CRank: 5Score: 10150

LOL Zerodin with is usual pathetic non sense comments. BTW Zerodin ure in the wrong thread ure comment should of been posted in Fable 2 review threads LOL.

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont get me wrong i love my GTA4 but theres no way im redoing it for trophys oh and irishrocket69 stop talking outta ure ass i still own my copy of GTA4 for my PS3. Too many new games out this week and onwards so havent the time really to replay GTA4 just for the trophys.

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL not so many XFLOPS bragging now in this thread like they do in PS3 threads when us PS3 owners loose an exclusive. Bigger blow for MS tbh as they dont have many exclusives in the 1st place LOL. Yeah us PS3 owners have lost some exclusives but its not to bad as SONY has so many more exclusives to treat us with. And yeah no doubt MS will get thier cash out for a timed exclusive so they can save some face.

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well the suits for Dead Space are great. Spec as my Dead Space came through the post today. But aint getting the DLC for SC4 though because im happy with Darth Vader. Im really p*ssed Namco took away the exclusive status just so they could do a nikle and dime job. Who wants the little green midget anyways ?

5812d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bah why couldnt we off got Pamela Anderson instead.

5813d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL the only thing you XFLOPS like ureself pp will get to do with LBP is being jealous of LBP and trolling it.

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Human equivalents is easy :

XBOX360 = The poor mans console thats why its played by so many immature brats.

PS3 = The rich mans console thats why its played by more mature adults who can afford the best in a gamming console.

5814d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL now why wasnt i supprised that pp was here posting another pointless remark. Hurry up GOW2 well get 1 week of XFLOPS not posting crap. MS should know seems SONY has over triple the exclusives MS has.

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Havent a clue tbh kratos-i-am. But you wont get a decent answer here. Ull either get 360 owners saying its crap on the PS3 because they are anti PS3 and vice versa. Best bet is to google some PS3 only review sites.

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well flop,fail,rubbish,crap etc are the only words 360 owners know because they are so used to saying these words when they start up thier 360 games. And 4cough its you that looks silly its a shame you have to use PURE a multiplat game as a comparison due too MS not having an exclusive off road racer LOL. I own PURE and yeah its great but MS2 is looking great too. So that will be 2 decent off road racers for my PS3 compared to ure 1 on ure XFLOP.

5814d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only XFLOPS seem to think SONY is going same way as SEGA. The XFLOP is on its last legs numerous price drops are an indication of this. SONY are turning things around. But dont worRy XFLOP fans MS will drop the 360 like they did with the xbox and cast it aside and bring you anew console to keep up with the ps3.

5814d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well cant say im supprised. Just proves they will stoop to anythink to try and stop GOW2 getting trashed. Just goes to show how PATHETIC XFLOP owners are. Youve been beaten with LBP and you know it.

5814d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has scored pretty good in other reviews. Wouldnt pay to much attention tbh you always get the odd review that scores lower then the others.

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL another XFLOP who refers to somthink thats not ever gonna be on thier XFLOP as being gay. LOL when they cant face the truth its bring out the gay remarks. Makes me wonder what audience the XFLOP attracts.

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry Zerodin to make you look like an ass yet again but i got my Bioshock for my PS3 for £29.99 from here in the UK. So im not sure how you worked out i payed 2x the price of the 360 version. Here in the UK when it first came out on the 360 it was £39.99. Sigh when will you XFLOPS learn to research facts before trolling.

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well pp thats because us PS3 owners stick together. And seems that ure always trolling in PS3 threads you will get loads of disagrees. Go and spread ure BS in the 360 threads and im sure ure bubbles will get bumped up by other brainwashed XFLOPS.

5815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL thats because consumers are finally realizing SONY has much more to offer this year and beyond.

5815d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wont be a day 1 phurchase for me but its def gonna end up in my collection. Fallout 3, Valkyria Chronicles and Sacred 2 are getting priority.

5815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL Zerodin really just give up LBP has scored well enough to trash what Fable 2 is recieving score wise. And believe me GOW2 ure only other XFLOP exclusive is what all you XFLOPS are pinning ure hopes on now to get great scores like LBP recieved and still is recieving. LBP,R2 and KZ2 vs F2 and GOW2 lol sorry but youve backed the wrong horse.

5815d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL pp the mighty trio of LBP,R2 and KZ2 will topple MS. GOW2 is MS only game left now as reviews for Fable 2 so far are just medicore. How long are you going to be living in a state of denial ?

5815d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment