Wuss up party peephole


CRank: 5Score: 18330

Can I Use The MOVE to swing around the sword in METAL GEAR RISING???!..... just Wondering, could make sense with the nav to move and L1 to lock on then swing away at cool unique samurai style slicing

5057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks alright, i dont like all that extra wasted space around the screen , those round things, if they do might as well put some decent little sound system to set it down and watch some blu-ray hd digital copys i Love My Little FOXL G2 it sounds amazing , got alotta haters , cause there crappy phones do go any wear near as loud or with amazing sound

5059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont remember splinter cell being praised on the ps2 , i used to hear the xbox versions looked way better, so im not sure how im supposed to feel about an hd remake of those ... Very strange , same i loved max payne on the xbox , but it looked plainer on the ps2, guess it was that 777 power vs. That 333 , GTA:SONY HALO:MICRO$OFT back then

5060d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But why are the bottem of the cars all black like in that roll over vid , and when it did roll over the roof didnt crush in or anything , it was just like rolling over a model car in your room , LookS AMmazzZiiNngGg!! ,,, just wondering ..Is there Online Multiplayer in This?

5060d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually Had More FUN with dirt 2 than i did with **** ******* i know its arcadey but it was lots of fun i just wish i could save replays and take pics of some awesome jumps or flips., sometimes when i played **** ******* i had some fun but mostly it was frustrating when a car passed you , you could never catch up and id have to quit a 30 lap race cause i refuse to lose...... I had most fun collecting dream cars And taking pics to make sweet wallpapers

5060d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I Cant Wait For DiRT3 i spent lots of time playing dirt 2, it was lots of fun

5060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should I Look Forward To Games That Come Out After THE WORLD ENDS!!?!? , will The illuminati , New World Order , trigger warheads as an excuse for what the mayan calander said

5061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The cheaper it gets the closer i think the PSP2 will be announced , i hope they dont cheapen it up cause of the resession, i have this feeling just to watch there backs, they wont go overboard like they did with the ps3 when the launch consoles cost sony $800 to build and they sold them for $600 ... Mine YLOD , i miss playing san andreas in HD and ffxii and half life 1.., it was fun' luckily it died right after it dropped to $400 and they gave me a full refund and i got me the new dual sh...

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The cheaper it gets the closer i think the PSP2 will be announced , i hope they dont cheapen it up cause of the resession, i have this feeling just to watch there backs, they wont go overboard like they did with the ps3 when the launch consoles cost sony $800 to build and they sold them for $600 ... Mine YLOD , i miss playing san andreas in HD and ffxii and half life 1.., it was fun' luckily it died right after it dropped to $400 and they gave me a full refund and i got me the new dual sh...

5063d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was expecting WAW , type stuff, which i didnt enjoy, But this Game
is Effin Great Soooo Far, im actually going to trust treyarch next time they release one, i waited for reviews and missed out on $20 amazon preorder credit' to make sure it didnt bomb

5063d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought it was 2 arms hugging a penis Or choking it, mines massive like that, whale

5063d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah i always pictured it would be like a vool area where you can post up pictures from your HDD on your walls in your home and play your music on a stereo and your friends could listen to it too and watch movies from your HDD in yur apartment with friends and custom design shirts n stuff or create your own custom object using some tools and give it specific properties, that it can do like build a little lowrider RC or come magic ball that explodes or spins or spikes come out or whatever you ...

5063d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like in the vietnam part, how much longer till something crazy cool happenes, my friends force me to join them online, cause im the best they know, maybe its cause there like 30 trying to figure tha damn thing out and im 22..... .. BTW i hate that Hanoi level, its the only level i despise playing online, ... Im sorta in the middle of fallout NV and i feel bad i havent played with my Move, i only got 3and a half hours after work to play and like 7 hours every other weekend

5063d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never played call of duty 2 but i remember it got much praise back then, but i enjoyed call of duty 4 alot, my setup was g36 silencer red dot scope smoke or flash grenades, claymores, deeper penatration, fast running, and like slight of hand i think or something where i was super quiet........ I love black ops so far, even though its a bit way over exagerated for 1960-70's technology.... Soo far using decoys and setting up claymores get me a gauranteed kill, dumbasses running to the red...

5063d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The OLED screens can bend like that plus they take up Waaaaayyyyy less power, the can use that black material that they used in those things in school , when people whould come up to you and slap you on the arm and it'd bend around , also electroxuloy charged atom that align to a certain magnetic field, but that would take more power

5067d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this guys around what was the big deal about John Gotti being The Last Gangster

5073d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where the F**K is my grand theft auto san andreas HD? God Damn , ehh at least the mgs series is coming

5073d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Weird, jackie esteckado' looked amazing cant find anything to doo after i finished it, watching popeye, i liked that nazi concept, i was hoping quentin tarantinos inglorious basterds was going too be. Kill bill, 300 style and the evil nazi's would lokked like morphed demons, and that scene in world at war , where there coming back to shot the survivirs in the head and you pretend your dead........i liked that scene with the girlfriend cuddling on the couch, FPS are mostly made to hold...

5075d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What does "this^" mean like your pointing it out

5076d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now imaging an hd picture of a woman's clam, in the palm of your hand , people will belive youve actually ripped it off and framed it

5076d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment