CRank: 5Score: 17340

As a 40-something woman that still avidly plays video games of all kinds, you'd be surprised how many times I am asked to explain myself. I have found that just about everyone who doesn't have gaming in their everyday lives can't fathom why a 'grown up' would want to play video games.

But agree with you that its is absurd to have to explain or defend your hobby choices.

1009d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would say this is not something that could be considered a 'JRPG' as I know them. Its a building game (like minecraft) with some lite combat, farming, material collecting for crafting, and a sort of tower-defense type mechanic with using traps and devices to combat enemy waves in the story campaign. There's free-building and a town/villager-management aspect thrown in as well. Great game imho.

1152d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Am I the only one who initially read the game title as "Garlic Wars"?

1164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

100% agree. I'm honestly baffled at the high scores its getting.

All of the issues you mention are criticisms I also have, but to make the matters worse, the game starts to suffer from massive technical issues as you add more makers/paths/things to your farm. The game got *really* bad player reviews in Japan at launch (I also played the game in Japanese at launch). The reviews were so bad that the company publicly apologized and promised fixes. Why are North American r...

1184d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

But it's *also* for "cool Genshin Impact-branded KFC bucket" when you buy the meal.... lol

1194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not a bummer for me. I personally don't go for every banner just because of a shiny new character; I only go for the ones that would benefit my party most (most of the time I wish for duplicates so I can build up the constellations). As a result, I have tons of primogems saved up. The only character I don't have that I really WANT is Venti. His skills appeal to my playstyle and I started the game after he was made available so I missed out.

I'm glad I'll be...

1199d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bethesda definitely makes games that can be considered system-sellers. Heck, the only reason I bought an xbox360 was because Fallout 3 was a timed exclusive. I wouldn't hesitate to buy their new xbox if Elder Scrolls, Fallout or even Starfield become exclusive.

I mean, its not like I can find a PS5 to buy anyway, lol. I'd be happy owning both if I can play the games I want to play.

1199d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I rarely buy a game at launch anymore without doing my homework. As soon as I saw only PC copies were being reviewed, and when I read PS4/xbox player feedback on performance, I knew I was also going to do this exact thing (waiting for a PS5 and complete version of the game).

1281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I understand where you're coming from, the reason they CAN'T leave the game on the store is because they're basically throwing their usual refund policy out the window for this one, so they kind of HAVE to remove it. Otherwise, opportunistic individuals will come along, buy the game, play it for as long as they want, and then ask for a refund afterward because they know they'll get it.

It would be making the game free, basically.


1281d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's the first thing that popped into my head, lol ... but I won't be holding my breath.

2031d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good comparison with the whole Pokemon Let's Go games... that got so much hate when it was announced but now people are loving it after it actually released. Fallout 76 got so much hate when it was announced and now people are still giving it so much hate after it actually released.

It really does tell you something about how a GOOD game can turn people's opinions around and it really seems like Fallout 76 just isn't really a good game.

2033d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same here. I love the traditional Pokemon game formula and I would definitely buy a new entry in the series. But in the meantime, this looks like a fun little distraction. :)

2047d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great review, it answered some questions I had about the game mechanics.

"catching Pokémon in this way makes more sense. I’ve always thought that the key messages of friendship and bonding present in Pokémon weren’t exactly congruous with the fact you’ll beat them into subjugation before capturing them and forcing them to do battle for you."

Very true. I'm looking forward to trying a game that changes up the approach to catching an...

2047d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is how I felt as well. I finished the game ages ago, shortly after the initial release, but figured I'd wait until all DLC stuff was finished before going back. It just seemed like it was never going to happen and at this point I honestly don't even feel the need to go back to play it if it did get finished.

It's a shame. The game at release was fun for me at the time, but it wasn't good enough to draw me back in afterward.

2052d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I tried to name my horse Nickel 'n Dime... It got flagged for profanity and I was like wtf? I took the ' out of the name, making it just Nickel n Dime (no apostrophe) and it accepted it. Apparently an apostrophe is offensive in some way. :/

2059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Looking away from the TV screen to your phone sort of breaks the immersion for me. The last companion app I tried was for Fallout 4 and it was fun for a couple minutes before I realized the in-game pip-boy just felt more natural.

2067d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

Stardew Valley: Canada Edition

2171d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was thisclose to grabbing the game in early access but then saw the announcement for consoles. I think I'll wait for the PS4 release. :)

2340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I found the beta didn't really give a good feel for what these sorts of games are like.

You start off small, with basic gear, and start hunting easy monsters to gather materials they drop to make better gear to kill bigger monsters. Then you kill bigger monsters to get more materials to upgrade your gear for killing even bigger monsters.

So there’s a lot of grinding for materials in order to craft better gear. The beta just sort of throws you into a...

2340d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I personally enjoy grinding out Exp and materials to upgrade things. I know, not everyone does, and yes, its an odd thing about a game to enjoy but I just do. So for me this isn't a deal-breaker since I will never buy into these sorts of microtransactions and don't feel a need to.

Artificially dragging out the requirements for character upgrades in order to tempt a player to spend money to do it faster is pretty sleazy though, no doubt.

As long as...

2429d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment