
CRank: 6Score: 118780

Sounds fanboy-ish. I never get to high or low about gaming. The doom n gloom is always blown out of proportion. I don't cry for *great devs, they are always in short supply, so one companies loss is another companies win. As long as there are gamers with a coin in their pocket there will be new games for sale. We should all want better for this industry BUT gamers are waaay to sensitive to every little bump in the road. Honestly if you just buy what you like (or sub it, lol) then more ...

102d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'd love a Xbox handheld & for me new upgraded hardware is always welcomed but honestly not really neccessary for Xbox until next gen because face it, if you really care, PC is a natural option.

102d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol, this was an interesting exchange

Aren't all these games going multiplatform?

David Jaffe:
Not all but many and even if they all are, the point is actually stronger: IMO, you put out great games and charge people 70 bucks/SINGLE game or 15 bucks for HUNDREDS of games (including the ones they showed) then GAMEPASS is going to soar.

-It was M$ best show in a long time, seemed like more games I want to pl...

102d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why worry about the trillion dollar company, they obviously have a plan that they are comfortable with, let's say that plan fails (I don't think so but) OK so they cancel GP bc they lost lets say billions= M$ will be just fine. In the meantime we(GP members) benefit= I've been gaming 30+ yrs I've never played so many great games for so little money. Save me the conspiracy stories, Ive been gaming too long, gaming evolves but never dies, devs & new devs come & go, there...

103d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

Cool, I was like wth, even for COD that was humungous!

103d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

GP easily continues to be the best deal in gaming for me. If you'd told me 10 yrs ago I'd be able to play all these indie, retro and $60, $70 new realeased games on DAY 1, now including COD for a very reasonable sub fee I would of said wth you been smoking?...but here we are. I'm luving GP.

103d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Yeah the TV Series was better than I expected.

112d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If I had a dime for every "new COD Killer" that wasn't I could retire right now.

Time will kill COD, nothing else.

112d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nah Ryan is out and he literally tried everything to stop this deal, didn't work so yeah he's "retiring". Yeah PS HAS BEEN more successful than Xbox (sales) but things change, ask Kmart, Sears, etc and while I wish for PS continued success, my point is that has nothing to do with today's news. Today's news is 1 giant step towards ensuring Xbox's future success. I'm a adult not a child so I just enjoy good games wherever, whatever platform delivers them, the ...

344d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is what ACG tweeted:

"No one is owed a code and if you don't get one you aren't being blocked, you are just not getting one."

-So he's clearly not bothered and yes he does absolutely awesome, fair reviews. In the comments to others he also said if it was just about a negative opinion for a past game then MS, Sony & Nintendo wouldn't give him early access, guy pays for his games, doesn't ad for big pubs, so yeah ACG ...

388d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nah, it's not like Sonys never had review embargos or worst:
388d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah if you think about it I think it was more about controlling the leaks....in the past there have been some big leaks despite NDA's some outlets leak game details anonymously, I think Bethesda couldn't figure out who so they just figured to lock-out the UK.

388d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Read it:

"What makes the situation even stranger is that this is nothing to do with Microsoft and, reading between the lines, they seem to be just as frustrated as reviewers, not least because they also do not have access to review copies."
Despite all this, we don’t necessarily think any of this is because Starfield is bad. Although the truth is we’ve seen nothing more of the game than you have, as there’s been almost no hands-on previews anywhere in th...

388d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I believe in free unbiased access but nobody is owed a review copy, those who didn't get one would sound much better just saying they don't have a copy of it yet, they will *buy it when it releases and give their review when it's ready. There's tons of reviews incoming any of their readers sincerely can read not just 1 if you're hesitant but really a ton of traditional sites, plus lots of youtubers & decide if they want to *buy it or not, not too many xbox/Bethesd...

389d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

Get over it buddy....meanwhile normal adults will be just playing games we like on whatever platforms it's available on. Of course your tears explains all the Jelly on Starfield threads.

389d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah no spoilers, it's just the beauty of the game on full display with the perfect song. Love it!
To all my Children of the Sky, get ready to blast off...Into the Stars! lol, almost there fellas, almost.

389d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah my only thought after the title was "OK then dont"...but clearly those who want to have a bad faith take on that comment will.

389d ago 14 agree23 disagreeView comment

Yeah from what little I've heard from sources who are playing the game, no spoilers but the tidbit some have shared is no bugs or only like a few at most, definitely nothing gamebreaking, seems very polished but I'm not surprised since that's what MS delayed for & gave Bethesda a whole added Q&A team. Damm man I can't wait.

389d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's videogamer so from what I hear both them & n4g same owners, I guess & likely just a mistake double submission...or hey they just do whatever they want. /s

On topic, wow this is perfect= I'll be just home from work tomorrow this time & this is going into a holiday weekend, so I'm off Monday. Ahh man the stars are aligning, my wife is gonna be so pissed by Monday but 'meh, I'll get her flowers Tuesday. lol

389d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you slow? Why not take 10secs to look before calling me a liar...so you won't look so silly TWICE, lol?
He said this after that:

"SEINFELD. I finally finished all of Seinfeld! Ugh, stupid auto correct:/…"

I screenshotted it yesterday when I saw a YouTube vid about his comment. It was a joke to prove a point about fanboys & you of course fell for it.