CRank: 5Score: 6210

"Entering the hardware business is a really tough business," he said."

Has to be really hard if you only release CoD and Failo 7 times in the whole Gen and have a bunch of war hungry kids buying that crap.
Valve will manage fine and Microsoft can take a seat at the 4th place Next Gen behind Nintendo,Sony and Valve.
All have Variety in different Genres and Quality Exclusives unlike Microsoft aka Copy+Paste Shooterbox.

4271d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

DDOS is common thing these days if you are somehow in the public

Livestreams,leaderboards or just hated by someone.
You can't stop DDOS unless you bow down and give up.

Sony was the biggest victim and the case made DDOS public - Before 99% of DDOSERS probably never heard of it.
Sadly DDOSiNG is so easy that everyone can do it.

Top Streamers on twitch suffer a lot from ddosing these days but some of them found ways to count...

4274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FB2 Engine looks far superior and more realistic than the UNreal Engine...doesn't matter if 3 or 4

4278d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Noob not knowing anything about games.
Planetside 2 = PS2 in this case

4281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is how a shooter should be made of.

New elements - Better graphics - better gameplay and all that stuff.

Far Cry,Battlefield and stuff are deserving 25 Million Sold units cause they are quality.

But what are the kids of this Gen doing?
Buying the Copy+Paste shooter CoD is - Nothing new,copy+paste,an Engine from 1999 and SubHD...Awesome way to support lazy developers and destroying gaming.
Cause if games like FC3 would sel...

4282d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beta is in fall 2013 starting...So BF4 is confirmed
And a Battlefield Beta is superior to anything "Full" anyway.

4283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then he will have a bad life if they let him believe in such nonsense like SC,Religion and good politicians.
All of those things are lies and completely unrealistic.

4285d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The port won't need a strong hardware

GTA5 with mods will need slightly better hardware but nothing like you think.
Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3 are for a long time the only 2 games that will use good hardware.

GTA5 will be a console port so its limited from the beginning.
GTA4 with mods already looks better than GTA5 on consoles and probably the standard version from PC if there will be one.
Same goes for Skyrim - If you can run the...

4285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ban Call of Duty and X360 and your people wouldn'T be that stupid

4292d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Alone the PS3 can fill a top10(probably even a top20) list with its exclusive coming out next year worldwide

4295d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

BF3 is just the best shooter in the last 10 years

Bad Company 2 is Battlefield for crap consoles

Battlefield 3 is a 64 Multiplayer festival with the best graphics and biggest MP Maps available MADE FOR PC
Of course the console version is going to suck - What do you think little kiddo?

Get a PC and get the full experience.
Stop buying PS360 garbage(except PS3 Exclusives) and force them to release new consoles so you can get nic...

4295d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

See thats the problem with this Gen.

Most people are brainwashed by the casual crap like CoD or Halo.
Jump in and be World champion without any effort.

Games in the past days were ALL on this niveau.Even platformers were somehow difficult.

Today everyone is a bunch of whiners and kids who don't know crap about gaming.
The fighting Community is like the RTS Community the last known survivor of the CoD Casualization.

4296d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hm 70€

Normal price here(Austria) in the standard shops like gamestop and big electronic markets.
Every game costs that much here on release date.

You have to go to the small stores here and can get them for 55€ mostly cause they undercut everytime.

4300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cliffy B always said he wants Gears on other platforms but as long as M$ is good to them(MONEY!!!) they won't do that but other projects could be realized on other platforms.

This is why Cliffy B probably wanted to leave and go Multiplat.
He maybe wants to try his skills on an other crowd of gamers and we all know this is only possible with the Sony Community cause they don't only play Shooters.

4309d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

The only system ever that did hold out long is the PS3
360,WiiU,PS2,PS1 all got hacked in a few weeks - For the PS3 it took years and still isn't a common thing like it is with every other system.
Probably one of the weak points of the PS3 cause its no secret the PS2 had such big success or rather lets say had so much advantages cause of piracy.

4311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Developers try unique stuff

Journey,Uncharted,Heavy Rain,Beyond Two Souls,The last of Us(a 2nd NEW AAAAAA IP from ONE developer),the unfinished swan and a lot more...

BUT WHAT DO "GAMERS" aka shitheads of this gen buy?CALL OF DUTY AND COPY+PASTE Garbage in general cause the justin Biebers took over.

4314d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

Still better than CoD that is running on a 15 year old engine
CoD noobs STFU

4337d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Sony is outselling the 360 for years now WORLDWIDE

WIthout the stupid USA and their blind love for Halo and CoD the 360 would be dead already.
And of course take away the early years where all 360s exploded.
They say ~70 million sold 360s worldwide?Good 35 million people own a 360 cause there isn't a single one who doesn't have at least 2 360s now.

Sony is the HD King this Gen cause they nearly sold the same units ...

4339d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hahaha no

Halo is exactly like CoD Copy+paste garbage we played in 2001.
If you want to play a FPS you have to play Battlefield 3 on PC.This is the only option for real gamers.

LOL@ Halo and CoD Multiplayer
Casual twitch shooter for kids that can't afford a gaming PC

4341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment