CRank: 5Score: 13640

Thank the new MGS is not 5 but 4.5 lol. I think its going to be the story that shows Raiden rescuing Sunny lol. Then hopefully they will have a trophy patch up lol

5663d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

To the people talking about co-op, who needs co-op lol, you are Kratos God of f#$!ing War who needs co-op. I dont want to play as some other chump. I want to kick a$! all by myself as Kratos, he does not need any help lol

5704d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah fire Boon so we can let Tobias come back solo and make another crappy version of Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus lol The characters being crappy is your opinion to me they were all pretty awesome and each of them had their own distinguish characteristics. Im sorry but you cannot tell me that their were no characters from previous Mk that were not crappy Mokap, Meat, and Blaze anyone. The thing is I loved this new Mk game as well as all the others in the series, but this happens to be the bes...

5721d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah people said when this Mk was released it flopped and it would be the end of the MK series and guess what it did not flop and they are making another lol

5722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope it sold that many copies on both systems combined if you go and check out the vg chartz. Even a sony rep if I can find the link said that the game was a good seller for their system lol

5722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What game have you been playing mk vs dc does have the 2d feel. Then you say you wish it was more like MK2 and UMK3, well if you really played this game you would notice that this game plays exactly like MK2 and UMK3 combined. I have played and own every single MK game that has come out and yes even the old tiger electronic game Lol and this game is one of their best ones yet. The reason people hate on it is because it has Dc characters in it, which I did not mind since I'm a huge Dc comics f...

5722d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, yeah they are doing the same thing they did with vhs when they were trying to establish dvd. I remember when a new movie was released they would only release it on dvd and the only way you could get it on vhs the same day was to rent it lol

5727d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

can you please explain to me how ms is domination when it was the first out the gate and is in second place behind the wii. Also as explained by many companies such as take 2 and ea they have been selling more software on ps3. How is the system dominating. Sony has three system selling well on the market with first party titles doing well

5740d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will people please shut up about the ps4 for crying out loud. I mean do people think that sony are coming out with another console when everything in the ps3 is new tech. Why do you think it took so much time for people to learn to develop games for the system? Its because its the only thing with a billion dollar eight core processing chip in it called the cell. It has bluetooth, wi-fi, Harddrive, Blu-ray, Cd, Dvd and rumble motion controls all ready in it. Just because its third place does n...

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is wrong with everyone nowadays, most of the comments I have read have been it might sell if they market it blah, blah, blah. Its like fanboys have pretty much taken over this generation and not just in gaming. What ever happen to looking at something and saying damn I got to get that game because its awesome regardless if the game sells well. Now its like nobody gets excited about a game until the reviews comes out and if the reviews are good and the game does not sell its all of a sudd...

5753d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope you all know this is an old article talking about the companies making the graphics card for the PS3. If you look at the article it is dated 2004 lol

5756d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they are waiting to show it at e3 since that is their baby and they don't want to give all the details at this show. I bet you at e3 the game will have the people talking mess about the teaser jaws on the floor lol That trailer was obviously not the one david and that other dude talked about this was just letting people actually see clicks of the game play and to let us now get ready lol

5765d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What game are you looking at it does not look ps2 and to be honest if it did look like ps2 I would still be in line at launch to get it lol

5765d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

because what they showed is exactly what he said they would so I cannot wait to e3 when I'm sure they are going to blow the lid off this game lol

5765d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

because what they showed is exactly what he said they would so I cannot wait to e3 when I'm sure they are going to blow the lid off this game lol

5765d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats happening with the economy is not only affecting Sony but its affecting everyone, yes including your beloved Ms last I heard there vista and zune are not doing so well either. Everything is going down the tube. People are getting laid off left and right, Buick cannot afford tiger woods,the arena football league is in trouble(did not watch that anyways but still) the nhl and midway is in trouble ea is having to let people go and if the big three car dealerships go away that pretty much i...

5771d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I dont get is how you crazy people are jumping up and down about a 199 system outselling a 399 system, that is pathetic lol, Those numbers arent that impressive when you consider how much the ps3 is compared to the xbox. Its like how you xbots just some how bypass that the wii is still out selling both systems. Have y'all to the time to consider that sony is selling three systems at a time and are actually making a profit from the ps2 and psp while your favorite company MS is making its ...

5796d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are a sad sad person... Wow a dude that has one wife one house and graduated from the top of his class in harvard, and has a grand dad that fought in world war 2 is a terrorist, man you people are nuts. No wonder Palin can get away with talking to ya'll like a bunch kindergarten kids with her imaginary friends becasue ya'll believe everything people say lol

5812d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

thats what Im talking about lol

5812d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree and I hate when people say he has no experience. Its funny how having a lot of experience did not work for bush lol and saying obama is friends with Ayers is like saying you are a friends with an ex con because you both work at the same place. Man maybe we do need put down the controllers and see what going on in the world lol

5812d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment