
CRank: 5Score: 20570

and to think that one of the motion gaming devices had a 500 million dollar campaign and the other did not

and to think that one of the motion gaming devices has hardcore games out and upcoming and the other has none

and to think that one of the motion gaming devices has perfect accuracy and no noticiable lag and the other has lag and limited accuracy

and to think that one of the motion gaming devices kept all the promises made when it ...

4951d ago 26 agree5 disagreeView comment

bla, bla, bla, blu ray will flop, PS3 will flop, killzone/heavy rain will flop, Move will flop, bla, bla

they so badly want to hurt the PS3 that in the end all they do is free advertising for it

4951d ago 43 agree8 disagreeView comment

without joking for a moment one thing I'd like to say:

this is clearly an extension of all the hate Sony and the PS3 received since the console was released, but for us who visit sites like this everyday this might seem like an important factor on the sales

but that's not true at all, all their hate and lies couldn't stop the PS3 from overcoming an 8 million sale head start from the 360 even releasing at 600 dollars

they don...

4957d ago 30 agree5 disagreeView comment

hey, could you please stop talking about all the gaystation games, I wanted info on upcoming exclusives for my mighty 360, games like, um, gears 3 and um...the next Halo spin off

4957d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

they're right, GT5 should've been a FPS with action adventure elements and a bit of strategy, like a mixture of Bioshock and Brutal Legend

4957d ago 24 agree0 disagreeView comment

with Infamous 2, Twisted Metal, Killzone 3, Little Big Planet 2, Sorcery, The Last Guardian, Socom 4, Resistance 3, Motorstorm 3, Virtua Tennis 4, PS Move Heroes and the ICO/SOTC coming out on 2011 it seems highly unlikely that Sony will release Uncharted 3 next year

4958d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


4961d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

it's Sly 4

that or the Final Fantasy 7 remake

4961d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

really, Sony, come on, too many games

4961d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe it'll be useful to sort out gamers

in the sense that casuals posing as hardcore will just go with Kinect and leave multiplayer games free of campers, quietters, cheaters, annoying screming morons and the like

4962d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment


maybe you can give it to a girl you like and then use it to spy on her bedroom, I can't think of any use for gaming though

4962d ago 23 agree7 disagreeView comment

the lack of super mario galaxy 2 (IGN gave it 100) makes this list irrelevant, if you don’t have a Wii or didn’t play that game you should excuse yourself of passing judgement on this year’s GOTY candidates

and because of the terrible quality of its single player and graphics Halo Reach should not be on the list

except for that very obvious and stupid omission the rest of the list is OK

4962d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

THE UNCHARTED 1 PICTURE IS NOT FROM THE GAME, Drake never wore that red and white shirt

it's from the 2006 E3 demo, the game looks a lot better, in fact it looks better than any game on the 360, exclusive or multiplatform

4963d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

I never said Move is useless for gaming, I have it and it's great, RE5 gold edition, MAG and HEavy Rain work great with it

and when I said Kinect is useless for gaming I meant core gaming

the Wii and Move can be use for core gaming and casual, but Kinect is only for casual

no matter how hard MS tries to change the definition what it's commonly known as "core gaming" Kinect will NEVER feature a game worthy of competitiv...

4963d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I played a lot with Move when it came out, I completed RE5 gold edition, Heavy Rain and the Table Tennis from Sport Champions

now it's on hold waiting for Little Big Planet 2, Killzone 3, Sorcery and more

on the other hand Kinect has no future other than small variations of what there's already available

4963d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's just beyond my understanding how anyone who calls himself a core gamer could've possibly think that Kinect could be useful for gaming unless they're a brainwashed xbot

I got a feeling that most real gamers reaction to reading this would be:

"well, duh, what did you expect?"

4963d ago 42 agree7 disagreeView comment

@The Maxx

so? a demo for GT5 sold almost as much as the "most anticipated game of the year"

if the prologue sold 5 million, how many copies do think the actual game will sell?

try to figure out that number and then tell me if GT5 is not more anticipated than Halo Reach and Black Ops put together

4963d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

they're a joke

the "knit fanboy communities" that are they only ones anticipating GT5 must be pretty big if a glorified demo for the game sold more than Halo Reach

4963d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

in other news PS2 is still best selling console of Africa

worldwide the best selling is the Wii, followed by the PS3

the 360 is dead last, where it deserves to be for dumping its hardcore base in favor of infants and housewives

4964d ago 16 agree9 disagreeView comment

2008 Metal Gear Solid 4
2009 Uncharted 2
2010 Gran Turismo 5
2011 The Last Guardian
2012 Agent

4969d ago 59 agree23 disagreeView comment