
CRank: 5Score: 59680

At least they actually showed the non DLSS numbers this time but it's hit or miss. 5/9 games are playable without DLSS at 8k but the other 4 are not and if you read the fine print this is on DLSS Performance mode so the image quality won't be as good.

632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You have it backwards. The closer you sit the higher the resolution you want because it's easier to see the pixels. So for something like a computer where you are 2-4 feet away 4k and 8k would be better. Here is a chart

632d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The 4090 is their flagship card and not sold in large quantities for the majority. It's for the enthusiast who wants the best currently possible.

632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Took them long enough they should of died off a long time ago.

632d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They said 2x-4x that is way too big of a range odds are they have 1 or 2 tech demos that can hit 4x but most games will only be 2-2.5x. People forget Nvidia has always exaggerated claims in their showcases. They originally said the 3080 was 2x the performance of a 2080 but benchmarks after launch showed on average it was 68% better. They also claimed the 3090 was an 8k gaming GPU but most games couldn't hit 30FPS without DLSS. Im sure the cards will be nice but not as nice as they claim. ...

641d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 4090 was cheaper than i expected but still more expensive than the 3090 at launch. The 4080 is way more expensive on both models. 3070ti was $600 and the 3080 was $700 now the 4080 12GB is $900 and 16Gb is $1200. Hopefully AMD has something close in performance for a better price.

642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

According to the leaks the 4000 series costs a lot more to make than previous gens due to the complicated cooling solutions needed for their increased power draw so they are likely to be more expensive than 3000 series. There is also the issue of all the used mining cards about to flood the market and leftover supply of 3000 series cards. They have to price the 4070 and above higher than whatever they will drop the 3090 to or they will cannibalize the 3000 series. Supposedly they will release...

642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game basically looked like just GTA 5 with different graphics. I saw no improvements to AI, shooting, driving, missions, etc. To me it looks like just another cash grab at this point. So a delay to actually make a next gen GTA wouldn't be the worst thing.

643d ago 7 agree54 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for the mods.

643d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

While we can't expect it to represent the final content i doubt there will be drastic changes. This looks just like GTA 5 but with slightly upgraded graphics. The animations and AI looks almost the same as GTA 5 like they just copy and pasted and didn't improve on much. One of the vids show it was running on a 3080 so this build was within the last 2 years. Waited 10+ years when we could of just gotten an Single player expansion and ran mods and got the same experience.

643d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

There are reports there will be a 16gb and 12gb 4080 and the 12gb will use the weaker chip and the 16gb will be normal. The 4080 12gb will essentially be a 4070ti but due to the flood of 3000 series cards Nvidia has to price the cards higher to not make people stop buying the 3000 series and will call it a "4080" to justify the price.

644d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They haven't made a good CoD in years. SBMM, focusing on making guns more realistic instead of fun, rotating playlists instead of making everything available like the old games, and shitty micro transactions. It's only good if you never experienced CoD at it's peak.

646d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Devs get paid when they make games exclusive too so depending on how much they get paid and expect to sell on other consoles it might be better than spending more money to make a game multi platform. Most of their games are geared to Japanese audiences anyway where PS5 is way ahead of Xbox. As of June it was reported PS5 had sold 1.69 million units to 232k units for the Xbox in Japan.

647d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ubisoft about to go on an extended crunch to release AC: Japan before this comes out lol.

648d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yong yea got to play a 1 hour demo and he posted his review. He said the cringe dialogue is constant but the devs told him they listened to the feedback and will give the option to disable dialogue.

649d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It won't matter they are supposed to ID for rated M games as well but they don't care because the parents don't care. There are tons of parents who will go buy GTA and COD for a 12 year old and have no idea what the letter ratings mean.

649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see wall street is mad so they are just throwing shit at the wall to try and take them down.

651d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The dialogue has been pretty cringe in the trailers. The music and dialogue don't fit with the world and action.

652d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They do this every gen unfortunately. It starts off way behind the previous gen and usually years into it they add them back. It took a while for PS4 to get the ability to add your own themes like you could on PS3. Probably so people would be incentivized to buy one instead and once they were ready to move on they made the ability to add it for free.

654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The riot shield was super fun it's only annoying to noobs who don't know how to get around it.

655d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment