
CRank: 5Score: 1750

"Shots fired" sounded like a broken monotone record that continued for minutes on end.("shots fired") Heal wounded?...ok...my medic would eventually ("shots fired") make it to my squadmate only for said squadmate to pause then repeatedly ("shots fired") run to another point, pause, medic follows then the wounded takes off again..("shots fired")...again and again without getting healed...then gets killed. ("Shots fired") I could go on...

5349d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A hyped event? Look who's calling the kettle black. "Look at our screen shots", and "You'll be amazed at our incredible AI" etc etc. What a load of sh!t by the shovelful. Ive seen better AI in games on my old xbox. One head shot or three body shots to kill the bad guy. Enemies take hits and either just stand there or go prone for a second or two...then stand up...aaand repeat process. Incredible AI indeed. How about mix it up a little? So damn predictable. Last gen graphic...

5350d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree %100 with your rant. I too was excited by all the videos of "gameplay" with tanks and helicopters etc. I kept waiting for something exciting to happen or to be involved in said excitement only to be completely fvcking disappointed right up to the very end. After this pathetic display for a "current-gen" game I wouldn't give Codemasters one red cent. Hype and bullsh!t by the shovelful...open up gamers here it cums. "You want any of these cool vehicles? Look how...

5350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks to Activision I'll be burning my copy....sorry Infinity Ward...you can blame Kotick, for without all his unscrupulous business practices I would happily run out and pay full price for it. Well played Bobby.

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great game! I am really enjoying this. Great sense of style from top to bottom. I have had no problems or glitches with it as some claim. I could get hooked on "point and clicks" if there are more out there like this. Any recommendations?

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe I'll pick up the PS4 next time around.

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see xbox fanboys bash the Ps3 maybe 1/10th of the times I see Ps3 fanboys bash Xbox. Why is that? Even when the ps3 has a great game come along they still bash the other guy in some bizarre sense of self righteous pride. I guess children like to gloat and whine and well, act like children. Im not a fanboy by any respect but I admit I do love to see great games on both systems and I wish I could afford to devote the time to both systems. In a perfect world I would love to see all the great g...

5355d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Disallow the use of..." Right, just like they release updates to "disallow" burnt games to be played on hacked systems? It seems hackers have updates ready to go even before MS releases their own updates. If these people are clever enough to hack the xbox (ixtreme etc)or apply an "Unauthorized HD" then they can just as easily get around some limp and weak attempt by MS to cut them off. Most of these guys thrive on hacking, they will most likely have it solved th...

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's Ps3 CHILDREN for you. They get grouchy and whiny when they dont get their "junior-juice" and nap time. You can see proof in the comments as you've stated.

There there....shhhhh...its ok....Yes dear, the ps3 is still the greatest console ever created....shhhh...you want your sackboy?...ok, here he is....now go to sleep and when you wake up mommy will bring you a pudding cup with your superman spoon.(gentle pat, pat, rub)

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG heaven forbid a CABLE!? I personally could care less. Is it really so much better than a cable? No. Its just more "techie" for the Gotta-Have-It mass consumers. Bravo to Sony for including wifi. I've tried both online networks and I would happily pay a piddly $50 a year for LIVE, hands down. That's less than $5 per MONTH. Im not a 360 fanboy...the online is just an all around better experience. Screw you MS and Sony for screwing consumers on HD cables. Its not about the "be...

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wouldnt lag issues have more to do with SONY's NETWORK than IF's programing/code of the game? Take it up with SONY. crybaby.

5357d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

YOU are EXACTLY the type of kid this guy is taking about, and people like YOU are what is wrong with the gaming community. YOU make us all look bad with your endless, pointless, petty b!tching. Yet another whining ps3 fanboy crying a foul bias over some delusional, fabricated and ridiculous self-justified pile of bullsh!t etc, etc. Pathetic.

5357d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

“He was a very angry PS3 user. Angry because he was like ‘why aren’t you talking about the PS3 version?’

HAHA oh Sony, you really have some serious losers in your court.

Why is it ALWAYS some ps3 fanboy making an ass out of the entire ps3/gaming community? There are some genuinely intelligent ps3/gamers out there but man, these whining fvcking ps3 kids just don't get it. Very rarely do I ever hear a 360 fan whine and b!tch like a ps3 kid.


5357d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who PAYS for this sh!t? "An amusing oversized cowboy hat"!?! Christ! The world if full of fvcking morons.

Yes, avatars are really geigh...and yes, some of us do love geigh.

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What game isnt? So what if it is? It looks like a great game regardless of any hype.

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could give two craps about mom hacks/jokes. Anyone who uses or is actually fazed by these sad and lackluster attempts is a definite loser anyway. Truly weak and pathetic. Get creative for christ sakes!

Im sure there are a million annoyances but he forgot to add:

The little wanna-be tough guy gansta, sitting in mommy's basement eating pudding cups, who places his head-set next to some crackly speaker producing garbled sh!tty rap...and leaves it there...cause he need...

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good god man! Let me help you out here.... actually never mind, go back to school and retake ALL of your English classes. Makes me want to tear my eyes out reading your mess.

5360d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even though it's far from the prettiest for this day and age of beautiful graphical standards, its still a unique start and I hope there are more attempts like this coming. Too bad about the the ps3 version, it looks like ass, the grass and ground textures look like some old xbox quality garbage, what gives?... but gameplay is what it's mostly about right? Yeah whatever...I'm a graphics whore myself. Yet another tough and lackluster conversion from 'pc friendly' to 'tricky PS3' hardware. OUCH...

5360d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS's Only Hope? ...or else what? Tard.

5361d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh no...MS is done for now! WHAT the HELL am I gonna do?!?! SH!T!!

5361d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment