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Has Sony confirmed every market they'll launch PS4 in this November?

4059d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

This is definitely a rumor and untrue. There's no way Microsoft would delay the launch of XB1. Hell, Microsoft shipped the 360 well aware of the RROD problem and it didn't stop them at all. XB1 will launch in November.

4059d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's really not a different console. Microsoft has made software changes due to an absurd amount of complaints. Since the lion's share of the changes have been software related, they can incorporate different policies as they see fit. That could be a good or bad thing. I don't think the world was ready for an always connected console. Microsoft made the right decision by changing the policy.

4060d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would't call it a backflip. People have complained, griped and lambasted Microsoft for every decision they've made regardless if the decision was good or bad. People hated the DRM policy and shared games, so Microsoft changed it. People griped about the 24hr mandatory check-in; Microsoft changed it. People were pissed that XB1 didn't come with a headset; Microsoft said screw it we'll give them a headset.

Finally, the last major complaint that people had was ...

4060d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony's reps do the same exact thing - promote the system - it's their jobs to do so. Have you heard any Sony rep say anything negative about PS4? No. You never will and that's how it should be. Microsoft won't say anything negative either; they're too busy trying to please everyone.

4060d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can buy $19.99. $5 may not seem like much but sometimes you have to take a stand. With that being said, I'll buy the damned thing.

4061d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with you. I don't care if PS4 is backwards compatible or not. However, Sony acolytes lambasted XB1 for not being backward compatible, and they claimed that PS4 would be. Now, since PS4 isn't backwards compatible it's not a big deal.

4061d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PS4 controller is a huge improvement over the PS3 controller, but it isn't better than the XBOX One controller. I haven't seen anyone agree with your statement, "the ps4's controller is better," anywhere; not even on ign and most of those guys are Sony acolytes.

4061d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I prefer the rechargeable battery kit instead of PS3's internal charge. I've had a PS3 for 4.5 years. Now, I have to recharge my controller twice a day, which isn't terrible. I have to charge my 360 controller every couple of days, and I play it more.

4061d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

$100m is nothing to Microsoft. Research the company.

4061d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

On the 2013 Forbes Global 2000 list, top ranked public companies in the world, Microsoft is ranked #41, while Sony is ranked #506. It seems like Microsoft has a long way to go to reach "worst company" status.

If you prefer the PS4 over XBOX One that's what you should say. When you say Microsoft, "I have a feeling that Microsoft will steal the "Worst Company" award from EA soon," it implies that you are a Sony fanboy, and it proves you are ig...

4062d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

A company is actually listening to consumers/fans, and still people are dissatisfied.

4065d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Kinect, HDMI-in to watch cable/satellite through XB1, $400m partnership with the NFL, original television programming, XB1 can de used as a dev kit, unlimited cloud storage, etc, I guess Microsoft does want XBOX One to be a PS4.

4065d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The XBOX One doesn't look cheap at all. The liquid black, gloss finish adds a higher level of sleekness to the console; it does look expensive - the console, Kinect, controller and headset. The only problem is XB1 is huge and will consume a ton of space.

4065d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If Microsoft announces Jade Empire 2 the world will explode.

4065d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

He glossed over the power brick twice, as if it wasn't a big a deal. I can live with a power brick. I've lived with one for 8 years. I just want Microsoft to acknowledge the damn thing. Other than the power brick, I'm pleased with XBOX One (aesthetically). Yes, the console is oversized, but people are comfortable with oversized tech. People use the Galaxy Note 2 and the Galaxy S3 are both huge cellphones that people love but barely can fit into their pockets.

4065d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will buy an XBOX One before I buy a PS4. But no one can deny it - that thing is massive (that's what she said, I know!). I don't understand why it was designed to be gargantuan. Maybe the tech under the hood justifies the size, but Sony has better specs - not software or features. I'm a little disappointed at how much space XB1 will consume.

4065d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

You are a fool if you think Microsoft, a software company, can't beat Sony in software. XBOX software trumps PS3 software. Microsoft has enough money to purchase Sony believe it or not. They chose specific hardware for a reason. They believe their software and hardware architecture design can make up the difference.

4066d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Kinect 2.0 is a vast improvement over the original connect.

- SInce every XB1 owner will have Kinect developers will create innovative ways to incorporate Kinect into hardcore games. Also, Kinect is extremely useful in non-gaming aspects of XB1.

- PS4's hardware is more powerful. However, Microsoft, which their extremely deep pockets, chose DDR3 Ram for a reason. Furthermore, XB1's software trumps PS4's software. Micro$oft is a software company ...

4066d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't understand the big deal about the $499 price. Yes, PS3 cost $599, which is expensive, and I bought one. People spend $499 on iPads, $200 on iPhones + $100 a month on a cell phone bill. I think people are accustom to spending large amounts of money on technology now. PC gamers spend more than $499 on graphics cards.

4066d ago 25 agree11 disagreeView comment