
CRank: 5Score: 14150

I would love to go into details but I'm at work right now so I don't have much time.
Anyways! In my book MGS4 is much much bigger than Halo 3. The story is just so much better I can't even start to describe it.
But I guess we wont find out how much did MGS4 did for a few days so till then it could go either way.
Also as far as PS3 fanboyism goes, yes I have a PS3 but I also like the 360 too. I have no problems with it at all, as I said I like it but I always had Playstat...

5948d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

And how fast the PS3 should sell?? I don't know what people expect this system to do. It did better in it's first year than the 360 and it does better than the 360 in it's second year. So how should it sell?? Millions a month? It's very expensive to many people and you have to have an HDTV to fully enjoy it. You didn't had that with the PS2.
To me the PS3 sells just fine!! It will pick up more when people finaly start buying damn HDTV's. The prices of HDTV's are going down to so you ca...

5948d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

PS3 outsells the 360 every single month if the PS3 is the slowselling machine...than what is the 360?? The "notsellingatall" machine?

5948d ago 48 agree11 disagreeView comment

It's good for Insomiac!

5956d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5956d ago

That woman is nasty to say the least!
I also heard thet she was forbiden to come to America because her drog problems and the way she behaves!
I don't know....but everything about her sais "FAIL"

5963d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

You are disgusting !!

And again....what I said before. Everyone starts out from themselves!!

But we really didn't needed to know that you jerk off all the time !!

5965d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know there is a good old Hungarian saying that goes: Everyone starts out from themselves. Meaning, if you say something about someone it's probably true about you!

So I guess you must smell bad if you bring odor in to the conversation.

I take care of myself. I'm not your typical teen gamer with acne all over his face who plays games in mommy & daddy's basement.

For one I'm not a teen. I'm 23 living in NYC with my gf alone. I pay for everyting an...

5966d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's on the level of "We're focused on beating Sony" no less than that! And I'm not a CEO or whatever this Shane Kim is...I'm just an average gamer

5966d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

But I wanted more characters in it. Maybe DLC later on? No matter. Must buy for me!

5966d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

....the company that had the best games and best system for the last decade, I won't ever spend a dollar on Microsoft.

Such a hatred. They don't deserve anything.

Go and die Shane Kim!! You @sshole!!

EDIT: I feel this way because I always owned Playstation consoles ever since 1997. Playstation gave me and my friends so many fun hours. Only if I had a dollar for each.
Anyways....good times good memories!! I don't want an @sshole company to just ma...

5966d ago 20 agree10 disagreeView comment

You guys know what "Kurok" means in Hungarian??

It means F*ing . :D :D :D

It's so funny to me to see a title like that. all of Hungary will laugh at that!!!

5967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To me pre-orders are ok. I mean putting down $5 and you are guaranteed a copy. Why is that bad?? I don't get it.

I'm the kind of person who likes to have games on the day when they come out especialy if I waited years for it to release.

5967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment first time saying that I hate the guy! But I do now. I had no problems with him so far but he started to become this @sshole who talks crap about other great games and thinks that his game is the best on this planet.
I don't think that's how a professional should behave at all!

Also I think all of us have the right to read any article and comment on it the way we see it fit.

Freedom of speech you know :)

5968d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm starting to really hate this guy! He is arrogant. He thinks that he is perfect and he bashes all the other games.

Well I got news for him. Ninja Gaiden is not the best action game ever created!!

What a duche this guy is.

5968d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well first off this is a cellphone game. So the title is missleading.'s nowhere better than Haze. the scoring system is bad.

5970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That list is BS.
I loved Assassin's Creed and DMC4. They where both great. Lair was my biggest disappointment so far

5970d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment

...I'm ashamed that someone would sink that low and do something like this.
It's very unprofessional. This is not the way to sound your voice. That guy should have been thrown out of the University for this.

5971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks really good

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so true!!!!!

5975d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment