CRank: 5Score: 6210

7 year old kids these days play CoD and Halo.
Cause they think thats cool at school

In reality people who play such garbage are complete idiots.
Mario and stuff is for everyone - A lot of people with the age above 20+ play that stuff cause they grew up with it.
Little wannabe US Army Soldiers that curse over XboxLive like you play those "mature" games but in real life they are little losers.

4434d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

No then the list would be full of Halo 4 and CoD cause those are stupid kids game.

4434d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

They can always bring it PC Only till the new consoles and the version for it are ready.
DICE with BF isn't in need of the Consoles like CoD cause Battlefield is selling millions alone on PC.
They can wait.

4449d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bobby Kotick isn't that stupid.

CoD would drop down from 25 Million sold units to 10-15 Million sold units depending on how popular CoD is next Gen.
Sony people would switch completely to Battlefield or the "new" CoD of the Next Gen(Respawn has something to show).

Blizzard is far more in love with Sony(when you hear something about Diablo for Consoles they mention it together with the PS3/Sony) and doesn't like M$.
Probably c...

4451d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

We don't need new consoles and PCs are for nerds without girlfriends.
We rather play crap with an Engine from 1999 cause we think that still looks good.
And PC is fake - No one can afford that and new consoles are to expensive too.
Lets all play Call of Duty for ever!!!

Serious now
Stuff like that is always so awesome
Games that look like crap thanks to the weak 360 are saved by PC People again.
We just don'...

4451d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

My girlfriend is watching a lot of Anime and is getting wet all the time when the > girls < show skin.
Big boobs and all those funny scenes are exactly her taste.

People have such a narrow minded reality.
Oh you have a wife - At best buy her such a ninja outfit like those things(no one knows if there is even a girl underside) in Arabia and so on to wear.
Then you have once per month sex and thats it.
You know there are girls that like gam...

4453d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Just saying - This is what PC has for years now.
Sure graphics don't messure how great a game is but it doesn't hurt if it looks like that.
That video is even old - There is a link there to a new trailer for even further enhanced graphics.
The PS3 has the best version of Battlefield 3(most beautiful Multiplat Game on consoles) and with Uncha...

4453d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

You know

You have freetime - You want to test things out and want to see what others are capable of.
You need to check out the enemy cause DICE is going for Nr1 Graphics King too with their FB2 Engine but without knowing what others are capable of they would just be liars like Microsoft (HALO 4 MOST BEAUTIFUL GAME EVEN IF SONY ANNOUNCED 4 GAMES THAT BLOW US OUT OF THE WATER!!!!PLEASE BUY OUR CRAP!!!)

4462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 4 isn't

The Last of Us is the most beautiful Console Game for now.
ONly PS3 Exclusives have to say something in that matter.

Deluded Halo and 360 Fanboys.
As next you say CoD is looking better than the PC Version of Battlefield 3 right?xDDD

4462d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I hope it will never happen or at least as an Sony Exclusive.

I don't want to see Barret look now like Chris Brown and Aeris like Lady Gaga and such shit.
It should be Sony only cause this is where the biggest part of the FF Fanbase is.
Cause then they will make it for the right audience...Fuck the USA and the Call of Duty Community every Japanese idiot developer wants to develop for.

And of course the XBox won'T hold the graphics back...

4468d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Probably cause someday people get bored of Call of Duty and Halo.

The 360 is living through those 2 franchsises and the USA.This will not work again for 7-10 years.

But they won't get MH - Capcom will either give it Nintendo or Sony AND M$ > Sony still destroys M$

And yes Sony is destroying M$
Sony outsells the 360 for 4 years in a row now with their PS3 WORLDWIDE.
The most software sold NOW is on the PS3 too.

4468d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Well Tales of Xillia destroyed FF13-2 in JAPAN if you compare the numbers of the first few weeks.

Only cause Xillia was a PS3 Exclusive.
Hope you see what you have done SquareEnix - And this will continue till you give the REAL FANBASE what they want > Their HighQuality PS3/PS4 Exclusive that didn't get downgraded thanks to the 360.

And according to VGChartz the PS3 Version sold Worldwide 2 Million units while the 3fixme version sold nearly 500...

4469d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People forget it also sold millions of the Prologue Version that were enough to cover the 50+ Million Development costs over the year.
GT5 is the best Racing SIMULATOR on Consoles.
Forza isn't a simulator since Forza 2 - Forza went into a far more arcade direction that is mixed with sim elements.

Everyone who played GT5 and Forza 4 with a real expensive and quality Racing Setup has noticed this.
GT5 is a real simulator and only a simulator.Not...

4471d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not bad at all.

M$ nearly doesn't own anything that means something to gaming.
Call of Duty and Gears are 2 of the 3 strongest brands on the 360 and are 3rd Party.
The 360 CoD Kids would just switch to Sony and Epic would either bow down(they already said they want to develop for Sony but not Gears) or move back to PC or even Smartphones.
The only thing they own that makes money is Halo and even there > Bungie is now with ACtivision and who know...

4474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Core gamers aren't anymore the biggest share of the market.

Its the Call of Duty/Halo/Gears of War/Angry Birds and Kinect Casuals.
You can see it in every game that once used to be aimed at a hardcore community...All those games get toned down to be liked by Casuals.

And PC+PS3 is the perfect combination and im a damn hard PC Elitist.
You get on PC the best Multiplats that are available on all 3 systems or at least on PC and 360.

4488d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is maxed out for 2 years now.
Sony on the other side is pushing the PS3 even further beyond with The Last of Us and other things.

But well M$ is always smoking funny things.
All the crap they talk even if they have to lie the whole time :D
Guess you can live with that if your whole Community is a bunch of 5 year old Call of Duty Kids.

4488d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


There was once a Jackie Chan fighting game
It had like 12-20 Characters and EVERYONE was a different Jackie Chan.
Characters that Jackie Chan played in his movies through his career.

Exactly this would be 360 SMB cause they don't have any normal characters.
ONly Gorillas on Steroids with Guns LOL
Always the same stupid characters with a different outfit.

PS : Rare can't make any games cause t...

4488d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ Battletorn

And this is the problem.
Again we won't know which console we have to buy at the beginning of the Next Gen.
360 started great with a lot of stuff and now it has no games.
I bought 3 360s that are just paperweight CAUSE i HATE Failo,Gears and Call of Duty.
I bought the console for Games like Kameo,Dead or Alive 4,all the J-RPGs and better Multiplats...All that isn't there anymore on the 360.

But the PS3 grew...

4490d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol - They even did copy buildings from MW1 over to MW3...


4536d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uncharted 3 looks still better than any 360 Game.

Hell even Uncharted 2 still looks better.
Naughty Dog+Awesome Hardware = Best looking game.

Not even those plastic Unreal Engine games look anyhwere near Uncharted 3 good.
Stay in your dreamworld 360 fanboys but the PS3 is miles ahead if the Developer is fully concentrating only on that system.

4539d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment