
CRank: 5Score: 15300

Woah, a bunch of games coming out, and come tomorrow, Bioshock will be on that list :) You 360 guys had your fun pretending Bioshock was exclusive to 360 and GFW, but now get ready to PLAY B3YOND fellow PS3 users.


6256d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

To Captain Turtle:


6256d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im tired of all these XBOT fans trying to down PS3. Sheesh, that's all they do. It's like they have no games to play, or their console is on its 15th repair cycle.

6256d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

One of the greatest shooters? Yeah, maybe if it was on Gamecube! This game is disgusting and even Teamxbox was trashing it! UT3 will BL0W this game away in every sense of the game.

6256d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 is just bad...Suck it up, and get ready to be disappointed September 25th.

6256d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Over hyped crap! PS2 games look better than this! UT3, HAZE, SOCOM, Killzone 2 will all blow this game away. Microsoft overhyped this garbage and didn't give the developers the time they needed and now you have this...Oh well, maybe when your console gets the red rings the 30th time during halo, you'll finally give it up you sad, sad, Xbots.

6256d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

How come you spend all your time on here like a little nerd who lives in his Mom's basement? Why don't you go play your OMGSOGREATAT60FPS games on 360???? Oh yeah! Your console is broken! Don't worry man, maybe they'll get it right the 18th time.

6256d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

R6V we got exclusive content, and GRAW2 we're getting sooo much exclusive stuff, from 7 maps, to modes, to weapons. If there's so many games on 360 why dont you play it? Oh yeah, its probably in repair.

6256d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is your XBOX three fix me back from repairs?

6256d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Forgetting the best 2 games of the year? Unreal Tournment 3 and HAZE!!

6256d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

August 28th, WARHAWK releases, meaning we'll be sucked into that game for quite a bit. September all the heavy hitters like Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc. arrive. Then October comes and we have Blazing Angels 2, which will be better than 360's version, with EXCLUSIVE content(like other ubisoft games such as R6V, DA, GRAW2, Oblivion, etc.).

Have fun 360 owners, but the fun for us PS3 owners begins August 28th.

6256d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I dont think Halo 3 will sell that well after it follows the Shadowrun rating of 6.9. The franchise is being raped and the game is crap. Now when I go to burger king or buy some mountain dew, I'll be reminded of some Halo 3 crap?? PS3 sold 4M+ units, and even after the 360 price drop, PS3 is TANKING 360. It's $150 more and according to you xbots has no games, but it still continues to outsell 360 even after the 360 price drop? Halo 3 is a horrible, raped out game. Xbox 360 is a horrible, unre...

6256d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Oh well, maybe Microsoft won't screw you the 11th time. Maybe they won't sell you a PoS then lower the price and make it with better hardware.

6256d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

What happened to 4M pre orders only at Gamestop? Then 7M-8M pre orders world wide? Face it, there aren't even that many consoles out there. With a failure rate over 30%, you guys are lucky if you have an 8M install base.

6256d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for you

6256d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Achievements? We're(PS3) going to have 3d virtual trophies, PLUS 2d achievements. Xbox Live? Playstation Network is free and will soon beat Xbox live. Dedicated servers? Ohh yeah.

6256d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

There should be environments in HOME showcasing GTA4, so I could go there and ask a couple of people how to beat a certain mission, then invite them to play GTA4 online :)

6256d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony means they don't go to a studio and say "Here's $50M, make an exclusive game for us," or "Here's $50M, we want this game exclusive for our system." Sony just sits at their office, and companies approach them, and if Sony feels like it'll showcase the technology of the PS3, then they'll provide development and marketing funds. It's different, and I like Sony's method better.

6256d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Every article there is regarding 360, or something negative about PS3. CVG and every xbox 360 fan is BURNING with this news. It's simple really: Rockstar makes extremely high quality games, Sony worldwide studios make extremely high quality games. This move could be the end of the 360 if true, which it probably will be. Sony has money, Rockstar wants some. They practically only develop games for Sony platforms only, so they'd happily take tons of millions for it.

6256d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, but 360 uses hdmi 1.2.

Microsoft: "20gb hard drive is more than enough space to store your game saves, a couple of demos, a movie, and tons of arcade titles. We don't see a need for extra space."

Soon, they release a 120gb HDD

Microsoft: "1080p is not needed in this generation. 720p is the sweet spot and the only resolution we plan to support."

Soon, they release the Fall update with 1080p


6257d ago 16 agree9 disagreeView comment