You touch yourself at night


CRank: 8Score: 36080

I want Killzone 3 thx

5279d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Deadly Premonition 2

5279d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

holy sh!t I am utterly amazed my Sega!!!! :OOO

they decided to make a 2D Sonic to finally go back to its roots and make a good game and they STILL find a way to screw it up!!!! lol!!!

I mean the only thing you have to do is copy a Mega Drive sonic game, change a little bit the levels and improve graphics and you'd have a good game, and they insist on putting new crap like the werewolf hahaha

I think they have a Mario fanboy in the studios who comes up wi...

5279d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I didn't like about this GOW was actually the "sentimental" story, all that Pandora and hope sh!t.

When I played GOW I or II, one of the aspects that I liked was the 1-dimensional personality of Kratos. He was always angry, furious,and that's it, you knew that whenever you found a new character, he was ALWAYS going to die :P

I found that quite hilarious and thought that in a way it defined the franchise..... so hearing Kratos say "Pa-pandoraaaa, n...

5279d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

that was one of the most retarded things ever, if a game wants to redefine a genre it MUST be exclusive

Just look at Mario, Sonic, God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Devil May Cry, Half Life, Halo.... they were all originally in only one platform!

I'll say it again this guy is stupid lol

5280d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

seriously impressive, I'm from the SNES generation but even then, games where muuuuuuuuuuuuch harder than now

I'm currently replaying Donkey Kong Country 2 (Diddy Kong's Quest) and HOLY SH!T I didn't remember it was so f!cking hard! I think I've rusted, I'm at the "bee world" and the levels are raping me :P

5280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope these hackers epic fail

seriously f!cking pirates

5281d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


now gamecrush is gonna have more material, no Halo 3 or Gears, only Fap or Alive...

damn it

5282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yay Jailbreak is win

Oh and since I see I'm the only iPad fanboy around here (sort of :P), I'll say it again:

iPad>Notebook (full tactile and weightless)
iPad>iPhone and iPod (bigger screen = a whole new world of features)

lols yea

5282d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment


The guy put water on it and the screen responded... and even a f!cking donut can work as a stylus xDDD

PS: How much time usually pases before Apple launches the second gen of one of their products?? I know it's better to wait but...

5282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

your comment is fail, you know every laptop (including mine) can do that, but the iPad does it with a TACTILE screen so everything is easier, it weighs a ton less than a laptop, and reading a book actually feels like a real one (I loled when you said you put the laptop vertically xD)

So yeah it's an entire new league, it's not a laptop nor an ipod

5282d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Could anyone tell me how much time usually passes between every "new generation" of Apple products??
What I mean is that I remember the original Iphone launched around the middle of 2008 and the "new generation", the 3G, about a year later

So Apple launches their improved versions every year right?

5283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol, why do you hate apple and the ipad so much? (honest question :P)

What I see is a new kind of device, a laptop/ipod hybrid with A LOT of potential.

I will definitely buy it, the only thing which has me undecided is that apple always redesigns and improves their gadgets very soon, and if I'm an early adopter I know I will be screwed... What u think?

5283d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

honestly, everything Apple does is top-notch quality, so stfu ppl... the ipod owns, the iphone owns, the macs own, and the ipad will definitely own too

5285d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

for those who want TRUE challenges, go try the "Challeges of Exile", they only come with the collectors edition (or ultimate) but they are F!CKING HARD!!!

Still have 1 left, "Hades Kids 2", you have to kill 5 chimeras (with all the 3 stages)in around 4 minutes, at the end when you have 4 chimeras raping you at once with their tail and fire breaths, it's ridiculous xD

5286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Well of course many of us would love to go to space but it's currently imspossible due to how difficult being an astronaut is...

BUT, I'm sure that since we are so young (well I guess so, I'm 21 :P) we will be able to go on a Space Turism program in 30 years, and see the space :D

5286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@all the people who say glasses are tinted to make it more movie-like.... actually is not like this.

Glasses are tinded because that is the key of the 3D technology. Each eye only receives a part of the image (the "tint" blocks the other) and then tricks the brain to form a 3D image by overlapping the images.

Much the same way we see in real-life, we only "see" the image in the brain, the eyes are only a vehicle.

Remember those old r...

5286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm really likin the super fast gameplay, if Zelda Wii also turns to be a masterpiece, maybe Nintendo can redeem themselves this gen :)

5287d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

holy sh!t if this is true it would be awesome... maybe it's like the fight in The Challenges of Exile "Defeat Fear itself!", it was quite tricky actually to beat that Kratos :D

5287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

pfffffff, now that I thought gamers had finally gotten rid if this "horny geeks" stigma, Gamecrush comes and reminds us that it will always be like this...

I said it before, on the case you are indeed a desperate-for-love geek, I think for that prize you could have real sex with a b!tch, but whatever...

My guess is that all this traffic comes from 13 yeard olds (main 360 population) who think this is the easiest way to get some action, dunno

5288d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment