
CRank: 5Score: 15050

Agreed, never heard of them before today either...

for comparison:
Bart Smit - 189 shops
Nedgame - 8 shops

LMAO "biggest dutch retailer" without a shop in Amsterdam../FAIL

another comparison:
Free record shop has more shops in Amsterdam alone than Nedgame has in all of Holland.

Funny thing is, I just found the original article on Eurogamer Holland and the original title states: "Game-retailer Ne...

5396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Holland's largest specialised retail outlet, Nedgame"

WTF? In over 20 years of gaming I've never heard the name "Nedgame" before. And yes, I'm dutch..

Any dutchies ever heard of "Nedgame"??

EDIT: Just googled 'em, they have like 8 shops, mostly in farm-country.. biggest specialised retail outlet my ass!! 8 shops!! 8! EIGHT!! No, not 800, 8!!

..ok I'm done now..

5396d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe if you'd try to actually reply instead of repeating yourself, you'd get somewhere in life..

Fact is that your comment was childish, irrelevant, uncalled for and most of all plain ignorant.

In no way would this ad be comparable to an ad depicting 2 major cities being nuked, plain and simple. Especially not if that's something that actually happend, as it did.

If this ad depicted Ryu taking down the twin towers I'd get where you're coming from, but i...

5404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, I didn't know the NGS ad depicted the twin towers collapsing after a terrorist attack...

Facking joker..

One more thing:

"Because yeah, all the people in NY city deserved to die that very morning huh?"

Where the fack did that come from? You truly are a piece of work..

5404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed, GTA4 shouldn't be on the list and Dead Space & Silent Hill are indeed pretty local (as of now..)

But Fallout is the far from the only truly post-apocalyptic game world that springs to mind.

How about the zombie-apocalypse in games like Dead Rising, L4D etc..

Also, alien invasions on the scale seen in Resistance & Halo would make for a pretty horrific world to live in..(especially if you're not a Sentinel or Spartan)

5404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The teenage son of 2 scientists wreaks havoc on the supermutants with half-broken weaponry, but surely the helghast (supermutants in their own right) would run.. I can tell you've played Killzone.. /s

Imagine the entire Helghan fleet arriving over the fallout world.. Blitzkrieg anyone??

You can't kill a helghast heavy by shooting at it's foot.. "supermutants" LMAO

Pizzagaki, just GTFO and bring back Cookiegaki, that guy actually had s...

5404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If anyone here is either young or stupid, it's you. I'll say you're the latter..

Oh wow.. Did you just actually compare a ninja slicing up a statue to the actual barbaric nuking of 2 major cities, causing the death of well over 200.000(!!) innocent civilians in a grotesque display of revenge over attacking a military base?!

(Some of) you americans never cease to amaze me.. Un-facking-believable..

And how does a ninja slicing up a statue remind people of...

5404d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh wow.. Did you just actually compare a ninja slicing up a statue to the actual barbaric nuking of 2 major cities, causing the death of well over 200.000(!!) innocent civilians in a grotesque display of revenge over attacking a military base?!?!

You americans never cease to amaze me.. Un-facking-believable..

And how does a ninja slicing up a statue remind people of terrorists flying a plane into a skyscraper?

Yet it's perfectly fine for an american dev...

5404d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They made 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory', the free online multiplayer fps that got me back into gaming back in 2003.

I still consider it to be one of the best online shooters I've ever played.

Enemy territory: Quake wars sucked balls though..

They haven't done any other full retail games I believe, but maybe this gives an indication of what to expect from 'Blink'.

5441d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Article regarding Oblivion:

"The title also hit the Playstation 3, but that version of the game has all sorts of programming problems"

ehm.. programming problems?? Like what? Ps3 version looks graphically better and runs smoother overall, as far as I've experienced..

5442d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Almost like that "top 10 games on 360" list, had like 2 exclusives..


5444d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least y'all are in the right zone for once..

5444d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

A powerful gaming rig will cost you almost the price of all consoles this generation combined (unless you're nerdy enough to build it yourself) and will be quite outdated & obsolete in about a year (maybe 2)

So the main argument against the PC would be MONEY.

Seeing as the powerful HD-console called the 360 will cost you less than a Wii, this argument is void for Wii owners.

So stop pulling things out of your arse..

5446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't be such an ignorant fool oobob, the world isn't black & white.

"If graphics mattered this much you'd all be PC gamers with dual Radeon 4870 cards running in crossfire for 2gb vram and 4 total gpus, with a quad-core overclocked processor and gigs of ram."

..Maybe if money was free, and Sony's first party developers included the PC platform too.

Wii more immersive than HD-consoles? No way..
Look at that Wii version of Dead Space,...

5446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Well, few things are clear…

1. You haven’t played indigo prophecy.

2. QTE’s aren’t the only way to play the game..(see #1)
3. Heavy Rain isn’t an RPG (see#1)
4. Heavy Rain is a “movie” that is told over 10 hours. (see #1)

You aren’t even a journalist at this point. Any journalist would have at least played Quantic Dreams previous offerings to see what to expect. Any real journalist would have seen Heavy Rain is ri...

5459d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

The problem with the "CLASSICS" as Ice puts it, is that the older generation often refuses to acknowledge the "MODERN CLASSICS".

Let me (try to) explain:

I was talking to this guy in his 50's about rock music and he quickly dismissed every modern band as inferior to the 'legends' of the 60's.

But just because the industry was relatively new, and most things you came up with hadn't been done before, doesn't mean modern artists lack the...

5476d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Out of a job??

There's no normal season of Dr. Who this year because Tennant's too busy working on other projects (theater), but he's out of a job soon??

Doesn't make sense...

5478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was leaning more towards the idea that the little boy is the last guardian. Sole survivor of an ancient bloodline, whose sole purpose is to protect this mythical creature from the dangers of the outside-world.

5480d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because it's a user-review? And probably one of the first ones he's ever written?

You should check out his review of that Razer Sphex mouse-pad, it's pretty good.. ;)

But seriously, why is this on N4G skynidas??

5482d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BC: rearmed = $ 6,00
Bionic Commando = $ 60,00

5488d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment