
CRank: 5Score: 20570

there was an aritcle a couple of days ago that said that only nathan fillion and jason bateman were asked to audition

I really hope fillion gets it, he's cap reynolds is legendary by now

5466d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment is also saying that Agent will be released on february 2010

that is just complete bullshit, they saw the news from E3 and they just randomly assigned a date for the game

many sites do that to say that and any gamer could make an "educated" guess that it might come out for the holidays 2010 or early 2011

but saying that Agent will be released in 7 months is to know nothing about games

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


5474d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

gran turismo PSP will be release on october 1th, that's almost two months before GT5 rumored date and it makes sense

announcing it for this year at the E3 would've taken the spotlight from "lesser" games like ratchet and clank, fat princess and demon's souls, GT5 needs no advertisement

the lead designer said that's they can release it anytime they want

this rumor has been around for a couple of days and so far Sony only said that the date is y...

5474d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

we know that MAG, uncharted 2, ninja gaiden sigma 2, demon's souls and ratchet and clank are coming out this year

sony confirmed that games like heavy rain, god of war 3 and WKC that we hoped might make it this year are coming out on 2010

the only game that they haven't confirmed that it comes out next year is Gran Turismo 5

if they knew for sure that it won't be released this year they would've said already

I think by the time of the E3 the...

5474d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

isn't the TGS in november? I doubt they'll announced the relase date a few days before the date itself

5474d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Eric Bana is the perfect Snake, just look at his rol on Black Hawk Down

5478d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

that pic looks fake, just look at the reeling on botton left

5478d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

and crysis 2 will be MP so it won't match uncharted 2 either unless they stop basing MP games on the lowest common denominator ad let each console reach the limits of what it can do for each version of the game

the graphics champ is killzone 2, uncharted 2 will take the crown in a few months, after that maybe god of war 3 or gran turismo 5 will surpass it, no 360 game has a clear chance

the underground acts of gears 2 (acts 2 and 4) show no significance improvement o...

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kids want the wii because what they see in commercials, when they get it the get bored really fast with it

how good the motion sensor tech has has almost nothing to do with Wii's success, no real gamer will ever use this for more than a curious test or when friends visit

for example the people that played 400 hours of COD4 online to get to the highest prestige rank don't give a crap about this, it's just a gimmick that might attract some casual players but it's NOT t...

5481d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

all this is because of all the PS3 hate articles by websites and 360 fanboys comments from the last few years, they always had arguments why the 360 is superior console

first was the PS3 lack of games, when it had been on the market a full year less than 360

then when the games started showing up they realized the lack of games was because the console was recently released so they started bragging about the price

when they realized the 360 was cheaper be...

5481d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IGN gave the same score to Assanssin's Creed, when I first saw it I was pissed off because I was really looking foward to that game but after playing it I realized the IGN score was right

IGN is very good at looking at games pass the hype and personal expectations

I have the game and it's looking pretty weak, it's hard not to compared it to Infamous but saying that Prototype would've gotten a better scor if it wasn't for Infamous it's like saying the same about saint...

5485d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

MS press conf was great because they made a lot of people think it was the best conf of the E3 with a very poor game line up (not in itself but poor compared to Sony's)

be honest, didn't halo OSDT and L4D2 looked like crap? didn't they looked like the first games of this gen from a few years ago?

in terms of exclusives MS showed the already announced:
-alan wake
-splinter cell
-Halo OSDT

MS announced:
-crackdown 2
-left 4 de...

5487d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

if you take out the beatles, spielberg, that fake milo demo, the girl dodging invisible balls, twitter/facebook stuff, all we have left is:

-splinter cell and alan wake (already annouced, good vids shown)
-crackdown 2 and left 4 dead 2 (unannouced exclusives, probably the two that would have come last on any survey of most wanted exclusives before E3)
-MTGS spin off with no kojima, no snake and no exclusivity
-disappointing halo spin off vids shown, another halo...

5487d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

to the people saying that: has it occurred to you that Microsoft had no games to annouce at the E3 so they pressured/bribed/begged Valve for something exclusive to show?

if it wasn't for L4D2 the only exclusive that MS had to annouced was crackdown 2 and it had no gameplay vids, splinter cell and alan wake were already annouced

I'm not saying that this is the case but it's posible that the reason for the early sequel for L4D is because MS needed another new exclusi...

5488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS press conference was all flash and no substance: a metal gear spin off not developed by Kojima and without Solid Snake? two Halo spin offs? L4D DLC sold as L4D2? milo? spielberg on stage? two COD MP maps as a timed exclusive? where are games to compete with PS3 extensive line up?

crackdown 2 and splinter cell, that was MS keynote address and it's far from enough

5491d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

probably around last january they took a look and their posible E3 line up and it was very poor so they talked to all the studios to see if they could add something

so L4D2 and crackdown 2 came up, but only Valve was able to produce gameplay footage in time for the E3 because they were already working on DLC for L4D (it's obviously the same game, no improvements)

they had all the intention to add more maps to L4D so it's obvious that this was it, a due to MS preassur...

5491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5498d ago

COD4 was a brilliant game technically; when it was first released it was incredible and it still looks good today

the 360 will never have a game that's significantly superior to it, there are other games with better graphics but nothing that's vastly superior, like a 2000 PS2 game compared to a 2006 PS2 game

the PS3 on the other hand will look back at COD4 like gamers playing god of war 2 looked back on the first devil may cry, it was a something on a completely diff...

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because for the last two years I've been reading tons of articles about how the PS3 has no games, about how Sony is the next Sega, about how it has no sales, how it has no future, how how the games on the 360 are better, about how PSN sucks and related subjects

all those thousands of articles couldn't be wrong, right?

5505d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment