CRank: 5Score: 37470

Its clearly hurting the brand more than its helping it imo

2618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah Nioh is so good. I hope it goes to xbox aswell give the devs as much $$$ as they can get to make another game.

2618d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Xbox is the better console.

Not counting subjective exclusive games.

Just the console itself and its features. Its higher build quality along with 4k uhd blu ray drive.

The new ui update later this year with the new avatars built in will only make it even better again.

2620d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

None of them are bad. I dont give a shit who disagrees with me. Ryse is GREAT, Halo MCC is very good ( shame about the online issues some have tho ), dead rising 3 is good but boring to me... and Recore is bloody excellent.

I cant wait to play it again when the definitive edition update rolls out.

Ill admit i havent played quantum break yet but that game got a whole lotta hate simply for being 720p checkerboard. It looks fine.

2621d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Recore is a great game i really dont get the hate. It does feel unfinished tho but the difinitive edition update will fix that

2621d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I disagree. $499 is not expensive (pretty normal for a new release console) and MS is really pushing 4k xbox one x since e3.

People know its coming. It may aswell be a new xbox gen as the gap is BIG.

Xb1 is known for being 'weak' from all the constant criticism its had over the years so why would anyone buy it when its well known the 4k xb1x is right around the corner.

Ps4 never had a rep for being weak and the pro reveal was do...

2622d ago 4 agree65 disagreeView comment

While ps4 would probably outsell them either way i also believe xbox sales are lower than normal due to people waiting for the 1x.

Also those gold and silver ps4 consoles look crazy nice

2622d ago 8 agree75 disagreeView comment

To release on pc and not xbox is intentional.

Its takes no time at all to port from pc to xbox so that really sucks theyve chosen to exclude xbox on purpose

2622d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude it has 1.8tf more than the ps4 pro.

Ps4 is 1.8 tf

Along with having 50% more total RAM and a customized FASTER cpu.

Why get so defensive his comment is true xb1x has a whole ps4 worth of power over ps4p

2622d ago 13 agree22 disagreeView comment

Erm acually most pcs out there are inferior to the 1x for gaming. Sure you can build a rig with more power but steam tells a different story and the 1x comes out on top compared to most peoples PCs

2623d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except its not the same as the pro. Its been extensively customized and has a dx12 chip with it to reduce load even more.

They arent even calling it a jaguar its just a custom cpu.

Sure its no i7 but its better than a base jaguar.

Theres also gpu compute to offset the cpu load as well.

2623d ago 20 agree6 disagreeView comment

If you cant dl 35gb then stick with last gen or stay offline.

35gb is normal and going into 4k gen itl get much bigger.

2623d ago 40 agree21 disagreeView comment

Yeah. At least they let you delete it unlike that singstar shit on ps3

2624d ago 26 agree0 disagreeView comment

The full list hasnt even been announced yet so how tf would u know. Vw could be i still got hope lol.

2624d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was and still is my favourite entry in the FF series. Never understood why people hated on it. But then again most things i like people seem to hate on endlessly. Like xbox for example. Oh well it didnt stop me from enjoying it.

So glad it got the hd treatment.

2626d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the 1x gpu is completely custom made from the ground up. You say stop with the tflops then continue to talk down on the 1x because of its tflops...

Its real world performance is compareable to a 1070 pc with 16gb ram. This has been stated by multiple devs.

Is what it is. Keep debating but it wont change the fact that this console performs very well.

2627d ago 27 agree19 disagreeView comment

How long was horizon zero dawn in development?

Good games take time.

Just because they havnt been announced yet doesnt mean they arent being made.

2628d ago 4 agree20 disagreeView comment

God all you people on this site do is complain complain complain.

Must suck being so negative all the time.

Im loving what ms is doing with xbox and am excited to see what future games they gonna bring.

2628d ago 10 agree22 disagreeView comment

People complained about power endlessly this gen mocking xbox for being weaker. And look how MS have responded.

Xbox One X. The 6tf, 12GB gddr5 ram beast.

Phill spencer came into his job with hardware as a focus as that mis-step needed recrifying.

Now he has done what he set out to do he has publicly said his focus is now on 1st party.

If xbox one x is what we got to rectify the power defecit im looking forward to see...

2628d ago 7 agree40 disagreeView comment

Because they want to be painted into zelda editions

2629d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment