CRank: 5Score: 10150

Why dont you just shut the fook up pp. The game got delayed 1 week big whoooop de do. Ive been waiting weeks to play LBP so one more week aint gonna kill me. Least SONY listen to thier consumers even if it meant delaying the game by a week. Funny enough the game being delayed a week isnt even annoying its childish little brats like you and others on here making a big deal over the LBP delay thats annoying. Heres the FACT though nothings changed LBP is still gonna kick MS ass its just gonna be...

5818d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Getting boring. MS have no imagination so they steal from other companys ie SONY and now it seems avatars ripped from the Wii. SONY hasnt brought thier credibility in the games console market unlike MS. And PP only in ure wet dreams will you get to play with MGS4.

5818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i wont be buying it. Im a PS3 owner and was glad we got Darth Vadar. I dont want that little midget Yoda. Im quite happy to buy ure games Namco but i draw the line with ure DLC when it is such an obvious scam.

5818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL whats the problem ? I haveDeadspace and Midnight Club on preorder aswell so yes im dissapointed a little but its delayed like it or not. Ill keep my LBP order still and im off now to preorder Farcry 2 as a replacement and ill play LBP on the new release day. Its not the end off the world. Sitting here moaning about it aint gonna change it and XFLOPS are already gloating about it why give em more ammo to use ?

5818d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wouldnt know tbh here in the UK weve not had any SC4 DLC on the PSN store.

5818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont need to cajuncandb LBP arrives next week so i will see how a successful launch works then. And btw it aint Socom you XFLOPS should worry about its LBP,R2 and KZ2 thats gona kill ure XFLOP.

5818d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

XFLOPS shot down in flames once again.
MGS4 = PS3 weve played it.
MGS4 = XFLOP never gonna happen.
Get over it.

5819d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my eyes yes. All it really shows is MS cant come up with thier own stuff so they have to poach it from SONY and in the case of the avatars from the Wii. And really bouncybullet is ure memory limited or somthink ? I recall MS had a huge problem with thier xboxlive online service over the christmas period. Either do some research before trolling or stop being such a hypocrit.

5819d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL who cares if its timed exclusive to what ever console. Were def getting Bioshock 2 on the PS3. Never mind XFLOPS do you need some tissues to wipe away the tears ?

5819d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL notice all the XFLOP trolls having a field day. Quick to defend MS when thier XFLOP live service had huge problems that christmas though.

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL Jason 360 havent you got anythink original off ure own to say that you have to copy from The Wizard Of Oz ? But i guess being a XFLOP supporter you fit right in as MS cant do anythink original off thier own either. If ure happy to play with stupid childish avatars ripped straight from the wii then more fool you. I on the other hand will be looking forward to Home wich lets face it its gonna trash XFLOP live.

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All i can say is yes MS might have strong relations with 3rd party developers. But how much of a chunk of thier bank balance did it cost MS ? Dont care how much you hype ureselfs up MS im a SONY supporter 100% and i always will be.

5819d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL another XFLOP tying to justify what MS does.

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well troll away XFLOPS because come next week LBP arrives with R2 and KZ2 soon to follow. Well see whos selling the most consoles then.

5819d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dont get me wrong i love the DMC games but i prefer playing a female when given the option. So to see this Bayonetta wich seems similar to DMC is a very welcome sight indeed. This game will be a day one phurchase for me thats for sure. Come on Capcom for ure next DMC game let us be able to play as the lovley Trish or Lady.

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL very unexpected but welcome for a PS3 owner like myself. Seems MS arnt as immune as they like to think they are when it comes to the word exclusive.

5819d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Also noticed we still aint got the themes you can buy either.

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF wheres Age of booty ? Was looking forward to getting this today so i could play it a full week before LBP and Dead Space. Boy am i getting fed up with EU sony PSN updates. Ah f**k it i wont bother getting it now if we cant be treated equal to other countrys then why should i bother.

5819d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Razer when you mean Fable 2 got great scores did it get 10/10 ? I guess not otherwise ued be bragging. You might not off sed LBP is a flop dierectly but ure in more or less every LBP thread trying to find a flaw in reviews so you can slap the game down. And yeah theres pressure because GOW2 and F2 are mainly ure exclusives for MS this year. Use the same cheap line if you want about whos outselling who if you like but we all know things can change still. Stop living in the past and get a life....

5820d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL GiantEnemyLobster you expected LBP to flop and it hasent. Ure just a little boy with invalid comments.

5821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment