
CRank: 6Score: 37430

So far, this game is not really looking anything like Prey 1 was at all.

4829d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

R3 is looking really good. Looks very polished. That extra year of development and polishing for R3 did wonders for Insomniac.
Really hope that this turns out good.

4829d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

This review sucks. I don't get why they got a person who hates playing Dynasty Warriors games. I mean, all he does is Complain and give it a low score. This does nothing for Fans who enjoy the DW series.

Can IGN get a person who at least understands that people do enjoy these games and at least explain to in details what people who like the DW series to expect or how well it executes in what the DW Series are known for? How about Sam Bishop? At least that IGN guy give the...

4830d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really doubt it, but it would be nice if the PS3 version was one of their priorities. Activision probably wouldn't care though considering COD will still sell.

4830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too many Shooters in today's market, It's a shame too considering that people are still buying Call of Duty games or would rather just wait til the next Call of duty game.

4830d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

FFXIII was a good Jrpg, Has a very good battle system. In terms of FF Standards though, quite disappointing especially in story. Here's hoping FFXIII-2 will be good. More looking forward to FFXIII Versus though.

4830d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think they should of just made another RE: Outbreak game, but Here's hoping this will be good. But considering it's Slant Six, I'll keep my expectations at a minimum. Their last game, Socom Confrontation, was a disappointment.

4835d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

People say that Sony hated Gabe Newell and Valve but look how that turned out.

I'm pretty sure Sony as a company likes Cliffy B, more importantly Epic. I mean most of the current gen games out there run on Epic's Unreal Engine 3 so its good to hear that Epic already has Unreal Engine 3 support for NGP.

4835d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think if there is an MGS5, then I think NGP support is probably abound But a PS3 exclusive? Maybe, but I don't think we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves.

I mean, I thought MGS: Rising is gonna be PS3 exclusive but that was announced multiplatform at MS E3 conference. That and it's possible that Kojima isn't even making MGS5. That tease for MGS5 was actually MGS Illustrations to Support Japan.

4836d ago 5 agree38 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I dunno why some people hate him so much other than his ridiculous headlines but other than that the dude's cool, he's basically another gamer just like us. So It's good to see gaming industry embracing this guy.

4837d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

You know what still amazes me?
It's the fact that 19. (PS3)The Last Remnant is still on the list.

4838d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I'll wait for more games like Legend of Zelda: OoT & Kid Icarus before I get one.

4842d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hoping one of those announcements is Dark Cloud 3 and a US release date for Ni no Kuni.

4842d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too many issues, Mainly with people struggling to connect to a game.

Honestly, this is disappointing. Worse, is the fact that this releases next week. Smh
Maybe, Crytek, You should of released a beta earlier for PS3 than releasing it a week before it actually releases.

4843d ago 63 agree4 disagreeView comment

I found Killzone 3's environment beautiful, Mainly because of Killzone 3's art direction which is just fantastic in that it really delivers that war, gritty, desperation theme which You know, What Killzone 3 is all about and not about a world with bright colors n stuff.

4843d ago 18 agree4 disagreeView comment

He better not be talking about the beta cause that beta sucked. And If he's means the final build, well that better perform better than the beta cause so it's underwhelming. So much for "Yeah, Were pushing PS3 to its limits". Smh.

4844d ago 26 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol, Its like they knew someone was gonna try to leak the trophy list.

But Seriously though, I hope we don't get another "get 10,000 kills in ranked matches"

4844d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

It wouldn't surprise me if the Xbox360 version fares better than the ps3 version considering much of crisis 2's attention was the Xbox360 version. I mean they waited to show the PS3 version at GDC 2011. That's like a month before release. And the only game that I know that did that was Bayonetta and look how that turned out.

If they were really pushing the PS3 like they said they were then why didn't just show both Xbox360 and PS3 version at last year's E3...

4844d ago 25 agree8 disagreeView comment

I don't mind if he favors 360 over PS3, I mean it's his opinion, but I will mind if Rage does not end up being equal on both platforms especially on the PS3.

4845d ago 52 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think I'll wait for this game to drop. Only intrested in campaign so its dissappointing to hear that one can beat in 5 hours or so.

4845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment