
CRank: 5Score: 5350

Free Radical and Factor 5 aren't Nintendo. =)

Btw this is an action/shooter. ^_^ I believe it has a mode or is on the rails also.

5752d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The good ol’days are in full swing when I play or hear about this game. The fact that I can once again argue that anyone capable of getting “Perfect” is a loser and that another gamer (the real kind) can argue back, no they are hardcore (the original kind) brings back nostalgia, I’m happy Mega Man 9 is what it is, I enjoyed beating the snot out of cement man, as his stage is the only stage I can clear without ever taking a hit.

5753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The original newspaper article listed the top 50 games sure, but it was the best 50 games to get and it was in no particular order, Wii Sports was just first to have it's name there. Also they aren't saying Wii Sports is the best, they are saying that it's on of the good games to get. That's right this list is a suggestion list on what to buy, not tiers.

Thought it probably would of helped the responders if the author of this article had posted a scan or better yet; if he had und...

5754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I honestly own no PS3,PS2,PSX,GC,Wii,N64,SNES,GB A,GBC,NDS or PC games from Atari. Not saying I matter that much, I am saying they are the only developer I have no clue what they do for a living.

5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every succesful company goes through this, that's the reason they have a board of lawyers, Nintendo's is not unfamiliar to this stunt in growth - due to legislation, their was a time Universal Studios sued them for the word Kong in Donkey Kong. But back then the result was a hold up in production for Nintendo to expand into Europe. (They were being sued by a jealous Atari also.) The result was a weak Nintendo pressence in Europe by the time of the N64.

The patent Hill Crest wont ...

5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game looks amazing, the graphics are what I expected to see from the Wii, considering those are scans the game must look at least 1.7x better.

My point was that this game would end up feeling odd on a PS3, play Force Unleashed on the PS360 and then Play the Wii version, force moves aren't as bothersome but lightsabre moves are too much of a chore, having to go back to default to continue the next attack is not good.

Oh well. I know the graphics on this game so ...

5758d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I preffer to enjoy my games, not explain any philosphical metaphoric harmony it could represent in some tangent.

5758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is a JRPG?

It doesn't even have RPG elements.

I believe it's more along the lines of Fantasy Adventure. Try the PSP or PS2 versions, then picture better controls and new fresh enviornments and activities. That's MHTri.

I'm happy this game is on the Wii, and online with three of my friends will be great, I'm also enjoying the "This game will fail" posts, those PS360 (Mostly PS3) owners have blood in their eyes today.

5758d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Will have the same chance of appearing on the PS360 as Resident Evil 5 has of appearing on the Wii. ;)

I'll wait till TGS to cast a verdict on this game, for now interest.

Regardless of what system it appears on it makes me laugh when Wii guys go off on Resident Evil 5 and then PS3 guys go off on Monster Hunter, I guess Capcom wears the pants...

Remember though that this game wont appear on the PS3 similarly to how Devil May Cry 4 can't the game was des...

5758d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The new class is "Imagine:Assassinz" then this is just a PR stunt.

5759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wii disruptive entertainment and toy system, DS blue ocean and toy system.

Last I checked it was just Xbox360 and PS3 for acronyms not: PS3S and Xbox360VGaES.

But what do I know.

5759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's be fair and compare Crisis Core vs a new IP on the DS both from Square.

First we acknoledge that new IP's are not expected to sell or be as easily marketed as succesful franchise titles and their spin-offs.

Crisis Core as it stand by NPD has sold 500k while The World Ends With You has sold 260k, by marketing standards both games are a success: Evaluating the success of TWEWTY it’s a shocker a game based on the fictional life of ghosts in a Japanese city would s...

5759d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ps3 must be like the plauge according to these guys, 3rd parties need to stay clear of that one. Soon they will come to realize that Games that target everyone are games that sell on the Wii platform, if by sell we mean Million Sellers.

REUC had a PS2 version that sold for crap, REUC on the Wii managed to break 1 million, which is more that most Xbox360 games even hope of making as a sales marker.

5763d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was a point at another forum, I can't believe I can say this but I honestly don't have enough time and money for all the games I intend on getting in Q4 this year. (I'm talking about Wii alone.)
I could list around 20 of them right now if I had to, I'm also a collector so this is kind of bad for me... Oh well, the more good games the better for the whole.

They really need to develop more confidence on their software and start pushing them out in Q2 and Q3.

5765d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been following that site for sometime, their accuracy is tangent at best. I'll explain briefly:

Software: They are usually off by 5-20% sometimes 5% can seem huge when your talking about millions of copies sold, they do not update their archived data and the smaller the number of units sold the less accurate that number tends to be, again within the 5-20% range.

Hardware: They are usually off by .2-3%, I've been tracking that site for almost 2 years; I find it r...

5768d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They've been using it for years to do non-intuitive things but mapped properlly.

5770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool I might get this, I liked a lot of the Wiifit music, and BT was kind of relaxing.

Oh question... were you guys going to get this anyway?

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They use bubble guns in china town wars?

DS = Blue Ocean

Wii = Disruptive + DS

Aka: techincally they could have the Wii game be gritt and grimer than the DS game and have it sell relative to the install bases.

5771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

130 is the number of games being released for the Wii between September 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. This isn't counting Wiiware and VC games.

130 options, any arguement past that number is pointless as that number wont change short of game cancelations.

5771d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This may go over a few heads; if you don't like something, then don't buy it, others can decided if they don't like it either. When people find themselves with a steady income of money the decisions are made through a budget.

Grim truth is, we all get old and die, in fact the longer we live the more chance we have of dieing, in business terms disinterest is the same thing as death; should a consumer become disinterested then that consumer is dead. A lot of you guys in the PS2 and...

5771d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment