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I think only in so far as they support every piece of software heading their way? They have that team who specializes in helping people port games, not just SoT, and then the one team that takes PS5 games and ports them to PC (that's their full time job essentially). But that team, the former mentioned one, doesn't do all the work, just help out with how to best do things. So, that team wouldn't port a whole game like Sunset Overdrive.

77d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, when Sony offers to overpay you for your services and signs a contract that says they won't force you to do anything you don't want, who would say no? Such an overpriced purchase from Sony. Poor business, IMHO. But, honestly, I'm not a business person. But, still, I don't understand it.

77d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that would require Insomniac going back to work on it to port it over, probably why that's not happening.

77d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

So beloved that it sold so well that there's a sequel and Insomniac never had the opportunity to go back to Sony to develop games exclusively for Sony.

77d ago 22 agree1 disagreeView comment

It feels like the common trend to wallstreetify companies rather than have them being run by people who are actually interested in the output of the industry.

77d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

77d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

1. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
2. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
3. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
4. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
5. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
6. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
7. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
8. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
9. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
10. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

77d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

77d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment

More Sony padding their failing hardware numbers! /s

78d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


78d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

Sorry @pete but you're comparing publisher things and Steam is its own storefront. The whole point of Steam is to provide a store for publishers and not for other storefronts. Same thing with Xbox. This isn't Valve games going to Xbox, that already happens, this is about Steam, the store, becoming available on Xbox. Only way that happens is if Microsoft forgoes their cut so that Steam can get it instead.

78d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe what you're missing here is that the article is saying that PlayStation and Xbox have the same goals in mind. But it's just not true.

Microsoft has said they want to get rid of exclusives. Sony has said the exact opposite but leverage PC where it benefits them.

Furthermore, the article says that these decisions are based on recent layoffs. PlayStation hasn't changed directions at all other than to likely work even less on GaaS. Nothi...

78d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is about the industry and bad journalism. I don't see where I praised one console over another, just specified how an attempt to make them all appear to have the same goals is wrong and this type of journalism only helps to confuse consumers and goals within the industry.

78d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing relevant to the conversation.

***PS Plus is now responsible for 50% of Playstation´s entire division revenue, ***

Why do you make up things?

78d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean, it's YouTube. People say anything for content there. Let's not try and make them more than just random ramblings for hits.

78d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

***Xbox they will get to play all PlayStation games anyway.***

I mean, first, after 2 years, they'd get most of them, not all. And, second, Valve would take 30% off the top, then Microsoft could take their 30% from below that, and Publishers/Developers would then get shafted with less than they'd make just selling it on PS/Xbox/PC as it is now?

Nonsensical. This would only happen if Xbox stops being called the Xbox, stops being controlled by Mic...

78d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

*** The notion that Playstation isn´t going multi platform is getting blurrier by the day. ***

This has been said over the last 5 years by people who want Sony to be like Microsoft. So blurry. So fast.

And yet, in that same period of time, Microsoft went same day and date on Steam even though they have their own PC storefront, admitted in court to losing to Sony on hardware and software, spent the most money just to continue competing against Sony (t...

78d ago 15 agree7 disagreeView comment

I think it's more the people above them trying to control topics outside of 'news'.

Read this article -- https://www.ign.com/article... -- and compare it to how they phrase things here, let alone forget to mention that PS5 is still performing ahead of PS4. But, when reporting news, they'll report it, and it makes these opinion pieces...

78d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

***...that neither are remaining constrained to the confines of their respective consoles.***

Did you know you can stream PS games to your PC? Did you know Helldivers (the first one) was on PC? Everybody's Gone to the Rapture since 2016? Horizon Zero Dawn since 2020?

Hi, four years ago called, it wants its news back. Sony has been doing this already at this level and hasn't 'increased' it more than they said they would. Why are we reading ...

79d ago 37 agree15 disagreeView comment

***...and it’s becoming clear that there’s seemingly a consensus between both Playstation and Xbox that the entire industry is going through a recalibration. Starting with console “exclusives.”***

What is the consensus? One does day and date release on console and PC and is porting their games to competing platforms. The other does 2-year later PC ports of games to just Steam and has one past-exclusive on Xbox because of licensing demands.

I ask again, wh...

79d ago 76 agree17 disagreeView comment