
CRank: 5Score: 3620

you run barefooted and naked. I run and I needed some good shoes to do it in and they set me back 100 USD. Don't forget some socks, shorts, shirt, and a jock strap so that your junk isn't flailing all over the place. :)

I understand the fascination with Wii fit b/c people sometimes need motivation to exercise which is why they join fitness clubs. I get bored running by myself sometimes. My wife gets bored with her exercise DVD's as well. To date, she has bought close to 40...

6140d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

who seems to have noticed that the AP does all of the news on the Nintendo news channel. Wow! Someone who actually uses their brain instead of sprouting nonsense that isn't even newsworthy. This article was not worth posting on this site.

Look at the screenshot people. The AP logo is prominently featured on the top of the article.

6140d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's how many Wii's that they make a month. 1.8 million and they sell out of them every month compared to the 1 million a month that they were making just a few months ago. You ask why they could make enough of the Gamecube and not enough of the Wii? You might have missed an earlier article posted here concerning this issue but the fact is that they overestimated the demand for Gamecubes and made too many. They had stock sitting in warehouses and on store shelves. They lost money as a ...

6153d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree wholeheartedly. Bubbles for you and a question for everyone else: Do you know what makes a game great ultimately? It stands the test of time. It's a game that people will still love to play years and maybe even decades later. I first played Tetris on my NES and I still enjoy playing it every now & then on my pc.

6156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those are some pretty shady business practices going on there. Just put the darn things in the display case and announce that you have some. I don't think that they need help selling themselves.

6159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it helps if you don't just throw out the same tired, lame argument that anything that Nintendo makes is for children. If you take the time to search through some articles on this site or elsewhere, you will see that a large proportion of adults own and play the DS.

I've seen articles talking about families owning 2 or more DSes and that includes the parents.

Back on target, it's good to see everyone is making money here and that Nintendo actually does sell s...

6172d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"This game is touted to be a stand-alone product with an additional bunch of levels extending the playtime of the game and will take full advantage of Nintendo’s waggle. An elegant game on an elegant console, the “Narbacular Drop” is finally going to fill in the big hole Newell was talking about."

6173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Count me in. It's on my list.

6173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you left out all the parents willing to pay for those games plus all of the adults who loved gaming as a kid but life caught up with them and didn't have the time nor the inclination to spend hours playing games, like me. Now there is a system that not only gives me a quick gaming fix when I want it (30 minutes) but also involves my whole family (wife & daughters) and gives me the more intense games that I can spend hours on if I wanted to. All this without my wife complaining about how...

6173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just don't think Nintendo is too worried about attach rates at the moment. It may be that casual gamers don't purchase as many games hence the low attach rate but that doesn't mean that they won't purchase more in the future. I have 6 Wii games and I plan on purchasing 3/4 more soon. Of those games that I have and want (10 total) 4 of them are 3rd party games.

6173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still remember when I was little and I got my 1st gaming console (Atari 2600). The controller was a joystick with a button. It was easy to pick up and use. My parents used to turn it on after I and my brothers went to bed and play Ms. Pacman. The Wii has brought that same simplicity back to the masses so that anyone can pick it up and play without much instruction. Although this doesn't apply to the more serious games which take a bit more effort to learn.

6173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubble up!

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you have a point that many good games will be ignored but this strategy is how PS2 won the last generation and is still going strong 7 years later. You can't argue with the results.

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you really want a Wii, you can find one. All I did was find a website that tracks supplies in all of the major stores and I got one within a day. Analysts talk about the shortage but if you are determined enough, you can get what you want.

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that I've seen a rash of articles lately about how the Wii is just for casual games and there aren't any hardcore gamers? It's funny this comment is coming from an Ubisoft employee considering that they are making so much money from the Wii. Red Steel sold 1 million plus not to mention all of their other games. He degrades the Wii but they are making "Assassin's Creed" for the DS. (

The guys at IGN have been raving about this game ever since they played the first demo and now Gamespot (of all places) has given it a decent review. I'd love to own it but I am going to have to wait as well. I'll probably pick it up next year sometime.

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would have liked to play the first one but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I saw it months ago for $5 but didn't get it. Now I figure that I might as well wait for the 2nd one.

6186d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is what I like about the Wii so much. I can play a quick game in a few minutes or I can spend an hour or so playing by myself or with my kids and wife.

Bubbles for all of the above commenters!

6186d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who can't seem to understand why Nintendo can't keep up with demand, read the article. The author clearly states some of the reasons why he believes they can't keep more supply than demand. He states one reason that they were burned during the last generation of consoles. They produced too many consoles and ended up having to stop production because there were too many sitting in warehouses. He also stated that they are hoping that eventually supply will outstrip or meet demand but they h...

6186d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment