CRank: 5Score: 13640

Yeah a dude that can fall out when he is sworn in, then we have to worry about palin and her imaginary friends joe six pack, joe the plumber, bob the builder and dora the explorer to run the country lol

5812d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

He did not tell people to take away video games he just said parents needs to make they kids turn off their videos game when they have homework that needs to be done. At least he wont take games off the shelf like palin would probably do since she don't mind taking books what she don't approve out of library's did her school library. The you talk about him being a socialist what do you think that bailout deal is that both him and mccain signed lol so if you call him a socialist you might as w...

5812d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

I like how they are now able to put more blood and gore in the game now since its not a launch title anymore. I think that is why the first one did not have that much blood because they wanted to sell more copies since of the high production cost but now considering how well the first one sold they can finally take off the gloves lol. Now Sony needs to make another bloodier Heavenly sword and Genji that match the level of the first one on ps2 lol

5812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well I will still get the game since it still looks good and fun to play. It does not really bother me as long as they still have moves you can do at the end of the match because the fatalities have been unoriginal since mk 2 if you ask me just look what they did with the finishers for the last mk game non of the characters had a signature finishing move lol Its like they were going down this path along time ago lol

5815d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't get why everyone is saying they should have not released the game until all the bugs are ironed out when the game is online only. If they held the game back it would have been going through the same thing, why because its online only. Only way they could fix the problems was by releasing the game. When they were using the game with only a few people in beta it seemed to run good but when they released it to the mass market it put a strain on their servers and that's a problem with onl...

5818d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You do know that folklore got a 9/10 from ign lol

5820d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do ya'll read anything other than this blog windows is going to support blu-ray lol

5830d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To me the best one was tekken tag lol

5832d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It funny how ms does not really announce anything new at games shows instead there big announcements are ex PlayStation 3rd party titles. I guess at next year e3 It will be Mgs4 substance. Those this mean ps3 owners get doa because I always felt doa was ms fighter and tekken was ps3 fighter.

5832d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hate it when people keep saying that its better for a game to go multiplatform because more people can enjoy it. In that case their should just be one platform because that why people buy certain system because they know they will get that specific game they wanted. Let me say it this way would you like it if your girl a girl that you really like was sleeping with all your homies so that they all can enjoy themselves to lol

5832d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know why everyone here is complaining about ps3 sells and how they need to drop the price. If sony was worried they would do it but the thing is they are making money from all there different divisions to help them out lol You remember a couple of years ago it was the ps2 that bailed out their TV electronics division when it was not doing that good. Then when the ps3 was released it was the spider-man 3 movie that helped them. Now this year from the looks of it their psp is really tak...

5836d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Their is not a problem with the disc lol, the thing is you have to let the movie install on your harddrive. The feature that installs on the harddrive is bd-live which takes five minutes to install. The studio did not let people know about this so when it was loading for so long people thought it was the disc lol.

The following is a statement from Paramount regarding the BD-Live functionality of Iron Man:

"The Iron Man Blu-ray went on sale Tuesday and due to the...

5837d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well its not surprising that this happened when most of the people who started the series did not work on this one and actually worked on the new sirens game lol

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to me that finisher was really good and creative. Finishers in mortal kombat has not been good since mkII in my opinion. If anything they were more silly. Like lui kang dropping an arcade on someones head for example. Oh and lets not forget Armageddon's finishers where they just ran out of ideas and had the player try to make up its own combination lol Yet people keeping dissing this game that one finisher beat all the finisher in the last one lol

5878d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest it does not really have to have a big budget just a good director lol If Zach syndar did the movie with the effects he used in 300, which was a cheap movie to make, the movie would be awesome lol but unfortunately hes not directing lol

5908d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its cool to see him in a game again but in a way I dont want to see him again because he was suppose to be James inner monster.

5915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From what Im seeing sony is vastly becoming an online multiplayer system with s.o.e. in their corner with dc heroes and the agency, nc soft deal, the psn network game Ratchet and clank , Sirens, Socom, Lbp, and mag, and the digital downloading service and home. I think it safe to say where sony is going with this system. The ps4 when ever it comes out will probably be just a box that does not uses any disc just downloads, you probably can use ps3 wireless contollers with it lol.

5916d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I want to know is now that the ps3 have most of the games that appeal to xbox fan for example a whole lot of shooters will that make alot of the xbox fans move over to the ps3 then ps3 fans like myself who will never by an xbox will you move over to xbox side because they have more jrpg lol

5917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man like I said everyone conference was underwhelming, noone really had a good press conference. I dont know what it is but it seems as though games have reached their peak. MGS4 as awesome as it was did not have a strong and lasting effect on me, every game this gen been that way I have never traded in so many games to gamestop like I have this gen. Out of every 10 games or so their is one gem but once you beat I complete it thats it. Like FF for instance even even FF versus its going to be ...

5917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

True the ff announcement marked the end for 3rd party exclusive and now I see why sony bought up all those 1st party studios lol, I glad they kind of went multiplatform because now I dot have to worry about is it going to stay exclusive or not. No Ms is going to have to try and figure out how to get a 1st party studio becasue without that announcement of FF there conference would have been right up their with Nintendo lol, No let me take that back nothing could have been worse then nintendo p...

5917d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment