CRank: 5Score: 11670

Exactly. The three kill streak system should be brought back. It rewarded players without being cheap. COD4 is still my favorite online shooter. Sadly not enough people playing anymore.

4782d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But nice to see your trying to churn up some pointless arguments. Honestly its a video game console not your first born. It doesn't matter what others think about it.

5016d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"It's not going to stop me from playing the MP for the next few years," is exactly why I feel this game deserves a 9 or higher. How many games can you honestly say that about. Me and some buddies played Halo 3 a few weeks ago for a few hours. A game thats 3 years old. Honestly games are for fun in my eyes. Not graphics, novel like stories, or even movie quality acting (all nice but not gamebreaking). Its a game and if for $60 dollars a game can entertain me for 2-3 years then it...

5035d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Would be funny if Halo: Reach wasn't coming out in 3 days and every journalist that has had extended time with it hadn't been quick to point out the big graphics upgrade.

5035d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

All people like you in fact. Do us all a favor and shut the f.uck up. All the horrible stuff that happens in the world and I have to listen to people like you claim its in gods hands. Stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago maybe you should too.

5039d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

So it will actually be fun?

5040d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Strange I wasn't aware you had spoken with the majority of Halo fans. Seeing as most of them I know are completely aware of the fact that Bungie is moving on and its not exactly an industry secret.

Microsoft will give 343 everything they need to make Halo games that live up to the expectations of the fans. People worry to much and neglect to notice than many of the people at 343 used to work for Bungie.

5048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is it that if I prefer the 360 controller I'm a fanboy? I love my PS3 and everything about it. I also like my 360. I just happen to find using the 360 controller to be a more comfortable experience. How is that fanboyish in any way? Been gaming a long time and will never understand people like you who defend their console like it's their left testicle. Its a piece of equipment and even the mighty PS3 has its flaws. Not many but there are some.

5053d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS might already be planning on their future console? No way!

Seriously people do you not think that all of these companies (MS, Sony, Nintendo) started planning their next consoles as soon as they released this gen? These are huge companies and they always have development teams working on future projects years before they are announced. Hell most tech is outdated by the time you buy it anyway.

5053d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment


5057d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Its him for sure.

5058d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. This game looks much better than I originally expected it to. Should be a lot of fun.

5058d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will Smith earned $80 in 2008?

Damn I must be doing better than I thought. I made more than that last week.

5058d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh I'm sorry you were serious?

Let me guess you have been keeping this magical hardware that makes a handheld capable of running unreleased PS3 games and still sell at a reasonable price in your basement and lack the common courtesy to let the rest of the world in on your discovery.

But of course your right because Zelda, MGS, Resident Evil, Kid Icarus and the rest of the 3DS line up are obviously targeted at the casual market.

5073d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's the middle of the summer so news is on the slow side. Besides you clicked on this link it wasn't forced upon you.

Edit: At above

Oh i'm sorry I forgot you where the arch duke of information and got the final say of what I'm allowed to find vaguely interesting. Compared to the majority of flaimbate list and idiotic comparisons on this sight I had no problem devoting 30 seconds to looking at the redesigned human flying vehicle for reach. Oh...

5073d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

There are DOTA and tower D games for this right now but they are very unpolished so far. It will take a while for really good versions to be made. The lack of a Hero system like the one in Warcraft III makes it a little harder for the DOTA types because there is no such thing as items in Starcraft 2. Which is why I would truly love Warcraft 4.

5076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone who truly knows the Halo series knows that after the occurrences of Halo: Combat Evolved John Spartan 117 returns to reach and the Covenant have left a portion unglassed. They are mining there for an artifact and the Chief goes in to rescue the last of the Spartan IIs that are hidding there. However in Reach we will be playing as the smaller and less indestructible Spartan IIIs so I have no idea how that ties in.

5083d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just curious. How is Halo a cash cow franchise? There have been what 6 games in almost 10 years that carry the Halo name. 1 of which was an FPS and another a spin-off from a different perspective. So a game series that releases a new FPS title every two or more years is a cash cow? He is the Xbox's iconic game character. Of course they want him to live on and so do fans.

What would you call the Mario franchise? Look when they make Master Chief Tennis you can call the Halo...

5083d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

bjornbear you mean you didn't know that every major disaster or accident that ever happened was caused by a secret evil organization. Conspiracy theorist are funny.

5112d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pass the kool aid my brotha

5113d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment