
CRank: 5Score: 5350

I'm baffled by your anti-thesis MR. Journalist.

Here's one for you Home > the new XBLA experience. I know ouch.

5823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems interesting, Megaman 9 may be part of the retro-revolution but the revolution is yet to see a figure head.

5824d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Approved ^_^

I'm actually in agreeance with this article... I enjoy it's positive outlook without direct comparisions to things that can't directly be compared. Power to the author.

5824d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love small developer projects, especially on DS and Wii, they show a lot of soul in most cases.. or passion could be the right word. Then we get sequals like NMH2. ^_^

5829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a horrible reaction by Nintendo to the string of recent criticizim about their methods of localization. What happened to the motto of "ait for the suprise." The point is to have a massive back catalog of games, taking the risks to see if the idea is workable.

Sure the idea has to sell itself but they at least have to put it on the market and even better yet make people aware of the idea.

5829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would buy this.

5831d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How dumb can the media play to be, I mean coy isn't even the word to use for this kind of rubbish.

Obviously the Wii will have a successor, Shigeru Miyamoto went on record to say it will be more technichally powerful than the Wii. Iwata went on record to say that they are always working on their next console and usually right after one is released, the only difference is that they will not release the console until 3rd parties and their own internal development teams can't innova...

5831d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

viral marketing wasn't so obvious.

5833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That trailer makes me want this game now, I don't even know who those other guys are but the game looks fun, and the Ryu's Mesatsu Gua Hadoken variation is much better to look at than his Shinku Hadoken.

5836d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

n : excessive intolerance of opposing views [syn: zealotry]

Zealotry \Zeal"ot*ry\, n.
The character and behavior of a zealot; excess of zeal;
fanatical devotion to a cause.

The above mentality within world leaders of history and the usage of apathy and nationalism which encompasses the above two defined elements created the two wars that should of ended all wars... yet war still is waged to this day.

Idiotic is what I ca...

5836d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So much hate in that article, it's riddled with the passive-aggressive and invasive notations.

This reaffirms why I should never read articles with questions in the names, I honestly only clicked it because I knew it would be anti-Wii but the first paragraph was funny... the rest of it was just sad.

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They didn't drop GBA support the card port is just not there... as much sense as that makes.

From what I read the function is digital content now, in other words the SD slot would take the place of the gba slot, in march or april DSi and Wii will support high storage SD cards and the such so I don't see a problem with storing 20 maybe 30 GBA/GBA/GB/Micro games on that kind of card, plus your favorite songs... I'd love to know if the new DS uses the bubble channel interface also s...

5837d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Loli's are nice. ^_^

I like the graphics and how similar the game came to the concept art wise.

5837d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this is first party I wonder if it will shut up those "No new Ip's!" guys.

Looks interesting though.

5837d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this or Arc Rise Fantasia can reach the US this year I'll be super happy, for not Monster Hunter Tri has me so hyped I'm willing to buy another Wii just because.

5840d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I make roughly $27,000 in dividends every 3 months, sometimes higher and sometimes lower, I have an income of nearly $3000 every two weeks. Believe me when I say that the PS3 is expensive.

5844d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Viewing this site for a while, I'm still wondering how news articles titled: "The PS3 Advantage" made it to the Wii section, I remember clicking Wii section, not Industry and not PS3 and definetly not anything that would of led me to seeing this by definition of the category.

5844d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Serious, the guys who this person is complaining about are addicted to Nintendo games and hard, they buy the products and in turn you hear publishers saying: "Only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo platforms." Meanwhile Nintendo responds by not putting anything major out there aside from Maybe AC. The result... cold turkey - withdrawl, will these core gamers even notice de blob, sim city wii, spray, and all the other 3rd party additions?

Nope... They want Nintendo, becaus...

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I almost had hope that this would of been a constructive article by a female on a subject that is hard on the edges, but it seems this is either a joke or drivel written from a "hardly-core" narrative.

My guess is that this was supposed to be funny though, but I guess my humor meter is broken. The first paragraph recieves a firm 6/10 everything else holds a steady 3/10.

5845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Square Enix

Just those three alone each made at least 170x as much money as Sony made last year, Sega is one of the top 5 publisher/developers out there according to copies of games sold within a year.

What about Nintendo, we can't stop hearing people calling their platform a cash cow, and we all know "Nintendo games sell on Nintendo platforms." (That is probably the most retarded statement I've heard on the internet. Of course they ...

5845d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment