CRank: 5Score: 13630


keep telling yourself that guy

xbox1 and ps4 will NEVER sell close to what ps3/360 did

that was 2005 man, it was a whole different decade, a different market, a different world

if, in 8 years, the xbox1 or ps4 manage to sell more than 50 million units I will be very, VERY surprised

the only people I know who want one are hardcore gamers

I work in an office with over 240 people, most...

3939d ago 3 agree26 disagreeView comment

or like ps4 vs a graphics card, because lets face it, a pc does 1000x the things a ps4 does

and trust me, a $200 graphic card kills the ps4, a $400 gpu MURDERS it, resurrects it, killz it again, and then does awful, awful things with its corpse

I can get concert tickets, book a flight, do my banking, make a movie, sell stocks, play poker, do 50% of my office work, run my business, make family photos, webcam chat with 5 family members around the globe on holidays <...

3939d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

to even compete in any real sense of the word, the ps4 would have to travel back in time to 2010 through a worm hole

and even then, sli rigs with gtx 480's would still crap all over the ps4

so, maybe that wormhole would need to go back even farther

2008 should be about right......maybe

3939d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

just owning 1 console next gen will cost you WAY over $1000

psn plus for 8 years=$400
games cost $65 -game every other month= $3120
(or a game a month at half price if you are a smart shopper

ps4= $3920 and you only get 1 AAA game every other month


build a badass pc that plays every ps2/wii/gamecube/ps1/ds/psp/sn es game in full 1920x1080p, no more buying garbage remakes that don't even...

3939d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope xbox1 wins next gen

not because I care, both consoles are super weak and I won't be spending over 200 bucks on either, but because it will be funny as hell

Playstation fans are WAY more annoying than xbox fans

3939d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think the console version is way better because it features awesome sub-hd 580p and runs super crappy and the character models are COVERED in jaggies which looks really cool

also, with no auction house, the games is completely devoid of any end game content and in game gold in the game is absolutely useless which is so super cool

now if only it had some sweet day one dlc it would be perfect


3940d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


no, not really man, a $250 gpu will crap on the ps4 and xbox1

plus, consoles are WAY more expensive than pc gaming


psn plus/xboxlive x 8 years=$400

games cost $15 extra at LEAST
100 games in 8 years (game a month) $1500

replacing the console after it breaks (you know it isn't going to last 8 years, I'm on ps3 number 3 and my 4th xbox, not exaggerati...

3941d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

he said that just for you and all the sheep who will believe it


medium settings
that's your version of next gen


3941d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment

bf4 in medium settings at sub-1080p is NOT next gen

ps4/xbox1 are weak, 2 year old mid spec pcs

a powerful gaming pc from 3 years ago was gaming with higher image quality than the ps4 will ever produce

there is no "jump/leap" at all if you have been gaming on pc for the last few years

it would be a downgrade in every possible way to get a xbox1/ps4

the only, ONLY advantage ps4 and xbox1 have that they should ever ...

3941d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

it looks like a cell phone game

so what

bf4 runs sub-1080p at MEDIUM settings

glad the indystation4 can run "resogun" so well, but freaking what!

3941d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

lol...called this months ago, also stated it will launch late on consoles, the pc version will be out MONTHS before the ps4/xbox1 versions

it will also look at run like crap on ps4/xbox1

it will be 720p and still have jaggies everywhere

3941d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

so it looks like a free to play flash game

looks kinda fun, but not a thing about this game looks like it couldn't be done on the ps3

looks last gen

if this game is not native 1920x1080 at 60 frames with at least 4x msaa anti aliasing then I am VERY worried about the power of "next gen" consoles

3941d ago 1 agree24 disagreeView comment

unless all games are native 1920x1080p with 4x anti aliasing minimum and buttery smooth 60 frames

then yeah, ps4/xbox1 maxed day one

obviously, 1080p, no jaggies, 60 frames is the target

if any dev does not have that as a MINIMUM on a "next gen" game, the they had to compromise their vision of the game due to the limitations of the hardware

end of story

yes, the ps4 and xbox1 are maxed day 1

will dev...

3941d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

and they (controllers) take AGES to turn around 180 degrees with, it honestly feels like moving in molasses

m/kb its a split second and you are turned around facing 180 degrees in the opposite direction

and a controller is just way less accurate all around

though a controller is way better for a fighting game, a brawler or a platforming game

and usually when I play a third person game on my pc I use my wireless 360 controller

3941d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is absolutely stupid for launching after the ps4

they knew the date of the ps4 launch for the last month, if they had any brains they would have launched a week or more early

the really should have launched on Oct. 29th with a special BF4 limited edition

3941d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if ps4 players had m/kb they could 100% definitely hold their own

controller vs m/kb, never, the controller players would simply get annihilated

3941d ago 7 agree14 disagreeView comment

pc gaming makes more money than ps3 and 360 combined!

EA alone makes more money on pc than either ps3 or xbox360

"EA's numbers include a breakdown of revenue per gaming platform, and they show that the company's net revenue from PC gaming actually rose by 8% compared to the same quarter last year. Not only that, but at $298 million, EA's PC revenue was higher than its Xbox 360 revenue ($256 million) or its PlayStation 3 revenue ($238 million)."...

3941d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

my brother has a laptop that destroys the ps4 and xbox1, he works on the road so it is his home office, his entertainment center, AND it runs every game out there on ultra in 1080p

way more than ps4 xbox1 will ever do

3941d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I challenge YOU to find me a console I can buy that I can do my college homework on, send in reports to my boss, book a flight on, make a movie on, edit a music video for my band on, video conference with 5 family members from all over the world on

that allows me to emulate nearly every ps2 game

that allows me to play 1000's of h...

3942d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

a $250 GPU craps on the ps4/xbox1

the ps4 and xbox1 play bf4 in MEDIUM settings at sub-1080p

a 660 ti will play it in high settings at 1080p

that's a mid spec card that's over 2 years old

ps4 and xbox1 are nothing to write home about power wise

their promise is the new games and exclusives they will bring to the market, nothing about their power is impressive to anyone with even a 2 year old mid spec pc

3942d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment