an RPG at heart

6251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment