
CRank: 5Score: 1750

And this means what exactly? That whoever is "losing" the console battle packs it all in saying "well, were done for fellows....click, BANG!" ?

In Reality....'This console is beating that console' articles are geigh.

5460d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im really diggin' this game right now. Something refreshingly different from the 'hollywood' blast fests like the COD series. Consoles need more games like this. A good start.

5462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Burn it. For the cost of a dual layer (1.50) its worth it. $60?! Not a bloody chance. A dull and uninspired game.

5462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This would explain all the incessant whining from the PS3 fanboys. Perfect score? Not good enough! Critical review? Spaz and cry bias etc.

5462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, this will give the PS3 kids something to complain about...Im not sure what exactly, but they'll find something.

5462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah THATS why. haha man

5462d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Boy, a lot of you PS3 kids really do whine a lot. How does this "Low Score" or supposed "unfair criticism" really affect your life or enjoyment of this game? Just let it go and enjoy the game. Pfft! PS3 fans. Go ask mommy for a pudding snack and it'll all be ok after your nap. Losers.

PS: I agree wholeheartedly with 'commodore64'

5462d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your grammar and composition skills fully display your level of incompetence and retarded nature.

5464d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I paid $1.50 for my copy and I still walked away unimpressed. more of the same.... and just barely. "oh its over? thats what all the hype is about?...meh"

5464d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
5472d ago

Damn straight Carlton! Someone's gotta set things straight around here HAHA

5473d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What a retarded article. You know what IS biased, this article..."our data shows..." When will people realize that a review is just a SINGLE OPINION from some SINGLE person who is predisposed to enjoying certain types of games more than others, which will obviously be reflected in their reviews. Call it bias or whatever you like. Its hard to be a fence sitter when you have to review something you know you wont even enjoy playing right from the start. People always b!tch and whine ab...

5473d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

I sure as hell am not paying for this pile. Even though I havent played this yet, and cant say I will bother...this Halo business is getting old...old and tired and stale. Ive seen enough in most of the videos to notice it is more of the same, over and over and over again. Bungie is force feeding this crap to us time and time again. Same dated graphics but with oh pardon me, a spin on different characters? FVCK OFF Bungie! They've become the most over-rated sh!tty dev out there who spend mor...

5480d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why is this posted? Who approves this FVCKING GARBAGE? Why am I commenting?

5480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't agree with Jim Sterling more. Now obviously there are plenty of "adult" ps3 owners out there but.....Children are a pain the ass, and the majority demographic of ps3 owners are kids. Introduce the anonymity of the internet and you get exactly what Jim claims...Whiny, foul mouthed annoying little fvcks who are never never ever content.

5480d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll bet the Aussies can run out to their local movie theatre and watch someone get shot in the face, dismembered and then raped though. Fvcking ridiculous! This will boost piracy a fair bit dont you think? There are always ways around this legislative crap. Too bad for Valve.

5484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG!! Time to blame the 360 for this terrible injustice to ps3 losers everywhere. Get the mayor! Better yet, start an online petition; those are good as gold in thwarting such treachery. thanks a lot 360. >:-<

5484d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're biased because???? Simply because they don't give the scores that YOU think the games for ps3 SHOULD get. Spoken like young foolish fanboys. Ever stop to think past your own youthful ignorance that perhaps certain games just aren't that good. I'm sure they've trashed just as many 360 titles. Its been noted and proven many times that ports sometimes just don't convert well. Oh but no no no they couldn't and shouldn't knock your beloved ps3. Nice to see a decent game at last but as ann...

5484d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I loved my Dreamcast....except for that awful arthritis inducing controller. I played one hell of a lot of quake 3 online with mouse and keyboard...the creepy and bizarre Seaman, just to name a couple. Great system.

5491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This year's Bioshock...even better in my book. I am really really enjoying this game. Good pace, plenty of unique and creepy elements and characters. Batman AA is the best game I have played all year thus far, and I have played many.
Frenzied Batman noisily munching on a rat...that's beautiful stuff right there, and it just keeps coming. Love it.

5500d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment