Wuss up party peephole


CRank: 5Score: 18330

coerce ..im pretty sure you mean "Course",

and i think you mean to say you "boarded" a bus then train, not bored

and its spelled "industrial" not industeral

and excitment is spelled "excitement"

its "lovely" not lovly

the game is "theme" hospital by "bullfrog", not theam hospital by ballfrog

(In front of my was a desk with a beautiful woman) you c...

6070d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i taped up a controller going one direction, one night so i could get max sneaking skill in oblivian,, now it goes to that side ...very annoyingly

it bothers most in unreal tournament, in call of duty a little bit
and burnout its annoying....im so stupid for doing that , ill try what you did at walmart

i just gotta clean it up like new in march when the rumble ones drop

6070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the .lowrider's grill bling's soo much....

i need to get a dualshock 3 from walmart, and gut it, and put that into my sixaxis and trade the no rumble back inside, and take it to walmart and go complain,.....then ill get another rumble

is this possible, i heard walmart employee's are dumber than a bucket of nuggets

sadly i have 2 sixaxis rumble less controllers

6070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and not knowing how to spell stomach

yea super secret xbox pwnzerz info, to come...FANCHILD

6070d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rockstar asked you to take it down, i hope someone was able to grab the hd version before it left..........so wheres the sideways link were someone uploaded it on a differnt website for me to download?

6070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a liberty city that uses 5 gig of ps3 hdd memory, to give us a seemless city, with a short stick starting load, and no load what so ever for the rest of the game , and also utilizing that memory to leave a long standing footprint..... bulletholes, bazooka missle marks, cars destroyed, peds stacked up high, bullet shells banged ......all from 5 minutes ago or longer

sorta like there brothers 2K games did on oblivian with those gigs
when i mass produce objects and hours later...

6071d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

look as good as THE DARKNESS, cool at least i know there brethrens,
2K Games, and TAKE 2......help each other out

i felt the time used in creating the new engine could have been spent on making the game better than even possible, cause they didnt want to pay E.A. royalty's for renderware

or if renderware were still used, it would have played exzactly the same as all the others , ILL NEVER KNOW

hope it was a move for the best, crackdown failed wit...

6071d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ohh and if anybody has played vice city stories on psp

it makes me very angry that they refer to a giant group of mexican gangsters as "CHOLO", when cholo means 1
it supposed to be cholo's

if feels like someone got retarded at the rock* factory for a second or
simply they know nothing of the outside world

take down that group of "THUG" before they get here to disarm the bomb...now drive me back to my hideout, do it in 5 mi...

6071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I respected Activision for Call of Duty 4

and they should suck sony's, cause sony bought them the 007 licence for them to make games based on the new sony 007 movies coming out,
which casino royal was awesome

and for letting activion have the Spiderman licence... that they made millions from

and lord knows they musta pushed so many tony hawks on the 120,000,000+ ps2 owners, ...........and tony hawk kinda sucked on N64- and wouldnt have keep them ma...

6071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if the psp sold an L.E.D styles type pen with soft rubber tip that acted as a touch screen,

thered be no need for an iphone.

im gonna pick up a 16 gig memory stick fo my psp, i got like 6,000 songs on my ps3, ready to be tranferred.....all at 5mb or more, 10mb songs sound


6071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah the iphone at $600 launch was a rip off, still at $400 is a rip off, they only cost $180 to make

they sold 500,000 on launch day ,times that by $400 uhh... they made a $200,000,000 profit off that, ohh and the ps3 was too expensive?

the ps3 cost $850 to make and sold for $600..you people

the psp used to cost $250 and sold for $300...........


dumb people wanna follow like sheep ....ae you sure the ipod doesn...

6071d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

but skype charges from internet to phone, so why not a company start up WIRELESS BROADBAND INTERNET that works everywhere, not next to a "HOTSPOT"........... charging $10-$30 a month an online plan for psp

okay i need a gadget like the psp where i can access the internet anywhere and it would run just like on the computer and not need any "HOTSPOTS"......and use it as a video phone with other psp users that pay the standard $10-$30 monthly fee
no chargin...

6072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i put $30 towards the game on ps3, and asked the guy for the limited edition pack, and said, if i dont got the extra $70 when i come and pick this up can i just get the norm, he said yeah thats cool and you could also put the rest later and pick up the extra stuff..... i said thats cool thanks

so im going to work like hell and stash an extra $80 away to be sure i got enough

i dont belive in credit cards sorry, i bought my hdtv and ps3 and everything i ever owned stra...

6072d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

in japan the people who were poorer into buying the 360, actually disguise them to look like a ps3, and when it dies they go on a samarurai sword killing spree and spit on the broken system to dishonor it, before they take it to godzillaz pad to get crushed and brutally raped by a wii, TRUE FACT!!.....the more you know*

6075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

your so kewl , they spell it with a K

6075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

#6. think about turning it on

6075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

microsoft didnt invent halo, the team that made ONI on ps2 was called bungie and were half way done with halo, that team was owned by rockstar, take 2, 2k games,.....when it was all one company , when microsoft when out one day trying to find interesting , stuff to buy

cause of the rise of MAC's that were scaring them , into wasting millions on things that they could claim as exclusive for windows

never mind i read it weird the first time

6076d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

whats 20 minutes, when the whole friggen game will run like a breeze afterwards.....im gonna get a 250 gig internal for my ps3, i make a fast frank and get a pepsi and pour me some cheeto's , and that takes me longer than 20 minutes..... its beter than counting up hours of load times that could ov' been

I HOPE TO GOD there is an option for Grand Theft Auto 4 to download memory to run smoother and load faster,it takes some stress off the disc, which will keep em in a better condi...

6076d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

i hate that stupid map at the missle silo and the 2 huge warehouses with the sniper field

i love the rest

this is the first game EVER where ill buy downloadable stuff....

hell im willing to pay $20 for 5 maps, or $30 for an extra perk slot
or $10 for a nuke launcher that kills every one on the other team and releases a huge mushroom cloud , after i get 10 kills

6076d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
6076d ago