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I seen this happening and I didn't even need to call Mrs. Cleo either !!!! …. Predictable EA

1836d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

awesome I must be an outlier … because I refused to buy RDR2 … I refuse to buy EA or Activision games ..

I don't buy games based off graphics … (FTL, Killing Floor 2) … I skipped Division 1 & 2 because I hate 3rd person

I skipped Read Dead because I don't enjoy slow single fire guns (or hollyweirds version of the west)

every game on that list is poor on re-playability and they're mindless kid titles … or this years ros...

1837d ago 6 agree39 disagreeView comment

Milking a game over a decade old … wish I couldn't feel shame

another reason why if I feel like playing ff7 I'll stick to playing it on my ps2 and not this overpriced trash

we need to make extra money how do we do it ?? I know we'll split the game up and sell it in parts !!

You mean like DLC ? …. No episodes, 1 game becomes 3-4 releases in claiming each an episode …

Brilliant, these retarded gamers will ...

1837d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm pointing out pure propaganda and false advertising ….

I have a ps4, I have a PC with an ultra fast ssd ….. games still have loading screens, do you think ANthem on PC doesn't have loading times while being run on a SSD ????

I'm only complaining about how they lied to YOU … but obviously you like protecting people who are peddling you snake oil

1839d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stars Wars is an example of a franchise dying to it being milked and not cared for ….

Luke the I see good in you Skywalker thinks about murdering is nephew while standing over him while sleeping

Han dies in lamest fashion (needed heroic death) …. Kylo is emo and not even remotely masculine …

Rey is more powerful than Vader who was born of the force and she never even trained … wtf ?

I've never did handstands while...

1839d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

There will still be loading screens …. nice try on getting people to believe in something that isn't REAL !!!

1839d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

They may make some law focusing on protecting kids from predatory gambling llamas over all this, but most probably this Senator is doing what they all do ….

They make a bill to threaten industry practices …. lobbyists in the industry donate huge sums to Senator ,,,

Senator changes his mind and decides industry is doing fine regulating itself …. more gambling llamas

1840d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Epic is amusing at best …. and this whole debacle will have a bright light shined upon it soon

Sure Epic made some money, then immediately postponed their roadmap … (not promising)

but very soon a few things will happen to remind people why Steam is on top

1) Summer Sale - Steam discounts more games than Epic entire store has … we love you Gabe

2) Epic is a 1 trick pony when it comes to exclusive in house development ...

1840d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A booking is when a company makes a contract. Like booking a new game with Disney for a new Star Wars title. Or with Warner Bros. for a new DC game.

Net means how much you are going to make. (minus cocaine allowance)

so Net Bookings are how much they plan to profit from all their different contracts with other companies for future projects.

it shows how bright their future is to entice investors and boost stock value or decrease as bad...

1840d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

must be easier than actually making games people want to play, cause I sure haven't seen Microsoft doing that !!!

1841d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

it's not hard to understand why people end up gravitating to single player games ….

online games are filled with issues and only a handful ever get it right.

1) maybe you dislike matchmaking that constantly puts you up against higher leveled, geared players
2) maybe you get tired of your online game becoming unplayable once the studio shuts down servers.
3) maybe you hate the other players who grief, troll, and make the experience su...

1841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so a universe that is based around becoming king and defeating your enemies wouldn't work as an RPG you say ??

well another poorly thought out article that is absolutely wrong ….

DA: Inquisition was an RPG that had you play the head of the Inquisition, you had spies and diplomats you could send on missions from the war table. You could capture area's and increase you power, and you had dialogue choice.

so saying something can...

1841d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is just what everyone has been waiting for …

Now we all can enjoy titles like Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Battlefront 2, Fallout 76, Battlefield 5, Titanfall 2....

you know on second thought, I'll pass :)

1841d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

I got electrolytes, it's what plants crave ….

but I digress, this is obviously a small step closer to controllers for pets … I always wondered if my Corgi had what it takes to be an e-sports champion :)

1841d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

depends are they going to have a budget for quality CGI or will they be done horribly like Sonic ?

because if they'll be like Sonic then none because it's already DOA ....

1841d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

a blind gamer "WISHES" to be champion of street fighter …. let me know when he wins a tournament

maybe 9/11 planes were being flown by blind pilots and the Boeing GPS said turn left by mistake ??

I know I shouldn't discriminate …. I sincerely hope that the blind camera man gets due credit for filming The Last Jedi

1841d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Now all we need is headphones for the deaf … skateboards for the disabled … books for the illiterate …. cooking with sugar recipes for diabetics …. music for dogs … showers for cats …. and while we're at it someone give obese people Mass Gainer from GNC … then we'll be set

I always knew Idiocracy was a documentary

1841d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

so a blind person who can't see will be playing a video game on his tv that requires sight ???

hahahahahaha, I can't stop laughing at this …. I can imagine how this goes down …

TV with descriptive audio turned on … You are walking into a wall, player turns and starts moving, You are walking into a wall ….. lmao

I imagine they prefer playing their fps games with the aim bot turned off … roflmao … it's just too funny

1842d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

If you were a publisher of books … would you release a book you didn't read ?? of course not

EA is no different, they have more info on these games than any reviewer or news outlet …

EA is fully aware of what they launched to their audience and consumers, to give them a pass is shady at best and complicit at worst ….

1842d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know where to start with this lunacy but how about with a quote from this article ….

"This is where I start to get annoyed about fanboys. Now I see it as I had an excuse, I was a child and children do stuff like that. Social media, however, is populated by people that should know better."

Social media is populated by people that should know better ???? seriously ???

you mean the same social media that is full of fa...

1842d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment