CRank: 5Score: 37470

Blows my mind that this game doesnt have solos. Not a fan of 3v3 crap teamates or dropouts and then your always out numbered. Not a matter of get gud i simply much prefer solo mode. Duos should be a thing too.

1692d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its more than the games. MS are all over the place and destroying the next gen barrier which in turn kills the excitement of getting a new gen machine for me.

It feels like another beefier xbox one is coming and in all honesty and im not keen for that.

I barely play my X anymore i enjoy my ps4 slim immensly more so and thats supposedly much weaker than the X yet the games look great!

Theres more to console success than power numbers on...

1716d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This was their chance to start fresh and leave the tainted image of xbox one behind but it seems they dont want it to ever end. Xbox X will be like another xbox one x with same dash and everything i bet.

It wont feel like a new generation at all just better graphics like the X was to the one S.


1716d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The ps4 is a much better product. Just facts not even opinion anymore.

Ive owned ALOT of consoles and the xbox one is the only one i can think of thats had constant problems.

All gen its been waiting for games and dealing with a glitchy slugfest broken OS waiting for the next update to fix or add a feature ect.. and its still glitchy asf and slow to use and startup. The controllers are cheap toys made to break.

I spent all generation r...

1719d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

The MP portion is the only thing you like about Uncharted?


1727d ago 20 agree3 disagreeView comment

I thought the name would go with its capabilities like phil said recently?? So wtf... Xbox one S, Xbox one X, Xbox Series X

Really stands out... /S

The console looks great like a mini PC so hope thats more than a coincidence.

I also REALLY wished they had trimmed the controller down a little made it more sleek but alas looks much the same shape as xb1.

1746d ago 52 agree18 disagreeView comment

Such a good game!

1751d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah the blade OS was so nice i miss it. The current OS is just so sterile and stale like everything else xbox at the moment. ( My opinion ). Look at the startup screen from OG xbox - 360 - xb1... Nice graphic effects to medium effects to now just a green screen with a logo. Thats the level of effort i feel is put into everything xbox these days. Just all about money. Ah ranting... but thats part of the reason im expecting XB1 OS on the scarlett. Why make a new one if ones already there... Seem...

1751d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im fully expecting the new xbox scarlett to have same OS as xbox one and feel like another console in the family of xbox consoles. Just more power like the X was.. and HOPEFULLY a new controller.

PS5 im expecting a true new gen console compared to ps4 with back compat and a DS5, 4k Bluray and such.

For me day 1 buy ps5 but xbox can wait as im expecting my X to play all xbox games. Not that excited for the new xbox tbh

1751d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Can also bring it to a grinding halt and curse your soul to the depths of hell. Root of all evil.

1773d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So insane that this is NOT on xbox. The biggest game of the show. Xbox has kbm support so WTF Microsoft??? So sick of being let down by this company

1775d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know right its disgusting way to treat your supporters

1822d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nothing healthy about it.

1823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they just made the game complete and sold it they would make waaaay more than enough profit from sales.

This is pure utter greed and its alienating people from the franchise.

Pure disgusting greed it sickens me!!!

1824d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Survival mode is literally my fav thing to play in MW3.

How can anyone be ok with this or shrug it off.

Its NOT ok this is too far just like the BF2 controversy.

1824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Very pro consumer"

What the actual hell dude. Corporate slave over here much!

Playstation would have the mode regardless of this deal so PS gamers are literally no better off by this deal.

All it is is a big F YOU to the rest of the gaming world.

Anti-Consumer BS practices this is disgusting and being ok with it just means theyl go even further next time!

1824d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Street races like this are awesome. Just be happy were getting another grid jeez everyone needs to stop complaining so much and wishing things were something else. Just take it for what it is and enjoy.

1951d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Was free for gold members ages ago

1977d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
2300d ago Show

Project gotham racing should be on there.

PGR3 looked insane when it came out

2301d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment