
CRank: 5Score: 55170

@TylerDurden - don't bother with XxZxX... lol... I think he just indicated clearly how much he knows about .net that he had to spent 3 days working with Microsoft tech support.... wow...
Memory leaks.. don't happen just like that... maybe you stupid @$$ app... was not closing the db connection... or probably doing circular references... you know all the other dumb mistakes that rookies make when they first start learning how to code... 3 days microsoft support! ahhhhhhhh hahaha! ohh wa...

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

XxZxX - are you pretending to know about my $$$? lol... I'm willing to bet that I pay more taxes in one year than what you make in 2.

You people want me to hate microsoft and I have no reasons to and for that you want to undermind me by jumping from one topic to another.. now is how money I have and my ethics.. and my donations?

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

mmm.. let me see how do I start with against the anti-microsoft linux wanna be nerds...

First of all... did you guys realized that bilal edit his first post which included the word "failure" when referring to all other microsoft properties? which the sole purpose of my response was to list a few of the products that, "So while I don't think MS's other projects are failures"...

@ItsDubC - nice to see your personal opinion about Visual Studio a...

6106d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"you can't just pick and choose pricing just b/c you don't like certain features" actually... if you own an xbox 360 you can... I want an HD player... buy HD DVD separate.. if not save the $$$.. you don't care about wireless why be charged for it? or let me guess.. you actually don't think that the extra hardware... hard drive, blu-ray drive, and wifi.. it's not directly responsible for the PS3 original price of $600?... right..

6106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@FFVIIFan - there is a big difference between the best matching system can always improve and "Halo 3 Online is broken"... do you even know what "broken" means?

Here are some examples,

physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split; "a broken mirror"; "a broken tooth"; "a broken leg"; "his neck is broken"
not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly; "bro...

6106d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dude.. can you shut up for at least 1 article? How can you possibly try to spin this into bad news for the xbox 360 or Microsoft? If Sony is paying you to come here and talk crap I feel sorry for them.. and if not.. then I feel sorry for your momma... It will take a long time for you to move out of that basement...

6106d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok... Sony fanboys will not agree with this review... that's a given... they do agree with the review blue dragon got though... why? because it's a bad review for an xbox 360 game... I recall.. Sony fanboys agreeing with blue dragon review... now the low score is against a PS3 game... and what happends? loses all credibility...

Personally I don't agree Heavenly Sword should get a 6.5.... an 8 would be great since it's a lot better than most button smashers and mm...

6106d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 matching and coop limited... lol.. ok.. when any PS3 game on comes near a matching system that can find and match 2 Million people as quickly as Halo 3 does and let you play 4 players co-op with your friends... ohh yeah.. and allows you to join their games if they allow it... plus you can send or they can send you invites.. then I will go nutz against Bungie... until then... it's the best there is.. name another game with such matching system?

@PimpHandHappy - what's wro...

6106d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol... 2/5 of the games you mentioned are "first or third person shooters"!!!! you sony fanboys are so dumb you can't even tell that the top PS3 games are shooters... and the games most people are waiting for KZ2 and UT are also shooters.. and yet you come and talk about the xbox 360 being an only shooter game... heck the PS3 don't have 1 RTS game... the xbox 360 have more game on every genre you can come up with.. including JRPGs in the market... can you name a genre that the PS3 h...

6106d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

kind of funny how you are completely ok with RINGOFDEATH comments which triggered my response... which you completely ignore... Sony fanboys such as yourself only like when the attack is against the xbox 360 but cant handle when is against the PS3... if you can't handle the heat don't play with fire.

6106d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

So you think SQL server, Visual Studio, .net,, C#, are all failures? how about robotics studio, silverlight, WPF, hotmail, xbox live, xbox 360, team systems, sharepoint (oops did I mentioned stuff you never heard of?).... etc... you sure know very little to make such big statements boy... just keep doing what you are doing... and upgrade the memory from that linux server... you will feel a lot smarter once you learn how to upgrade a hard drive...

6106d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

lol... funny how you now complain about Microsoft not including an HDMI cable with the premiums or core(which will also ship with HDMI).. I remember people excusing sony by saying the HDMI cable can be found for less than $10.... what this does not apply to the xbox 360?

If you know you are going to get the HDMI cable and you will need hard drive space... buy the elite which comes with the HDMI cable and 120GB...

@mighty_douche - funny how you didn't add into yo...

6106d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

WOW! Finally a AAA title for the PS3 in 2008!!!!!!!!!!

6106d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm buying this one.. when is comming out?

6106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure... Sony fanboys do not like VGChartz... heck... I don't like them too.. I think the xbox 360 is doing more than what they are saying... lol... but until you Sony fanboys can come up with some real figures from another source aside from DJ, XxZxX or other lemmings crystal ball... VGChartz are the best we have... and is more trust worthy than the lemmings... so.. yeah... Xbox 360 selling more consoles.. simple ehh?

6106d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I really hope this happends.. it's about time an example is set in the game industry as far as gold diggers and no other company is better than Rockstar... please breach microsoft deal... please.. do.. I'm sure that Rockstar will have to release 10 version of GTA within the next 2 years and their developers can forget about nice restaurants and settle for hot pockets in order to pay microsoft from the law sue... I dislike Rockstar more than Sony.. for the fact that they have no loyalty.. they...

6106d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

VGcharts may be off my a few ks... but the patern is consistant between NPD numbers and them...
Xbox 360 sells going up...
PS3 sells going down...
It's no miracle that the xbox 360 sells are improving specially the last 4 months due to AAA titles like Bioshock, Madden, Halo 3, Forza 2...
Also, it does not take a genius to know that the PS3 sells are sinking.. which is why Sony needs to bring another SKU to the rescue which equals to another price drop ($399)... I k...

6106d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually Microsoft does not comment on Rumors.. specially rumors like this one. Big corporation responses usually take a lot of planing and meetings... they just can't go nutz everytime a Sony fanboy starts ar rumor like this one... Do you know why they call this a rumor? Because there is no way to verify this... do you know how this guy cameup with this conclusion? "You should google Bungie + Microsoft + separation this week." do you know how he is trying to make people verify this...

6107d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Nothing wrong with putting the store space to work. At least this will bring them sells...

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Ask anyone who works there to search the global address book" I just did.. and the person told me this is bull $h!t that smells like a Sony fanboy that confused caca with dark chocolate.

6107d ago 11 agree16 disagreeView comment