CRank: 5Score: 11670

It says that he is ONE of MANY cameos in the multi-player. This is just gonna help to add some variety to the voices you hear in the online game. The first modern warfare was lacking in the variety category and so this is one way IW is trying to improve their game. But as usual nerds that just read headlines and then b*tch about them have immediatly assumed he is gonna be a huge part of this game.

5529d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You people are all acting like he is gonna be the Mother F**ken main character or something. He is only one of several people doing voice acting in the multiplayer of the game. Hell sounds good aslong as I dont have to hear the exact same voice screaming at me in Russian throughout the entire match this time. Please everybody quit finding every tiny reason to hate this game. You will pay the same $60 you always pay for a new game and in turn get an exceptional single player and probably the b...

5529d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment

While I feel its interesting aswell I want every post to be a complete sentence from now on ok. ROFL

5536d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Why buy another PS3. Are you so lazy that you cant simply pick up your current one and move it to another location. Might as well go flush 300 dollars down the toilet.

5536d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

Why do you and people like you feel that your console is an extension of your soul or something. I own both and imagine this. I buy the exclusives for both and have a good time on each system. I just dont understand these flame wars ppl have. Being a slave to one brand is nothing to "rejoice" about. Fact of the matter is that this just means Sony makes more money of each PS3 sold and so it does nothing for me. Even if it causes a price drop WTF does that matter. I already own the da...

5536d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing you said was either correct or informative in anyway shape or form. I own a PS3 and 360 but ill be getting MW2 (which will have the best online play this year) on my 360 because people on tht system actually have mics and its got a better online setup.

5539d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lol like I said ive seen the movie and i liked it. The title is still funny.

5539d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL I saw that movie but you have to admit this. "Midnight Meat Train" sounds like a gay porn.

5539d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Competition has always been what sparked great strides in technology. Be it the US vs Soviet rivalry leading to advancements in space travel or the Nintendo vs Sony rivalry leading to better gaming. Without competition people and corporations become complacent and have no real reason to work harder.

5539d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your last speech sucked. I love my PS3 but I play all multi-platform games on my 360 cause its got a better online community. Also why the fuuck does no PS3 owner seem to have a mic. It makes online play way less fun.

5541d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

However considering i was in middle school when it came out most matches ended with us yelling curse words at eachother when we got killed and subsequently getting my friends parents pissed at us. Ahh good times, good times.

5544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That whole game felt like a movie to me and i enjoyed it from start to finish. God i cant wait for the sequel.

5544d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its my favorite game on the PS3 but you could see that coming from a mile away. Everyone kept mentioning curses and stuff so it wasnt that big of a surprise when the treasure turned out to be cursed.

5544d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The plot in the game confused the hell out of me. Maybe it was just because I got tired of watching the 30 minute cut scene at the end of the game.

5544d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol Tony I was thinkin the same thing. Most girls i know dont have tht list.

5544d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have both systems but it makes me sick to see comments like this. I mean come on claiming halo is the only good game on xbox??? Just a stupid thing to say.

Gratz to microsoft on the patent. I spendmore time on 360 anyway. The PS3 is for blu-ray and exclusives only.

5546d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

He is the president and he was simply trying to tell parents to take a more active role in their kids lives. Now im gonna tell you maybe u should stop commenting on some gaming website and go be a better parent.

Oh but for the record: grats on telling the president to piss off. Im sure he will get back to you real soon.

5548d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I own a PS3 and I would love for Killzone 2 too break sales records and get more renown because its a great game. Just not as great as people who only own a PS3 claim.

Dont bash Halo for being a succesful game cause it makes you seem like a Sony humping prick

5549d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yes it does kick ass but its ironic because due to the really low location of the camera in the game you spend your time staring at peoples ass/crotch area.

5549d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own both and I like them about the same with a slight edge to Halo 3. The reason I prefer Halo 3 is the 4-player co-op which adds exponentially to the games replay value and of course the massive amount of online content and a map editor which makes for some awsome user generated content.

Dont get me wrong I loved Killzone 2 and it was the best looking game that ive played to date other than Crysis. But it did have flaws. I got tired of the colorless city streets after a whil...

5549d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment