CRank: 5Score: 37470

Its more like dungeon seige than diablo

2483d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not always. Supreme commander and halo wars are easy as to play.

2490d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was so hoping they would release these on xbox one aswell. Waited for the big surprise and let down yet again.

I thought games were going both ways but no. PC exclusive.

Makes NO SENSE! xbox is starving for games.

UGH SO SICK of being let down by MS.

Love the look of the new xbox console tho..

2491d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Its almost like different people have different tastes in colors

2491d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just something else for the antifans to bitch and wine about.

2491d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wow. You guys are pathetic AF

2492d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Its been a pretty crap year for exclusive games on xbox but at least we get the new xbox one x. And the 3rd party lineup of games is stellar this year imo and we getting forza 7.

Hopefully we get some good exclusives next year.

2494d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ps4 has had better free games the last couple months imo

2495d ago 27 agree4 disagreeView comment
2496d ago Show

Your comment belongs in a toilet.

2499d ago 10 agree13 disagreeView comment

Mark cerny also said you need 8tf for uncompromised 4k on games.

So by your logic all ps4 pro games should be native 4k and then some on this 8.4tf beast.

So why arent they?

Because its 4.2tf

2499d ago 25 agree24 disagreeView comment

Haha oh man its SAD isnt it! 😂

2499d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

I somehow dont think a small team making avatars has the resources to make a full fledged AAA game.

Different teams for different projects!

2499d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

Motorcross madness was great

2499d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

Yeah a racer like mario kart but can use your avatar if you want.

Its a cool feature. I mean how long do we all spend creating new characters in games. Then getting armor ect and customizing them.

How is this any different? The selfie generation especially would love this surely.

I think its great.

Honestly some people just seem to complain and be negative to anything and everything MS.

Its just SAD...

2499d ago 51 agree28 disagreeView comment

He never said wait for e3 he simply said his focus is on 1st party and theres room to improve and deals have been signed.

Also is it really so hard to understand that a company is built up of multiple departments and teams?

Its not like everyone is working on the same thing. God forbid MS improve their platform and deliver new features right?

2499d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

Hey look! people complaining about cool new features for xbox.

Color me surprised!


2499d ago 22 agree26 disagreeView comment

I find it a little odd the one X wouldnt support fp16 but it as it has its own other features and raw power so i guess it doesn't need it. There are Vega features in the 1x gpu as well.

Will be good to get a final breakdown of the console once its released.

2499d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

If its not playstation being better than everything else it cant possibly be true right?

2499d ago 10 agree15 disagreeView comment

The GPU in the 1x is completely custom designed. ie not derived from any other card on the market. Itl have its own special tricks and features. Where as the ps4 pro is more like a declocked 480 but really its just the same ps4 gpu x2 in a butterfly design with added features and higher clock speeds.

Also FP16 is not what alot of people on this site seem to believe it is. Its nothing overly special and isnt some special trick to have the same gfx at half cost.

2500d ago 19 agree27 disagreeView comment