CRank: 5Score: 6000

this review is a complete lie, for most playing this game is almost impossible with the amount of bugs while this reviewer claims

"in my hours of playing Fallout 76, I dealt with very few problems. Even with some moments of lag and pop up textures, I’m glad to say playing was, by and large, a relatively smooth ride."

glossing over all this games issues and making claims that everything is smooth while every gamer is having issues and 1 tore up ...

1989d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is how people should react …. any other response doesn't result in change or this wouldn't have happened …

Now we all just need to team up and pay a visit to game review offices and curb stomp anyone who gave the game a glowing review (lied) prior to launch …. St. Louis SMASH !!!

Or do nothing, and stop playing games altogether because these corporate $$$ practices aren't changing , I haven't bought a new game this year, just old game...

1989d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


Didn't buy it, and won't buy the next or any other from ActivBlizzard (because there is no vision in these companies futures :)

Everyone knows the problem, but younger kids don't know, it's supposed to be a game !!!! (so they make $$$)

The good news is their %'s is significantly lower because many people have become aware and less are falling victim to "sponsored reviews" like how they have d...

1990d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about NO SCAM CITIZEN ARTICLES until they have a release date for Squadron 42 ?!?

by advertising a game FAR, FAR behind in schedule and has been proven to be built around selling digital ships for absurd amounts of money in an obvious PAY TO WIN design is criminal....

Forget everything else, this is the aiding and abating of a criminal organization that preys upon consumers while being cloaked through paid advertisements hidden as "NEWS" <...

1990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another game by EA that blows, shocking …

What's even worse about BF5 isn't the same techniques of over rated glowing reviews that omit bugs, glitches or micro-transactions

it's that this isn't even a finished game !!! … battle royale mode and others to be added at a later date … meaning it can't be reviewed because it doesn't even exist !!!

(Early Access on a launched game, wtf ?!?)

How poor ...

1993d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just don't think there is any possible way for me to resettle my resentment for the PS Classic or this article ….


1994d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This review is an illegally posted paid advertisement disguised as a legitimate review ……

No where does this state it is sponsored content nor does this review discus micro-transactions, bugs, glitches ….

Meaning this article does nothing but promote a game while omitting details and facts about the game to put it in a more favorable light in an attempt to boost sales.


1994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hilarious ! …..

BO4 they took a week to review …. but since BF5 has extremely low pre0order sales they are ramping up an early campaign to build false reviews to try and increase sales

This is sad that self claimed "intelligent" people would take money to write such trash …. truth be told it shows you the real types of people they are, like all who sell out for $$$$ they put that check before their morals and ethics (if they ever had any) … <...

1995d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

Bwahahahaha …. no name on piece as completely retarded

I love how more and more articles start with bold faced lies … "Everyone has been impressed" except fans and the developers who complain about low sales right ?!? hahaha

This is more evidence every site with the word "news" in it should be legally required to replace it with "parody" or "entertainment" because propaganda and bs shouldn't and can not be refe...

1995d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can a DLC get a high review when the base game is broken ?!? …….. Seriously Mr. Rodriguez ?!?

1998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We can't tax the rich but let's tax those with less money …. Class War without one side realizing there is a war

Bwahahahaha ….. Priceless !!!!!!

1998d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The market speaks but no one is listening ……

Is this article a surprise when many games are getting hated reviews ?!?

When I myself quit PSN ($60 is $60) I realized that many games being produced were trash, as in I pay $100 for a game without much content (Battlefront 2, Destiny 2, BO4, etc.).

Worse is these games all require servers, meaning they are limited runs, you can't buy and play at anytime in the future like old PS1 or Ga...

1999d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

knowing Activision/Blizzard is losing money makes me happy …
too many times in the past did I believe articles written to hype games so they got my $$$ before, but now that everyone can see the snakes for what they are I only hope they go out of business.

Destiny 2 was just like the first where they broke a game into pieces just to slowly sell us each piece at a marked up price.

Warmind & Osiris DLC where sold in a seasonal pass only to have ...

1999d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a sick joke ……
1) did we forget DICE made Battlefront ?!? ….. (reskins and gambling addiction)
2) Battlefield 1 was junk, tutorial campaign anyone ?!?
3) EA controlled servers
This is just soo sad, again we have another poorly written propaganda piece inspired to drive sales and omit data on the currently rushed through development game …..

I'm not buying it … and if any of my friends who bought BO4 learned anything about buyi...

1999d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

doesn't this whole event point to the FACT that "journalists" aren't writing for the consumer or the gamer but rather the industries interest ?!?


2002d ago 27 agree1 disagreeView comment

PC gaming is cheaper than console and your article starts with a lie …..

just because some of us gamers "DECIDE" to buy an expensive cpu/gpu etc. does not make PC gaming nessasarily more expensive, it's just you have a choice should you decide to upgrade (another reason it's superior)
to play our way cheaper games (PC games are cheaper, Praise Lord Gaben!)

This doesn't mean I don't love consoles, I love the older consol...

2003d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

this device is obviously not well thought out …….

Tell me oh geniuses, where does the hot breath go when your head is stuffed into a pillow for 30+ minutes ?!?

Can you imagine the bed head from this sweat box ?!?

looks good but completely impractical and ignores basic human functions … sure it'll block the light but it'll block airflow which is far more important for comfort... besides what person is gonna wake up feeling refres...

2003d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Nintendo doesn't make $$$$ selling new games ……

they get $$$$ from selling trash hardware with ports … 90% of the Switch lineup is Wii U games and 75% of those were Wii ports and etc., etc., etc.....

Nintendo is like an endangered species clinging on well after it's time is up ..

(cellphone needed for chat, if that doesn't sum up the state of decay nothing will for fanboys)

2006d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment

"Specific Mindset" ……. aka mentally handicapped and drooling on oneself

2006d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

remember this for next year says the moron who forgot last year and the years before, wtf ?!?

2006d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment