
CRank: 5Score: 9850

They are a great company and have great developers. Insomniac got voted in as one of the top 10 best small companies to work for 3 years in a row. The comments they made aren't half as bad as other developers, not to mention Microsoft and Sony Executives.

6196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I second that. I give Halo all its credit, but no offense; I am just plain sick of hearing about that game. There is such a thing as over marketing a game.

For Mr. Disagree, I do give halo its credit, but I am sick of hearing about that game. I got sick of hearing about heavenly sword as well; however, Halo's marketing volume is ousting HS by like 75 percent. Halo is not a brand new IP, it doesn't need so much overdone jazz.

6197d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Most of the people are discussing technical achievements rather than sales. THis is a thread about a game's resolution you know.

6197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to stay competitive. To say they are in trouble is shortsighted. It's too early in the race to say that.

Sony realized their price was too high for most consumers, and needed to drop it to stay competitive. It's a smart move because the christmas season is upon us, and because playstation has some great games coming. The whole thing just makes sense.

*sorry about the double post.

6197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to stay competitive. To say they are in trouble is shortsighted. It's too early in the race to say that.

Sony realized their price was too high for most consumers, and needed to drop it to stay competitive. It's a smart move because the christmas season is upon us, and because playstation has some great games coming. The whole thing just makes sense.

6197d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When the majority of their biggest EXCLUSIVE games this Christmas (bioshock, halo3, mass effect, PGR4) are shooters. Shooters are fun, but variety is the only thing that can give you the best lineup. You need something for everyone, and honestly, I think PS3 comes closer in that regard, but neither has the best Christmas lineup in history.

I do believe with *Ratchet and clank, SingStar, *Warhawk, *Heavenly Sword, Lair (well), Folklore, *Uncharted, *Haze, and possibly even *Unre...

6197d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

it only matters what it means for consumers: cheaper price and wider appeal. Unless you own stock in sony, who cares if they lose more money on each console. Besides, sony has other avenues of business, not to mention the PSP and PS2 sales, but again, who cares unless you're a stock holder. This site is for gamers . . . at least i thought so.

6197d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

These types of articles are just getting old.

6198d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

You thought PS3 fans didn't think halo would sell consoles? If you think that, you're delusional. Halo always sells consoles, and with Halo action figures, 1.5 million in perorders, I think most people knew (PS3 fan or not) Halo would sell consoles. Please stop insulting people's intelligence.

6199d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most PS3 fans I know don't want Halo on the PS3: it's an xbox title and should stay on the xbox, and obviously, it's not going to come. Most people aren't dumb enough to think HALO will ever grace the playstation franchise, but to me, that's quite all right. PS3 has their titles, and the Xbox has theirs. Let's keep it that way.

6200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Based on many reviews, Killzone for the PS2 received a 70 out of 100. 1up even gave it an 80. My main point is this: This game got average to decent reviews across the board. I think people should stop saying that Killzone 1 was a HORRIBLE game that no one liked. The only reason people are saying that, and completely ignoring the fact that the reviews w...

6200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tomb Raider never implemented a cover system like uncharted does. Also, over than the swinging abilities, the gameplay is more like Gears of War mixed with something else I cannot put my fingers on.

6202d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hear it, and I understand the motives behind it: Gears looks better than Halo; therefore, the xbox is capable of stellar graphics even if their flagship title is less than stunning graphically. Okay well, some people are omitting the main difference between Halo and Gears: Halo has bigger environments, along with more things going on the screen at one time.

Well, most gamers know it's hard to keep a steady framerate and high resolution while having a very large amount of thin...

6202d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope you play jazz better than you write comments.

"the 360 is the slightly more powerful system overall"
"ps3 and 360 games well continue to look better and better,but you WELL NOT be able to the difference between ps3 games and 360 games"
---but didn't you just say the 360 was the more powerful console??

"sony spent the money on blue ray, which has NOTHING to with how games look."
"there well be no game ...

6204d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

has started doing tasks that were normally reserved for the GPU. The PS3s architecture is a hybrid in the console industry.

6204d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

is fantastic. If you are a fan of the series, then you will be blown away by this game. If you are new to the series, you will be blown away by this game. In short, be prepared to be blown . . . it’s that

6204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't a kids game. Is mario or super smash a kids game? That was not a well thought out comment.

If a game doesn't contain tons of blood, and doesn't have a mature rating, that doesn't mean it's a kids game. Ratchet and Clank is a platformer; It’s not Sesame Street, Sponge Bob, or Barney’s Playhouse.

6204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've seen your posts before, and I'm well aware you are not a PS3 fan. Regardless of this article, you should at least give the CELL credit for being a magnificent processor. All the studies done on it by countless companies yielding significantly dramatic results weren't all done by fanboys in disguise.

6204d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

As I read some of these comments, I notice they are about as ricidulous as a football bat. And some, about as wrong as two naked fat chicks mud-wrestling.

6204d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The three big 360 games: halo, bioshock, and gears. Even though every single one is an FPS, this is great news for Xbox 360. I will be curious to see the NPD numbers.

6204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment