
CRank: 5Score: 14150

What the F* are you talking about?? Are you on drugs?? what am I trying to get out of?? what did I change?? what the hell man? I can't make sence of what you write. All I get is you wanna pick on me because I hate your beloved system. Well guess what. It's crap. It's utter crap. Always was and always will be! And that will be my opinion no matter what you say or do. I didn't change my stance on it, didn't even try. It's a crap system with tons of perpiherals that are useless but Nintendo is a...

5577d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

HHG nitpicking IGN or IGN nitpicking the PS3??

You decide.

5577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So Sony should hide it's consols strengths so this idiot feels better??

Every company will advertise their consoles strenghts you moron!

5577d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well since you are a Wii fan I don't have to list all the peripherals you can buy for the Wii. The zapper, tennis rack or sports pack, balance board, wheel, classic controller, sabers, Karma Controller, etc. I could go on. Now are they needed?? no...are they out there and useless especially the sports pack?? yes.

What is it with you? You go around all day and telling people that they are idiots for haveing an opinion. If you don't like it F* off ok?

5578d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

They are raising it. Well at least in the UK.

5578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are idiot.

5578d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But better late than never. The game is great, everyone should at least give it a try.

5578d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honestly??? I can't think of any use for that other than...well you know :D

Another reason I don't like the need to buy a new peripheral with every game almost.

5578d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just the way they made it was not for my taste. I remember playing it and saying this would have a huge potential and it's ruined.

5578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry if my opinion has offended you. That is how I feel. I don't like the motion controlls at all and the gfx are terrible. I'm sorry but they just are. I didn't know the Wii had WiFi and Blutooth I didn't get into it that much to be honest with you. But if I where to compare PS2 gfx to Wii's they would look very very close and I'm sure in 95% of the cases you won't be able to tell the differences either. I hate the Wii because it's a cheep system that's basicaly is steeling money from p...

5578d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now you see...I was kind of looking forvard to the Wii and I did get my hands on one. I tried a lot of games like: Legend of Zelda, Wii Sports, TMNT, Prince of Persia, Red Steel, Mario Galaxy and even Metroid and they where all utter crap in my opinion. Dissapointing from start to end. I gave up on it. Gave the system back to my friend how gave it to me to try it and told him that I can't belive you actually spent money on this. The Wii is a trendy console...nothing more. It's like engraved d...

5578d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2, Street Fighter 4, Resident Evil 5 and Demon's Souls will keep me busy for a long, long time. Than I'm waiting on Tekken 6 and God of War 3...also Uncharted 2....too many games to mention. I think we will survive.

5578d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

But it turned out well. I love the co-op. But it's not that scary anymore.

5578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm at the last level and love the game so far. Soon as I'm done I'm back at it on medium difficulty, than veteran. Wanna get those trophies as well :D

5578d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't hate me, that's just my personal opinion. I just don't see why people spend that much money for a 8-9 year old technology. Even the PS2 can pull of the same gfx. Sad really!

5578d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS5...I can only imagine.

5580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But I think it's good enough. Just good enough. I'm more about the single player anyway!

5580d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember when this crap started. Games like NFS charged $2.99/car. That's insane. It's already on the disk and all you buy is a key to unlock it. I don't waste my money on things like that.

5581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That will be a key to unlock versus mode that's already on the disk. It's a shame really. Same thing happend to Street Fighter 4. All those costume packs and such are all on the disk all you buy is a 100KB download that unlocks it. Shame. For that reason alone I won't buy it. Capcom doesn't deserve extra money at all. Why didn't they just made it available from the get go and actually put their asses to work like Criterion is doing with Burnout Paradise.

This is milking....I'm ...

5581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But great way to get the attention of people of your new family friendly game :D

I'm picking it up tomorrow but won't tuch it till I'm completley done with Killzone 2.

5582d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment