
CRank: 5Score: 40370

He is offensive to EVERYONE. Not just the xbox fanboys. It's annoying to try and read posts with his crap post everywhere.

I agree that there other "big fish" that very stupid and annoying, but they are no where near this kid.

6392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for a work in progress. Especially the lighting and the animations of the brutes. Makes me want to go back and play Halo 2.

6392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He is an insult to anyone who considers themselves gamers.

6392d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you had to buy a addon for the xbox to play DVD's (the remote)

That kept people from using it as a DVD player.

Now, I think this comparison is BS.

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't let TheMart get to you. He is always like that.

I was bringing up the point that they are selling similar based on launch and availability. Now it could be said the same with the 360 launch that the shelf life was seconds. Additionally, if the PS3 would have had the numbers Sony expected in the first place, they would have still sold them immediately.

Like I said, come next year when they are producing the numbers that MS is, then this should be brought up for...

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mart replied in another thread with similar numbers.

With the two companies being on the same track, the number game is worthless right now. you can't farely compare the sales of the two with the drastic difference of units available.

Come next year when millions are out for both, the numbers will matter.

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember Sony laughing at MS with their shortages. When they did, I thought it would happen to them also.

So, to be fare, the two are in similar situations as for console numbers comparably(countries released) at launch. Right now, the numbers don't give us any indication of whats to come.

When Sony's production gets to the promised goals (midway next year), the numbers will tell us more.

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He gets everything and post his opinion on it. He definitely isn't a fanboy like some of the viewers here (both sides). Read some of his other reviews and you will see this.

6394d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

(repost of a reply from another article)

Since you are the king of stats, can you find me a comparison of sales for the 360 by Dec 31st, 2005 and the PS3 now?

I know how hard it was last year for me to land a 360 as it is this year for a PS3 and Wii. The Wii obviously has greater launch numbers than the others because of the ease of production.

I have seen all the current number stats, but can't find the launch comparisons.

6394d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since you are the king of stats, can you find me a comparison of sales for the 360 by Dec 31st, 2005 and the PS3 now?

I know how hard it was last year for me to land a 360 as it is this year for a PS3 and Wii. The Wii obviously has greater launch numbers than the others because of the ease of production.

I have seen all the current number stats, but can't find the launch comparisons.

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They had to have it out in Jap before the end of the year yet they are adding multiplayer to it for the rest of the world. Hopefully as Cheapy said they will add more to it. If not, it will be disappointing.

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You still don't get it nor have the brain capacity to get it!

None of the games that came out previously no matter what their rating was would have never sold that many that fast. As many have stated, gears is the first AAA game to come along on the 360. Some of the others might have been AA, but never had the mass apeal to sell so many so fast. But I stick to my statement that the 360 is CURRENTLY lacking EXCELLENT titles. Like I said later, next year will be different. ...

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do realize Xbox 1 never made up its loses and they still did just fine.

How would your life be if you didn't waste your time posting the same crap and spent more time enjoying life?

6397d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny, I am glad someone has a sense of humor!

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good point "So a game YOU find to be a excellent game, might not be viewed in the same way to another person." I agree completely. That is why it i an opinion! But to say that the list you put up would or had the potential to appeal to the masses the way gears did is wrong.

As for your list, I have or have played all of them except Viva - Not my thing.

I should have been more clear as to the lack of excellent games. I meant the games were just releas...

6397d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok, lets scrap K-Mart...

Did miss the point of my post to begin with? Lets recap for the slow ones out there (including you).

Antan said:
"Who honestly thought, hand on heart, fanboy comments aside, they would reach this milestone in so short a time?"

My response was "I did" and to add to that I said "With the lack of other excellent games, it was obvious this would be the fastest selling xbox exclusive title"...

6397d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

to go to platinum hits. They are going to milk this for all they can first. Maybe when Halo 3 comes out, we will see it for cheap.

6397d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and does an aerial of what it looks like. Its hard to see all the deal because it was recorded with a camera, but it looks very impressive. I can tell that they have polished it from the demo I played.

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go read my response to your crap in the other post of this article...

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Name other excellent games that had the potential to sell as many as quick.

As for blind... Ratings mean nothing when it comes to selling. Look at RG:Vegas. Excellent game(I prefer the cover system on that better then gears. Less problems)but wouldn't sell like crazy the same that gears did.

You are obviously in denial that the sales should have been expected with the hype and quality of this compared to the rest.

And yes, there is a lack of EXCELLENT...

6397d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment