
CRank: 5Score: 55170

You guys (will not use Sony fanboys on you because you may not be) have an opinion about Halo 3 and a mindset about it. Maybe of you hated the game before it was even released... simply because you knew it was going to boost xbox 360 sales.. and many of you hate the xbox 360 simply because of the company behind it. I'm saying you are one of those people (chanto23 or crck) you probably had lots of expectations for this game and werent met. Your opinion should be respected.

Now, ...

6197d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

COD 4 is no halo killer... as matter of fact is a halo helper.. since it will help sell more xbox 360. How will COD 4 undo all the copies Halo 3 sold? I am a fan of COD since the first one... not rational to compare Halo with COD... storyline, theme, artstyle, etc... COD 4 will not even have vehicles. COD 4 you can't jump or use vechicles and yourself and human cannons or use laters... which one of these things bring a unique experience... Halo 3 does not have "Call for helicopter suppor...

6198d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

I noticed microsoft is being a lot of interest in supporting the MAC.... not only that microsoft releases office on mac.. but silverlight is being designed from the begining to support MAC... also there are talks about microsoft working on completely supporting the .net framework for MAC.. including visual Studio and languages like, etc. This will make it easier for lots of developers to port or simultaniously develop applications for windows and MAC. This can only mean more software f...

6198d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Let's hope developers start adding it in future games. I wish COD4 had this feature too... we can always hope for COD5.

6198d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

that's an example of the great physics in this game. I'm sure developers didn't plan for Plasma Grenade to be used this way...

6198d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Graphically they both look the same.. I think.. but if you own both consoles your obvious choice is the xbox 360... More complete games... you get achivements and game invites... does this game support voice chat on the PS3? I know Sony fanboys will say, "who care about achivements and game invites"... but more is more no matter how you put it... specially when the game cost the same... If you own a PS3... obviously you are not going to buy a 360 just for this game..

6198d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Microsoft have the money to buy the best talent money can buy... I wouldn't worry about Halo 4 too much... By the way... I think it's a good idea bungie concentrate in creating a new IP.. it may be as big as Halo... Halo is already matured enough to be past to another developer.

6198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of the games were made and designed to be interactive and fun to play... games usually do not translate well into movies for the same reason.. many people do not find FUN to watch another person play for 2 1/2 hours. Video games are like books... once you read a great book.. and then you watch the movie.. 99% of the time you will find the book better... same goes with the game... video games create expectations that movies can not match...

6198d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

buy... it must be easy to be a Microsoft hater... Don't you guys find it a little strange that no matter what's released as long as it comes from Microsoft you hate it? Everything they do is garbage in your eyes... it's also interesting how you forget that real people actually work there... you seem to believe that Microsoft (bill gates) works on all the products and therefore everything sucks. This is why I hate Sony fanboys and idiots like CRIMS0N_W0LF, Bill Gates, etc. I don't like Sony bu...

6198d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

are you kidding me? The best part about MP3 players is that they are small... you may want to try carring a disk man or walkman instead!
PSP nice an all... but battery life, and size makes it a bad choice as your primary MP3 player...specially when you are an adult. You would look like one of those 7 year old kids that carry your game thingy everywhere they go...

6199d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So, true... even the terrorist that live in caves know this is not true... otherwise they wouldn't bother caring bombs... etc... all they would have to do is turn on their DS and bring the plane down...
I think they just want you to be very aware and not distracted if something goes wrong...after all... most of the plane accidents happen when taking off or landing..

Captain: we are about to crash land.. ready yourselves... ohh yeah and by the way turn of any electronic d...

6199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They will probably still have the conference... obviously they don't want everyone to stop buying PS3.. if they admit it it would be equal to telling people, "Don't but a PS3 just yet... we will drop the price". Every company does the same... Price drop rumors hurt sales up until the price drop is apply.

6199d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

achira is refering to.............. MICROSOFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The evil comporporation that's trying to take over the world!
ohh crap! I forgot to walk the dog this morning and the dog poop in the middle of my living room... Microsoft's fault!

6199d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

@PimpHandHappy - Ok... I call you now... battlefield 2 modern combat... is 32 players... wow... dont you feel stupid now... do your research... developers deside how many players they want to allow not the xbox 360... many of them feel 32 player is too crowded.. and I don't blame them... but there is nothing wrong technically as proven by this old title... 32 player doable... want another example.. that will make you feel even worst? Huxley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hundreds of players at the same time....

6199d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are going to need more than just that to convince people to drop their own money into a console.. (very expensive one)... ohh wow! ahhhh... let me get my @$$ to the local game store.. because I fear a monopoly by microsoft... wow.. forget the games and entertainment... from now on I will buy 10 PS3 just to help Sony not let microsoft win and take over the world... give me a break... Sony better start pomping more AAA than the xbox 360... soon... or expect the xbox 360 to dominate the gam...

6199d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Kind of funny how SOny fanboys actually believe that microsoft is unable to drop the price again... just because they invested 1-2 billion out of the hundreds they currently have in the bank... but Sony who's being having to sell properties and borrow money like crazy can... Microsoft got this far with the xbox 360 and it even managed to reduced cost with the falcon... but no no no.. they will simply sit on their hands... and let the xbox 360 be more expensive than the PS3... and ignore every...

6199d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to say anything but... but just sit here and LOL... don't want to angry Sony fanboys with the facts...

6199d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sadly Sony fanboys can't read, "Midway felt an obligation to its shareholders to let them know about the possibility of a delay.".... what do you think this means? behold.. the creation of damage control... you don't signal a delay unless you are pretty sure you are getting one... it creates unnecessary preasure.

6199d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Don't put your guns away just yet... "Midway felt an obligation to its shareholders to let them know about the possibility of a delay. But our goal is still to get the PS3 version of UT3 in stores before the end of 2007. However, we will only ship it once it’s ready and is the best game we can deliver." if I am not mistaken... this is how damage control works... prepare people for the worst.

6199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only fault microsoft may have into this is that Halo 3 is increasing the xbox 360 installbase enough for 3rd party developers to re-consider releasing any game on the PS3 as a time exclusive.
Time exclusive can hurt a title... it does not really have much to do about which platform is released first... but if released at all...

Here are examples:
which version sold more copies Obvlion for the PS3 or 360?
People don't like buying games that were already ...

6199d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment