
CRank: 5Score: 15300

Sony's going to be firing all thier big guns with killzone, and sooo much more. Expect custom sound tracks, mgs4 news, PSP and PS3 entertainment services and more. Sorry Microsoft, all you'll have to show off is Halo 3 and the already failure IPTV(ha)!

6356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HA hA Ha. There's no 65nm chip in the elites, so Microsoft will be making yet ANOTHER one for this year. I bet you it'll have built in hd dvd and built in wifi. Microsoft said they're not needed, but hey, they said the same thing about a large hard drive and hdmi ;). PS3 has all this stuff since launch, and I can easily upgrade my hard drive to any size from any brand! HOORAY FOR SONY!

6357d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why the hell is it so gray? Microsoft, here's some advice: Contact Sony for the gloss finish. The console looks like krap with that grayish black thang. Back in all black like PS3 is where its at with the gloss finish. Microsoft is so gay to screw us now. The only thing I respect about this console is it includes an hdmi cable. But WHAT THE F(***) HAPPENED TO:

"HDMI is simply not needed in this generation of gaming."
"1080p through VGA looks exceptional, HDMI ...

6361d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My computer will tell me as soon as the site gets updated, and nothing yet. Sony is working on an internal beta and have been since before GDC like Phil Harrison said. Remove this garbage post and WTF PLAYSTATION.COM doesn't even have a blog!

6363d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought it was E for all, because I read on QJ that e for all is in October. I really hope E3 comes in July!

6363d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People love these consoles, and as soon as they reach the stores, oh boy they sell out! It's a surprise I don't see people lined up to get these bad boys, because as soon as they arrive to my local BestBuy, people crowd around and fight to get one. $600 is a steal. People love the machine, the product, the offerings and the online. Sony really has something with this. I mean you see 360's and wiis everywhere, but these things are built to get sold. I mean I've never seen one on the shelves fo...

6366d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

MS is stupid. An elite system is a complete experience, but this...isn't. This just does PS3 a favour. For $120 more you can get freaking Bluray drive + the best franchises EVER!! Microsoft has already confirmed the hardware is the same, so you have a chance of getting a broken 360 or 10...

6368d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I partially agree with your descion about holding back, because you dont have an HDTV. I originally had a 1080i only tv which my 360 looked beautiful in, but PS3 didnt... I purchased a 720p monitor for $200 and the PS3 looks amazing. But bluray will be used in the future. I've heard Kojima say that they've already used over 10gb on MGS, and even 25gb isnt enough to him. If this is true, imagine how creative the world in MGS4 will be. I agree you can use multiple discs on 360, but developers p...

6370d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

What do you expect? The Xbots cant afford a $600 console so they insult it. I own both, and honestly, online and in game soundtracks is all the 360 has over ps3. I mean did you ever hear EA say they are only using 20% of the 360's power? In game soundtracks are coming and so is home and a bunch of exclusives. Kojima said it himself "MGS4 is aimed for a theatre, and that is PS3" or something, but he implied PS3 is better.

Right now I play games on 360 more, but use PS...

6370d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully this means FREAKING IN GAME XMB and wtf only 600 000? You know theres 3M PS3s in peoples homes right? That means only 20% of the ps3s out there are registered!

6371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

pssh..mgs4 and ffx will destroy them both. HECK Resistance is better! Capcom dont know who they messin wit. PS3 + Home + Robust PSN + Largest library of games, exclusives, first party library + bluray for games + cell for duh games + linux, soon windows = GAME OVER AND XFLOP IS DOWNGRADED TO XFLOP 180...but ms will just release an xbox 540 SUPER ELITE which will have to get crushed again...but still by PS3.

"Microsoft has clearly stated they are going after Sony this gener...

6373d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dont think Sony reserves all the RAM. Developers have been complaining that PS3 has too litte ram. Bethesda said horse armour in Oblivion is not possible due to the limited RAM. Like mentioned, early research suggested PS3 allocates 64mb for the OS. Why do you think we're able to background download in games?

6378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isn't it sad how there needs to be a petition for something standard? The CELL processor is supposed to be a beast for multitasking, but we cant even check out messages in game.

6378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nice, there is over 800 signatures

6378d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony gets a good look at this

6378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With over 600 signatures this is news

6378d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

the 360 can't do native 1080p, only upscaled and the marketplace has no true full 1080p HD content, so your 1080p is a waste you n00b.

6381d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How the hell can you compare this to GT HD? If you say that sucks your dumb. I showed my parents pics of real life and in game and they got the answer wrong! IMO Microsoft is working too much on the graphics. The graphics will take too much of the dvd up, so very little gameplay like PGR3 will be in it. PGR3 I beat in 2 weeks, and this will be worst because of the graphics. This is why I bought my futureproof PS3 because when GT 5 comes out, you bet it'll have untouchable graphics and still b...

6387d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

20M people had the xbox when halo 2 sold that much now only 10M people have it, and with PS3 and all the awesome exclusives our for it..look out halo! They're competing with FF, MGS4, Home, and so much more. But then again xbox has mass effect, too human, halo 3, and more.

6394d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


6398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment