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Software is just as important as CPU/GPU. PS4's hardware is more powerful. But Microsoft has a definitive advantage in software.

4066d ago 53 agree121 disagreeView comment

Microsoft has to validate the purchase every opportunity they have, because people like gaelic_laoch believes PS4 has the same amount of robust features as XB1, which isn't true.

I plan on buying a PS4 in late 2014. I'm buying the XB1 first because I want a console that has hardcore gaming and other useable features; I don't have the time to play video games all day like I use to when I was in school. So, HDMI-in, Kinect 2.0 vast improvements and features and the ...

4066d ago 33 agree27 disagreeView comment

You can edit files on the PS4, but its editing tools won't be anywhere close to apps with robust features like Final Cut Pro.

4067d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is after the hearts of hardcore gamers and casual gamers. Casual gamers don't play handheld games - Vita or Nintendo DS. I am a hardcore gamer. I'm overly excited for the Witcher 3, Dragon Age Inquisition, FFXV, Watch Dogs, MGS V, Quantum Break, The Order, Ryse (if Crytek alters gameplay), to name a few. A PS4/Vita bundle doesn't excite me. I don't have enough time to play handheld games. I didn't have time for handheld games during college either, so I definitel...

4068d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

XBOX One has a $400m partnership with the NFL, HDMI-in (which is a big deal for people like me who watch TV: Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Homeland, Breaking Bad, NFL, NBA, etc.). Soon, Microsoft will announce that Windows 8 apps are useable through XB1; that's a big deal. Smartglass is awesome as well. Kinect 2.0 and its improved capabilities will give game developers a reason to creatively incorporate Kinect features into gameplay.

For example, imagine playing Madden and se...

4069d ago 11 agree40 disagreeView comment

Hilarious comment, well said

4071d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony did sell property due to their financial problems.

4071d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nevertheless, one thing is certain, PS4 has to be a huge success for Sony. Microsoft, on the other hand, is made of cash (check Forbes). Hopefully, Microsoft continues to invest their vast resources into XB1. The Yankees bought a slew of championships by outspending their competitors. Microsoft probably could do the same if they wanted to, but XBOX is a marginal percentage of MS revenue.

4071d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Killzone isn't better than Halo, Gears or COD. Infamous was cool. Second Son looks a lot better though. Uncharted, I've beaten all 3, are linear games that all have tons of scripted set pieces, but people complained about the scripted set pieces in Ryse. Hopefully Crytek improves the combat.

So you think PS4 is more powerful because of GDDR5 Ram? I believe Microsoft chose GDDR3 Ram for a reason. Their software and cloud power may offset the difference. Who knows unti...

4071d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

What interests you about PS4?

4071d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

You seem like an openminded person.

4071d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

1/3 of the console is ventilated and their is a massive fan incorporated inside of XB1. There won't be any RROD this generation.

4071d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Each of the features listed in the article are free to XBOX Live gold members; there aren't any additional cost on top of the gold membership. I love video games, but I've reached the age in which my purchasing have to serve more than one purpose. Sometimes I don't have time to play video games, but I do watch a little tv everyday - Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Homeland, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, to name a few shows and I love the NFL. Being able to watch tv through XB1 is a bi...

4071d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

If Microsoft was following Sony, Kinect 2.0 wouldn't be including with every XB1, XB1 wouldn't have HDMI-in, windows 8 apps wouldn't be available, the price wouldn't be $499, there wouldn't be original television programming a la Netflix, there also wouldn't be $400m partnership with the NFL (which has been grossly overlooked), and more. Should I continue?

4071d ago 19 agree9 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is offering unlimited storage space via the cloud, for a fee, so there is no need to upgrade the physical hard drive.

Microsoft revealed more games at E3 than Sony did. Infamous is a cool game but it isn't a juggernaut. Killzone isn't better than Halo, COD or Gears. Uncharted is awesome (very linear) but the game wasn't announced.

The PS4 is $100 cheaper because Sony didn't include the PS Eye. I plan on purchasing the PS Eye for $60 ...

4072d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

The only possible advantage the PS4 has over XBOX One, aside from being $100 cheaper, is the GDDR5 RAM. Gamers are overlooking the fact that Microsoft, with their deep pockets, chose GDDR3 RAM for a reason. It wasn't because they couldn't afford to include GDDR5 or the thought never crossed their mind. Software, Microsofts bread and butter, is also extremely important.

Look at the iPhone for example. It doesn't have the best specs - Galaxy S4, HTC One, etc., are ...

4072d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The video is a compilation of games shown at E3. Microsoft said they will announce more titles at Gamescom.

4072d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you truly believe the PS4 will be better than XB1 in your heart of hearts, you wouldn't spend so much time bashing XBOX One.

4072d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

You are foolish if you believe everything you typed.

4072d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

You should do a little more research.

4074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment