
CRank: 6Score: 118780

Yeah and somehow Microsoft got Jim Ryan's help to testify for the FTC and he himself couldn't make a compelling argument= lol so in your wild conspiracy theory Sony purposely played a part in hurting themselves, bahhahaa, you just can't make this stuff up. lmfao

429d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

"The parties stressed in their motion that both a district court and a court of appeals denied the emergency injunctions requested by the FTC, finding its case against the merger wanting. On top of that, they argued that the 10-year deal to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation platforms further undermines the regulator's position."

-I basically said this was how it would go yesterday....disagrees of course on n4g, now look....next up CMA backpedalling trying to sa...

429d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

-I'm confused, what begins? It sounds like the eSports league is in decline, many owners seem like they want to cut their losses and end it, so if the league is dead obviously the staff is going to see layoffs:

"Given all of this and the general cooling on esports overall, it’s a safe assumption that the franchise owners will probably choose not to continue on with the league, take the $6 million payout, and summarily end the franchise era of Overwatch esports.&quo...

429d ago 13 agree46 disagreeView comment

Yeah Victor that's just flat out wrong as Abriael said. At this point the *only way this deal doesn't get done would be for Microsoft or Activision to have a change of heart before signing, that would be very costly either way. - I'm more likely to get hit by lightning tomorrow than that happening.

430d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Except chick fila is objectively better food service than McDonald's"

-No argument from me.....Chic-Fil-A food & service are great, I haven't liked McDonald's much since I was like 12. lol, uhm, well I take that back their breakfast is good.

430d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The don't complain that their favourite xbox game isn't as good as the last xbox game that they played and wait for a replacement "

-Where did I ever state they "wait for a replacement"???? Also yes food is like videogames because like as you yourself stated if the food is bad/ bad videogames people will leave and find BETTER food/ videogames= True BUT you overlook just like they left, they also can come back....AND as I stated we eat at many re...

430d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah but if you're a gamer not a stockholder 1st or 3rd place is irrelevant as long as the brand you like is consistent or getting better. For example McDonald's is by far the most successful restaurant chain with annual sales around 35-37billion. Chic-Fil-A sits around 8-9billion annual sales https://www.titlemax.com/di... we all eat at man...

430d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Yeah its not what you think. It might sound silly but the last hearing was a "preliminary injunction" that was specifically to stop the merger BEFORE the actual antitrust court case. It was a lower burden for the FTC to present enough evidence/cause to stop the deal, TEMPORARILY but they failed which means they can't stop it now if Microsoft proceeded BUT their pending case is still alive to sue but its pretty much dead given they lost the injunction & *Sony signed too= no ...

431d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Xbox fan here but I always hated the idea of the Series S, of course it's a bottleneck for devs and I knew since day 1 Microsoft should have went all in on the Series X.

"bu, bu S is more affordable next gen" Yeah, yeah but is it worth the headache?...pffft if you can't afford to go next gen, Im sorry, how about wait until you can.

431d ago 25 agree7 disagreeView comment


lol, the downplay is real...Wo Long, Atomic Heart and Lies of P are not AA:

"Wo Lang: Fallen Dynasty, an upcoming action-RPG developed by Team Ninja and Koei-Tecmo, will be releasing on Xbox Game Pass when it comes out, in a rarity for most Triple-A games"

"ATOMIC HEART Review: A Vast World And Unique...

431d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Those are actually some pretty well recieved Indie Games if you look them up.

I dont know about Venba or others, but The Cave, The Wandering Village, and Toem have been highly praised for their unique style, Toem is a BAFTA winner, then theres the fun classic Serious Sam which has already been on ps5, no complaints then huh? Same folks who complained about lack of Xbox game diversity in the past.

Seriously what the hell are you ps loyalists complaining ab...

431d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment

Yeah 40 countries now and CMA backpedalling into Approval, I guess officially it will be done in October.

The sooner the better because Id like to see some old Activision titles on Gamepass, hopefully Microsoft will have a few surprises ready in October once it's official....and eventually they just gotta do a all new Prototype or this was a terrible deal, lol, nah but seriously a all new big budget Prototype with maybe UE5, would hit hard, ijs.

431d ago 12 agree37 disagreeView comment


Your links say nothing about lobbyist changing any law which would have affected this deal. Now your suggestion a new law would have stopped it is nothing more than conjecture & wishful crying.

Just because you can't find evidence, doesn't make it true....Sony lost fair n' square. Deal with it.

432d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you even read what you post:

"Microsoft is again in the crosshairs of global antitrust regulators, including complaints from cloud-computing rivals — spurred on by Amazon — and separate claims the company prioritizes Teams, its video-conferencing product, over rivals like Slack."

"No instead they will triple the price of game pass over time"

-You mean like how a loaf of bread doesn't cost 80 cents anymore? *over time vs *overnight= big difference, plus if the sub ever becomes too expensive, Xbox gamers can always choose the only option ps offers for new games= buy them full price, lol

"extort money from Sony for at least the next 10 years"

-oh, so publishers/devs have been extorting all...

433d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well it was a good show.

Hellblade2 dissapointed with no combat gameplay & few other minor annoyances but yeah overall good show.

433d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment
433d ago Show


So now all you've got is "Evil MS Corp is bad" & typical last ditch conspiracy theories pretending all 39 countries were paid off but somehow that didnt work with the FTC & CMA= lol do they not have lobbyist or did Jim Ryan run to them with a bigger check? please explain? Also I noticed just like the FTC you actually did not provide 1 real world concrete reason this deal is bad for gamers in general (not sony & ps)???


433d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Do you need to make changes to the game engine to use photogrametry textures?"

-Well yes, because it depends on how in depth or important you think it is to push that aspect beyond the limitations of the old engine.

-Same for everything else you mentioned, without knowing the limits or cap of the original engine & targets for future games you're not in any position to say what's needed for the new engine. Sure you can laugh and be ...

433d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Saying its the same engine, is like saying Unreal4 & Unreal5 are the same engine, yeah because rarely do devs scrap everything & completely start over, no they usually build upon an existing framework.

Creation Engine 2:
"new features and systems that previous gaming hardware couldn’t support will be a major element behind the engine’s upgrade, along with a number of welcome bug fixes."

433d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment