
CRank: 14Score: 140360

That's true, it's a market that sony could have reached but they didn't pay the price at this time, the ps2 was the most sold console ever, they didn't need EYETOY and gamers clearly said that they didn't want it also. In fact Sony was right at this time, the casual market was really a key market : Wii showed the potential, now KINECT is to absorb all interest next year with 3DS.
I don't understand why we should be happy to see KINECT sold by tons except if we&...

4926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe remedy should engage this guy for aln sequel

4926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS2 users didn't accept EYETOY, they refused it, now it seems microsoft understood that KINECT is not destined to gamers but for people who can be attracted by gadgets in general that means gamers and non-gamers and potentially also wii users. As the wii did with motion control, KINECT is gonna be the new gadget of future couple of years.
There will be some KINECT games for gamers but not so much, real gamers will prefer oldschool games that they know, some may even chose to buy a...

4926d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great game. Dead Nation is certainly one of the more underated shooter of that year's end.

4926d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

That one can be a HIT.
I mean a tetris with PUYO PUYO flavor, TOTAL epic win.

4926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes and we all saw the video from wich the gif has been done :


So this animated gif is nothing new, ok it's cool, but man, it's just an animated gif, the video posted yesterday was clearly more intersting than this.

4926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make a news for a gif... Seriously...

4926d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Gamers got passion for numbers.

Serious business.

Hopefully some of us only play games.

4926d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Conclusion :

-Mass Effect 2 was maybe cool but not as cool as the first episode, actually it runned on my PC at home because i remembered my version of ME1 was not really optimized when i played it on 360.

- Alan Wake : Lot of people are saying GT5 is maybe the huge let down of the year, but after playing it, yes because i bought a PS3 this year what i see : The game runs a 1080p and got tons of features. Alan Wake was running sub-720p but has been hyped lik...

4926d ago 11 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's cool to see that the journalists have done all the work for forza 4 now. GT5 is 84% on metacritics, it's easy for forza to become the new reference.
The game will be hyped all this year, tons of previews and at the end of the year it will be a great system seller for XB360 (better than Gears 3) in my opinion.

4927d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Stupid post.

I don't understand PS3 users sometimes, you have great exclusives and manage to spoil 3/4 of the game before you play it.

4927d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Base your life on reviews, you may win a prize, if it's what you are dreaming about ;)

4927d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's clearly a perspective that shows how capable the EYETOY is, interesting technology, the game looks exhausting to play but fun to watch. Really new gameplay experience and fresh approach of the beat them all.

4928d ago 17 agree4 disagreeView comment

There are some features that look awesome. Definitely the game that all PS3 owners who love cars will want to play next year.

I say that because i have both PS3 & 360, and people who love games must play this one.
Great news

4928d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why is there no tag for xbox 360 version ?

4928d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even Yu Suzuki compare this game to SHENMUE because he knows his game inspired it. And he also says SEGA done a great job with this LICENCE, true japanese licence.

Nobody said it was like SHENMUE, just some of its mecanics looks the same.
Anyway YAKUZA is way better of a lot of occidental game today, too bad the game is exclusive, it makes it special to the eyes of fanboys.

4928d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fanboys hate this game, gamers love this game.
Haters gonna hate.

4928d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it has been already posted on N4G; but YAKUZA is by far a very underated game or licence in occident.

People who love oldschool beat them all must buy this episode, it's certainly one of the best of the serie.

Now imagine a beat them all, with a crazy scenario, tons of quests, a weapon creation tool, tons of items to buy, customisable character, evolutive story with 4 main characters wit their own narrative paths, lot of side games : golf, tennis ...

4928d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh Rockstar is to announce the new GTA ?

If it's true tell no one i've written this here

4928d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

RIP hardcore gaming. Welcome casual market.

4930d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment